Sunday, May 31, 2009
Katie + Scott = Looooooove
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This day, three years ago...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
RIP, Grandmother Air Conditioner...

And now the entire Babbling household can sleep sweat-free, since we bit the proverbial bullet and replaced one of our elderly appliances with its studly, gunmetal colored great-great-grandson. Ooh, la la...
Thank you for all of your well wishes for Baby B. He is still one sick puppy, covered in a red, splotchy rash and combating the most persistent fever ever. It's miserable. For both me and him. I took the day off to take him to the doctor, praying that it was an ear infection or some other treatable bug. But, no, it's one of those things you just have to wait out for three days. Three miserable days.
When he wasn't being all cuddly and sick puppy-ish today, he was pulling the diapers out of the diaper box. At one point he actually lay his head down inside the box. Hard work to disorganize, isn't it though?
Random, but I thought Leland could use some face time. She's pretty cute too. Not much else going on here, other than the crazy cleaning frenzy that I'm in to get ready for our Very First Houseguests due to arrive in t-minus 72 hours. Today I organized the pantry, just in case our Very First Houseguests need chips or spaghetti noodles or something during their weekend stay. Prior to today, a hand might have been lost in stale crackers or mostly empty boxes of cereal. But no more. Now it's all neatly stacked spices and alphabetically organized canned goods. [That might be a slight exaggeration, but it looks pretty darn good!]
I also scrubbed - and by scrubbed I mean removed caked on layers of hairspray and powdered blush - from our sink and tiled floors and walls. It was bad y'all. Horrific even. Borderline embarrassing. But now our Very First Houseguests can beautify in our pristine shower, sparkling walls, and unsticky tiled floor. And I won't be ashamed to let them.
Lastly, the Mint Room is almost ready. Promise.
Off to watch The Hills ...nothing like a little Speidi before bed :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
And we're home...

And now I will go check on sweet precious for the 174th time since 8:00pm.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I guess I'll go eat worms!
Well, the 80 degree weather has returned and, once again, it is hotter than hades at the Babbling household. And the air conditioner is being all tempermental and isn't working.
And - wouldn't it just figure - B's car is acting up and is on its way to the shop as we speak.
A little break, that's all I ask for, just a little one. Like, maybe just one or two months where we can just save money for the next impending financial drama. We're just on the verge of being debt free (with the exception of our student loans - blah!), so I should have figured that we were destined to have to fix, repair, or replace something. Adulthood seems to work that way. Sigh.
In other news, Baby B and I took a lengthy walk today which proved to be rather lucrative. First of all, I found a pedometer just laying on the sidewalk. It's a cheapo one, but it works. Then, I found two quarters. Can't beat being paid 50 cents to go on a walk, huh? And, lastly, and most importantly, I found a lovely, slimy earthworm that I couldn't help but show Baby B. Having never experienced the wonder and amazement that was his first earthworm, I made sure to document the whole experience so that I could
Somehow he managed to squish the worm into two pieces while I wasn't looking (fooling with my camera maybe?), and I think I got earthworm pee all over both of our hands, but, hey, whatever. It was fun and squishy and earthwormy.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, BFFs!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Trouble, thy name is Baby B...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wait...is that Jay-z or Spencer Pratt? I'm confused...

Friday, May 15, 2009
Anyone? Anyone?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm not thinking about ice cream anymore...
I really wanted to take a mental health day tomorrow, and pretty much do nothing. But, wouldn't ya know, I have a meeting tomorrow morning so I'll be at school. Sigh. Next week is my last full week of school, followed by a three-day week and then a two-day week. I guess I really can't complain.
* * * * *
Did you catch the most recent Momversation? It happened to be about birth plans. Unlike, Dooce, we didn't have a birth plan per se. We did, in fact, have a plan of action that B and I talked about leading up to the birth, but nothing written formally down on paper that I expected to issue to every medical care expert upon entering the labor and delivery ward. My birth plan was to HAVE THE BABY.
I mean, I do like to plan and all, but fine-tuning details such as what music would be playing as Baby B crowned seemed, um, a little ridiculous to me. Though, if I would have chose crowning music, I think the Survivor theme song might have been appropriate. Because, dear God, surviving natural labor was all about surviving.
In my pre-birth stupor, I planned to be a champion baby pusher-outer, opting for a full out au naturel birth. For me, this meant NO drugs and NO epidural. I was scared that I'd be in that sparse population of mother's who wound up paralyzed as a result of not bearing that beautiful pain. So, like an idiot, and with my husband by my side saying encouraging things like Our moms did this without drugs, you can do it! I went the natural route until I was TEN CENTIMETERS DILATED. Again, stupid.
So, it pretty much took me gobbling like a turkey and screaming obscenities to realize that Baby B would not be entering the world unless I was numb from the chest down. What, you never knew that women could morph into a Thanksgiving delicacy as a result of her abdomen being devoured by alien demon pains from the inside out? Oh, totally possible. Ask my nurses. They were probably whispering in the halls about the lady that gobble, gobble, gobbled her way through contractions. I don't even think it was me that was in my body during that time.

PS. If you did have a plan or do have a plan, good for you! I'm so not knocking them, it just wasn't for me. I'd love to hear about your birth plans or lack thereof!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
I love to see you smile :)

Um, I think the picture speaks for itself :-D
And, by request (and because my husband deserves some recognition for picking out and correctly sizing my Mother's Day gift), here is the newest addition to my wardrobe. And, yes, I am 110% posing for this picture, gap-tooth smile and all.
PS. Happy Birthday, Allison!!!!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Mother of All Holidays
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Make mine a blonde...

* * * * *
Went to a wedding tonight. Baby B was up waaaaay past his bedtime. If this were you or I, that would mean that we would sleep in to make up for it. Not the case with Baby B. In fact, if he gets to bed past the "bedtime window," it's usually a guarantee that he'll wake up even earlier than usual. Figure out that logic.
While I was away reconnecting with my former blonde self today, B fed Baby B some delicious strawberries and bananas. He ain't scared of no mess, no siree.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
In need of major hair-apy
And here is me, at this time last year, plumped up and glowing over baby books at one of my showers, looking all of the 60+ pounds I gained during the 9 months I warehoused Baby B. Oh, and that blonde you see there, is exactly what I want to return to :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I love lists!
2) Men driving around topless in their souped-up cars. Seriously, do they think they look all cool reclining waaaay back in their seats, cigarette hanging nastily out of their mouths, SHIRTLESS? There are so many things wrong with that.
3) Dogs barking just for the sake of barking. If a dog is barking to ward off an intruder or warn of imminent danger, bark away. However, if a dog is barking because it sees another dog, hears an ambulance siren, or breathes air, my blood pressure rises instantaneously and I think that it should be devoid of its vocal cords.
4) Spitting. Gag, retch, blech! I cannot stand spit. We have this soap dispenser at school that has the watery-est soap, and every time I squirt some into my hand it resembles spit and I throw up a little in my mouth. The only time spitting is acceptable is when your mouth if full of Crest or Colgate.
5) Hyper-florescent lighting in dressing rooms. I mean, those things highlight every single bodily flaw you possess. I'm all like, Does my skin seriously look yellow-blue in real life? Is that cellulite spreading to my knees? My gosh, do I need a highlight...
6) Spencer Pratt.
7) Strangers touching babies. This makes me CrAzY. If you want to grind my nerves through a cheese grater, get thisclose to Baby B [practically exchanging air with him] and touch his hands with your undoubtedly germy paws. I'm not that much of a germfreak (Swine Flu, Schwine Flu!), but I just can't guarantee that you washed your hands the last time you went tee tee or petted your flea-infested dog. Just saying.
8) Character clothing. Especially Looney Toons anything.
9) Any Nickelback song that comes on the radio. Seriously, do those guys ever stop? I feel like every station I listen to plays Nickelback like twice an hour. And every song sounds exactly the same. And, hey, I admit to singing along with them for the first hundred times I hear their latest tune, but they are getting a little overplayed.
10) Odd-numbered lists.
...Blog Friends Forever...
- If you're looking for a funny mommy read, check out Rachel at Babywebbsite. Rach and I are Pi girls (first, forever, & finest - wink, wink) and had sweet baby boys within months of one another. She's getting ready to post about her stint in bed for the last ten weeks of her pregnancy. She's very entertaining, keeps it real, and her kid is cute. A quality combination.
- If you need a little southern charm in your life, visit Lindsay at Trio Posts. She's another Pi girl, also has a sweet baby boy, and will crack you right up. Her vlogs (video blogs) are hilarious -go tell her so because she thinks otherwise. She's currently on a TV hiatus and is conducting a variety of contests this week.
- Need decor advise? (I do!) Then visit The Nester. Her ideas are inexpensive, classy, and her motto is It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful. Don't you love that? Her window mistreatments are to die for.
- So you're planning a wedding? Love wine? Adore the prep life? Then Nat over at It's a Charmed Life is the girl for you. We would totally be friends in real life if she didn't live miles away, I just know it.
- And then there's a southern transplant - another Nat - at The Pettijohns. She's quite possibly the cutest pregnant girl I have ever seen. Her funny take on pregnancy will keep you in stitches, and you can join her on her new adventure up east in the 'Burgh.
- My teacher friend Carrie blogs about hometown life, her adorable children, and their chicken at The Ossege Family. Really they raised a chicken and are getting new eggs from eBay! She's also incredibly creative and posts idea/pics of her latest adventure in card design.
I hope you enjoy checking out my BFFs! Leave them some love!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

As soon as I'm finished blogging tonight, I am going to make brownies. I mostly bake brownies because I adoooooore eating the batter. Raw eggs? Salmonella? Pffff. I love me some ooey gooey chocolatey brownie batter.