Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Might-y Monday

They might have been lying.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
I might have cried when I wrote this post.

I have just put your down for the night on the eve of your First Birthday, after we read extra stories and sang extra songs. I might have cried a little bit while reading one of your favorite stories about a mommy and her little boy - I love it because of its sentimental value, and you love it because you get to press a button that lights up and plays a song at the end of the story. Everyone wins.
Part of the story says If you weren't my little boy, there'd be a hole in my heart. And just how true those words are. I could not imagine life without you and have absolutely enjoyed every single stinkin' moment of this past year. All of them. Midnight feedings and spoon-throwing tantrums included.
There are far more things I would, could, and should say to you - but I will save those words for a letter that I will place in your baby book. The book that I barely kept up with this past year, though I think that this blog is detailed enough for you get a good idea of when you got your first tooth and tried strained bananas for the first time. If not, there's always the 1534 digital pictures that I have between two different computers that you could review - file foldered according to month. That averages out to about 4 pictures a day. Just so you know.
I love you so big, sweet boy. Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!
Love, Momma
PS. We might have let you

PSS. Aunt Aubz, I promise to post the pics of your present tomorrow when I show the others ;)
Friday, June 26, 2009
T-minus 24 hours...
Then mom brought me brown rice and black beans. I will try anything once, and - lucky for her - this stuff wasn't half bad. I let her spoon-feed me three bites and then wouldn't open my mouth unless I was able to hold the spoon myself. I put the end of the spoon in my mouth and let beans and rice fall on the tray. Then I threw the spoon on the floor. Are you seeing how this works?
While mom is picking the spoon up off of the floor, I use that time to remove the bib and throw it on the floor too. I have to be consistent.
Oh, and if you want to really spice of your meal, blow raspberries whilst you have a full mouth of juice or any food of the strained variety. This only adds to the experience, promise.
Once your meal is complete, just grin and babble and laugh off the whole experience. All will be forgiven. Until the next meal at least :)
Remember when?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Just a Thursday.
I had to step out on the porch just a minute ago to remind God that Um, excuse me God? But, my son is sleeping. Um, okay, thanks.
He reared back with an even louder clap of thunder and lots of blowing wind. Don't worry, I know who's Boss.
Seriously, the sky is blue right now. It's the craziest thing. And it's been going on for like an hour. I keep waiting for the downpour, but right now it's just lots of noise. Thankfully, Baby B is napping right through it.
We spent the early afternoon at the pool, happily splashing and pouring water from one beach pail to the next. My pasty whiteness if finally being replaced by a nice, warm base tan that I hope to maintain. It's difficult to build it back up after taking last summer off to, you know, have a baby and all.
My intention was to hit up a favorite thrift store and the farmer's market when Baby B wakes up, but I think he's pulling an all-afternooner. Sometimes they're the best kind of naps where I can get a lot done. So far I've done...well, I guess I did put the blocks away for the 407th time in the past week (garage sale score for $1!) and I'm going to go downstairs and rewash a load of laundry that probably should have been removed from the washer 72 hours ago, but you know.
{Oooh, here comes the rain.}
Well, I must get on with life...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We gave it our best shot, er, several shots...
The classic I've tilted my chin back way too far picture. I am notorious for this pose.

A pause for some mulch tasting...
And the session concludes with this. Yup, not having any of this picture taking business.
* * * * *
Summer is going by too doggone fast. I will be saying that for the next eight weeks.
I went up to school today to start working on my room. Lots of rearranging and repositioning. I need to make a list of all the things that need to be done in the next 50 days, but even thinking about all the things that will be on that list makes my brain spin in my skull.
I have so many good ideas. Good ideas that I want to share, but I think they might go unappreciated by my BFFs who are not of the teaching variety. I mean, designing nametags and researching literacy centers doesn't really take heart with everyone. I've considered starting a teaching blog/website before, but with this blog, the new Etsy store, my family, and my job, I just don't know if I'll get around to it. I can barely do laundry, for goodness sake.
Plus, I've attempted some graphic designing in my mediocre Microsoft Paint application and the quality is not bloggable. Sigh.
One day when I'm rich I'll get around to buying and learning Adobe Illustrator or something similar. Or one day when I make enough money in my PayPal account from Etsying I will just purchase a pre-made template from inkOBSESSION. Love her. You must, must, must check out her cute designs.
Anyways, I think I have a grilled cheese calling my name.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
You said you needed your daily dose of cute?
And if you came here to have a look-see at my sweet precious, here he is at breakfast this morning devouring a

...which resulted in an outfit change.

Dr. Blomer, are you proud?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?

Is anyone else
Gag, retch, bleh!

And, I do, in fact, still have a really cute boy child. Who will be ONE in t-minus five days. Eeeeh!


Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
I had no intention of putting any of this away....
Why, you ask? Because THE AIR CONDITIONER THAT WE BOUGHT LESS THAN A MONTH AGO IS OUT. And it's HOTTER than HADES inside and out. And if I so much as move a muscle I am sweating like a wrestler whose trying to make his weight. If that makes any sense. I'm hot. There.
I did clean it though. All of it. Maybe not perfectly but mostly, without running the vacuum so I didn't wake up Baby B - also known around these parts as The Teething Tyrant. God grant me patience.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What I might have done today...
I might have let Baby B entertain himself with a spoon and a bowl of applesauce.
I might have had a disastrously messy baby to clean up afterwards.
I might have let Baby B further enterain himself by unfolding an entire basket of laundry.
I might have spent $1.06 at the McD's drive through- on my debit card, no less - because I am completely out of Diet Coke.
I might have forgotten to charge my camera batteries again. For the fifth day in a row.
I might have worn a $3 clearanced shirt from Target today.
I might have traded my sister an out-of-use Vera Bradley messenger bag in exchange for a pair of Croc flip flops.
I might have just eaten dinner at 9:30pm.
I might have bid adieu to my money pit SUV yesterday...
...which means I might have bought a new car in the past 24 hours.
I might be writing a whole 'nother post describing the amazing deal we got.
I might have let Baby B sample real milk for the first time today.
I might have spiked that milk with chocolate to entice him to drink it.
I might have opened an Etsy shop today.
I might have taken a wagon walk with Baby B up and down our streets a dozen times just so I could watch him wave and holler at his daddy who was mowing the lawn.
I might have walked up and down a couple more times so I could eye how good my new car looked in our driveway.
I might have serenaded Baby B today with a made-up song that included the words Toodle Goose and Noodle Bug.
I might have procrastinated a bit too much in the development of Baby B's birthday invites.
I might have printed only one out for his baby book's sake.
I might be sending an eVite.
I might have talked aloud to myself today professing my hatred for the teeth-cutting process.
I might have thought about my list of might-haves throughout the day today in preparation for this post.
But, then again, I might not have.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Give me some H-E-L-P!
I had to design it in Microsoft Word because I don't own Photoshop or inDesign or anything fancy that you designers do. (Though I wish I did...ADOBE, if you are listening, I would WELCOME donated copies to try out...hint, hint, hint.)

It looks much better in person, non-pixilated and non-blurred (so you can't stalk me, of course).
It's simple, but effective. And I am totally coveting design software now.
BUT, I am totally open and welcoming to suggestions. I think it needs more. A polkadotty background maybe? Some clip art? What are your thoughts????
And I'm kind of theme-less at this point. Mama Faith did a darling primary color cupcake party and it was spectacular. Again, I welcome your polite suggestions on this matter.
Oh, and if you're Adobe and want to contact me about donating the above mentioned software, I'm at babblingabby(at)gmail(dot)com. :P
***Edited to add...please go visit a sorority sis of mine over at Maple & Shade for a great giveaway. This girl's got great style and talent!***
Monday, June 15, 2009
Written while watching The Bachelorette
We did, in fact, visit Pigeon Forge, TN over the weekend, spending a lovely long weekend with my extended family. I know this will shock you, but I took like 8 pictures all weekend long...and NONE of them were of Baby B! Or me! This was not intentional. I was too busy chasing after my almost 1-year-old (insert audible SOB here) away from the stairs and always-open front door. Note to self: next year, bring baby gates.
Lucky for you, I did score a pic of B making himself useful in the kitchen. The men were in charge of breakfast every day, and B made the pancake batter while fellow blogging cousin-in-law, Brad (husband to Heather over at The White House), made perfectly perfect pancakes. They were delicious. (I also intend to steal many pictures from Heather in the near future. She was on her game and snapped some great ones!)

Moving on...
This week is super busy. My list keeps getting longer and longer. I think we're going to have an impromptu garage sale this weekend. This will be our third one in three years. I might have mentioned that before. We just have lots and lots of stuff. Naturally, it's supposed to thunderstorm. Add to that a heavy dose of car drama, birthday party planning, bill paying, laundry doing, and a dollop of school work (yes, I'm still working over the summer), and you have yourself a recipe for Busyness - Babbling Abby style.
Baby B and I went swimming today at Nana M's for the first time. Ever. And he love, love, loved it. This child of mine loves to be outside, entertained by water and trees and grass and birds and cars and other small creatures. Dogs send him over the edge. He jumps and hollers, pining for their attention. It's adorable. I have a feeling that we will spend a lot of time this summer in the water and outside. I'm okay with that.

Lastly, I want to remind you how much Baby B loves G, his giraffe. I always ask him where G is when he gets up in the morning or from a nap. He dilligently turns around, grabs that stinky tail and happily extends both arms upwards so that I can pick him and G up. I could just about die from the overload of adorableness every time. G happened to be stuck in the laundry basket the other day (that stinky tail requires a weekly wash, usually snuck from Baby B's grasp while he naps), and Baby B had to perform gymnastics in order to save him.

PS. Please tell me that someone besides me caught Speidi make complete ninnies of themselves on The Today Show this morning. Anyone?! I saw a follow up on Extra! and Heidi said that she would pray for Al Roker, who she deemed possessed by the devil or something during the interview. CrAzY.
PSS. Jesse on The Bachelorette just said he was gleaming and glowing after his date with Jilly. Gleaming and glowing, people. I can't help it. I like Jake. But, since he's The Nice Guy she's not interested??? I don't get it. Whatever.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Laundry - check.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Did someone open a vent?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thrift in the form of a Banana Yellow Unitard

And there you have it. He obliged, after a little protesting that I would post this totally fabulous find on my blog and actually be wearing it. I haven't even washed it yet. It cost $2.59. Since I'm on a yellow kick I thought it was a score - either it would be a cute, summer unitard OR I would snip the seams at the legs to make a flowy dress OR I would chop it to pieces and make some accents for our Yellow Submarine Living Room. The verdict is out on the unitard, though, and I'm probably going to nix that. Can't quite decide yet on the latter two. I do love it's vintage greatness. Especially those bonus pockets. Didn't even know it had those until I tried it on.
Off to bed, sweet BFFs. Happy Weekend :)