B snapped this picture of me doing what I do every night after Baby B is down, while we're watching whatever station happens to be coming in for the evening. A fairly typical pose. Note the convenient Boppy pillow propped up behind me.
I do have a point to this post beyond professing my love for my HP and posting a pic of me sans makeup, donning a maternity hoodie that I still wear, perusing the internet. That being: my husband was able to take this picture after dissembling the camera and {gasp} fixing it. He's amazing. Just thought you should know.
And now I can return to snapping away at Baby B as he toddles around the house looking for trouble to get in to. Despite the fact that I have a regular old point-and-shoot without fancy lenses or settings, I really missed it while it was out of commission. Thanks, B :D
Some things never change. This is exactly how I remember you during dead week and all those nights of studying/playing in the Pi house dining room. I miss it!
I am in that same pose every night in front of our tv! I don't have any kids yet, I'm just lazy :)
This looks just like me... only I sit in a chair b/c K hogs the couch!
That's the blogger pose :)
aaaand I have that same computer and love it!
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