- Great Gift: One pair of Robeez from the Holiday 2009 Gift Guide. Only gender and size can be specified, specific pair cannot.
- To Enter: You must be a follower of babblingabby OR become a follower; then, comment on this post with the words "CUTIE WITH A BOOTIE."
- Giveaway Closes: Friday, December 4, 2009 at 12am EST
- Number of Winners: One
- Don't Forget: If you don't have a blog, make sure you leave an email address in your comment.
- Winner Selected by random.org and announced by Sunday, December 6, 2009.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Black Friday Giveaway! {Robeez}
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Party in the USA
PS. Having a fun Giveaway over the Thanksgiving Holiday, so come back and check it out!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Almost Wednesday II
There is a slight possibility that I became a member of Redbox today. Are you familiar? It's a big red box full of movies that you can rent for $1.
Do you know why I went there?
One guess. I will give you one guess.
{And it's not because I needed to go to Walmart anyway to buy Becks some super cute Christmas jammies...}
It's because it was the quickest way I could get my hands onto Twilight. The library was completely out until 2012 or something crazy, my Netflix account is expired, and I just can't compete with the late fees I'll most likely accumulate if I rent a DVD from the local store. Are you ready for a corny simile: I NEEDED TO SEE THAT MOVIE LIKE VAMPIRES NEED BLOOD. Bwah ha ha ha.
This time last week I was just a regular girl, laughing and pointing at my coworkers who preordered 20+ tickets for the cult of teachers going to see New Moon on opening night. And now I am one of them. What is wrong with me?!?!
I will stop. Right now. No more vampire talk. (Except I do want to tell you that the movie exceeded my expectations and I felt it followed the book fairly well. And I can't hardly wait until Friday. That's all. Oh, and I made my husband watch it with me. Love him.)
Onto my personal day. A day where I spent a large portion of time obsessing over my lesson plans for the coming week and seriously contemplating taking another personal day between now and the holiday break that awaits me in less than a week.
I think it happens to all teachers throughout the year. It's called burnout. And I'm a little burned out. Like completely extinguished. I need Thanksgiving Break. Reference above simile for a comparison to how bad I need five days off, so I don't have to mention the V-word again.
I do love my job. And I love my kids. I just need a little time off to become reinspired and to catch up on my life so that I can be the best wife, mom, and teacher again. But with FIVE HOURS of conferences tomorrow, followed by a two-hour meeting on Thursday, I think there is going to be nothing personal about my life for the next 48 hours.
Totally random and unrelated, but Becks had his H1N1 vaccination today. It went well. We talked a lot about his boo boo, and when I asked him where it was (on his thigh) he pointed to his mow (mouth). So I kept asking him because it was cute.
Going to bed. Night, BFFs.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
You're not EVEN going to believe it...
That's right. I am taking a personal day tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure the hallelujah chorus just played somewhere when I typed that. The upcoming week is completely worthy of tagging an extra day onto my weekend. Why? So glad you asked.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bare (Bear?) With Me. It's Random.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Fall Photo Shoot
Saturday, November 7, 2009
So, though reluctant and quite a bit sad, I agreed it was time.
Snip. Snip. Snip.Curls a puddle in a the floor.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Muffins with Mom
I tried avoidance at first, ignoring the fact that he was really underfoot. I might have also tried a piece or two of candy corn to distract him while I rummaged through the pantry for ingredients. After making a batch of vegetable barley soup with the wee one entangled in my legs and begging for more candy corn from the jar on the window ledge, I decided it was going to be all but impossible to whip up a batch of chocolate chip pumpkin muffins with that nagging sensation {literally} clinging to my lower limbs.
So, I decided that Beck was just going to have to bake with me. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, that he could successfully handle a wooden spoon, and decided to make lemonade out of lemons. Er, muffins out of madness. I pulled a chair up to the sink, stood him on it right next to the counter, and buddy, we were in business.
He watched patiently while I added in pumpkin puree and cracked eggs and added cups of sugar. He pointed inquisitively at the batter, babbling about whatever it was I was doing. Then I handed him the spoon and let him mix.
And, guess what?
He loved it. Even following directions successfully. Not adding ingredients to the appropriate measurement, of course, but not sticking his fingers into the bowl though he desperately wanted to. He kept repeating mii mii, explaining that he was mixing. My socks were charmed right off by his cuteness.
So, together, we made muffins. And it was fun. He eventually managed to stick those tiny fingers into the batter, but he was so well behaved, I didn't mind. Plus, who can bake without tasting the batter anyway?
It also reminded me that my baby is getting too big. Crazy big. Big enough to make muffins with his mamma. Sigh...

Monday, November 2, 2009
If you like to talk to tomatoes...

Trick-or-treating with a sixteen month is the equivalent of chasing a ping pong ball. He. Was. Everywhere. Even stopping once to jump into a pile of leaves while en route to another house. We made it a dozen or so homes before we decided the night would be better spent in the confines of his grandparents' house noshing on sweets.
Oh, by the way, I totally made the costumes. Both of them for $12.77. I thought they turned out cute, and for something they were only going to wear once it wasn't a bad deal.
And, in case you wondered who we trick-or-treated with, that would be Princess Jasmine and her tiger, Raja.

Also, in other completely random news, the boy child has found love in a purple dinosaur whose name begins witha Bar and ends with a ney. The picture below emphasizes the joy that watching that show brings to him, so I guess I'll let him continue to snack while PBSing. Especially since it buys me 5 minutes to do something other than watch my little ping pong ball bounce all over the house.