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Monday, May 2, 2011

What's the deal?

The deal is I really don't have a deal.  I've just been about twelve kinds of busy.  I think?  Or just rather uninspired and wrapped up in life.  Or drowned in rain. Since, seriously, the sun only shines for about ten minutes before B's clamoring around in the basement, rigging up some contraption to catch rainwater to prevent it from flooding the lower level of our home. This has been the story of our lives here for going on two months and I'M OVER IT.  The musty basement smell just really isn't doing it for me anymore.  Also, sun might inspire me and help me shake the blah-bliggity-blahs.

In other news, we took Becks to meet his idol yesterday.  Dude was huge.  I, personally, couldn't care less about autographs or collectibles or boy things like that.  But, I am the momma of boy child and figure I might as well get used to doing boy things like waiting in line for an hour to meet Josh Harrellson.  And, yes, he was wearing jorts.  Love it.  Between autographing and picture-taking, he would stop and glance over at the TV that was replaying the UK/WVU game. Hilarious.  He was super nice, in case you're wondering. 

All that fanfare wore him right out!  It was short-lived, though.  Fifteen minutes, tops!

Beck and his Uncle Patrick.  I don't even want to tell you how much I spent on unplayable basketballs yesterday!

Happy Monday, friends!


Stephanie said...

I think it's the end of the year!! I feel like I have no time or energy to get everything done!!!

Lauren said...

Can I just say, he is PRECIOUS! Love his little converse!

Melissa said...

Awesome! So stinkin' cute! And You've been awarded!! Visit:

Ms.M said...

I have to admit, I have the blogging blues too. I want to post but just can't seem to get motivated about it.

Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan

Jamie said...

Awww how cute! Glad Becks had a good time!

Anonymous said...

He is so stinkin cute! We have family in Kentucky so our little one is sporting a Wildcats onesie today lol

Amanda K. said...

So cute! Also I love your new blog design!

Third Grade Experience

Anonymous said...

How cute!! I don't understand the autographs either, but it is definitely a boy thing...

Shannon said...

I love the new blog look! Very classy :) I'm glad Becks got to meet Jorts! So fun

Anonymous said...

Cute, Cute, Cute. Can't wait til my little one gets old enough to want to do things like this!!! :)

Mommy Webb said...

The only thing that could have made this blog better is if Becks was wearing jorts:). How fun.

jennifer said...

I love it. I really love Beck's expression in the family group shot. He looks like he's having his individual shot taken for his high school basketball picture!

Gina said...

I love special boy outings like those. You are such a good mommy.:)

ingramsn said...

Ummm, Hellooo Patrick! HaHa.

Julie said...

It was so neat stumbling upon your blog and seeing the pics of y'all with UK gear and Mr. Harrelson! I graduated from UK and I love seeing fellow fans!!