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Sunday, December 9, 2012

It’s all in the details.

It’s raining tonight.  I can’t help but wish it were snow, since a) it’s December and b) I’m a teacher.  Mostly because I’m a teacher though, and we work hard for our Snow Days. 

A pot of water is boiling on the stove for homemade macaroni and cheese.   I use the term homemade loosely, since I’m following the recipe on the back of the Velveeta cheese box,  and I’m pretty sure Velveeta is the furthest thing from homemade possible.  Also, Becks is running around in his underwear, chasing the dog with some laser gun.  The dog is wearing a bandana around her neck, and the whole scene is hilarious. 


I also built a rather intricate dragon from Legos tonight, which took no less than an hour.  Do kids actually build these things?


Oh, and there’s Christmas music playing in the background.  And a scented candle lit. 

B busy is folding laundry.  God bless him. 

These are the details from my life in the past hour.  Because, guess why?

Because we’re a waiting family.  And I’m going to have to keep awful busy while we’re waiting. 

We’ve only been waiting since Wednesday, but that doesn’t mean that it already doesn’t seem like eternity.  Especially when we’ve technically been a waiting family for a year and half.  However, I can’t help but think that after months and months and months of negative tests, that that test is now {metaphorically}  positive.  It brings me hope.

So, we wait.  Some of us will chase dogs in our underwear  (not me).  Some of us will do laundry (definitely not me).  And, some of us will write and make processed foods.

Happy Sunday.

PS. The mac-n-cheese was super yummy. Fake cheese or not :)



Anonymous said...

Abby~ Congrats on becoming a waiting family..I have been reading your blog for a year (both this one and your teaching blog) I am a 1st grade teacher in Michigan. Well I must say you have given me hope..I have one son who is 3 and we too are considering adoption. I am 40 and had a very hard pregnancy with our son who is 3..I cant wait to read more. Prayers for you all! Shelly

Sara {Miss V's Busy Bees} said...

Waiting isn't fun, but your wait is going to lead to something FANTASTIC! I just know it.

Miss V's Busy Bees

PS. Love Velveeta ;) that's what I grew up on HAHA

Laura said...

You are just the best! I read your blog all of the time, but rarely comment, but I am constantly amazed! You guys are going to be the best family any child could ask for!

P!nky said...

Our pastor did a phenomenal sermon on Waiting is Hard and used the children in our congregation to really bring the point home.

I hope your waiting becomes easier, and your lil blessing arrives soon.


Unknown said...

We were a waiting family once. We waited to have a biological child for many years. Then we decided to wait for a child to come from another country far away when my body just wouldn't quite work right. I found I was not the most patient of people. During those years I found new several new hobbies and learned the value of friendship, family, and good old distraction. My husband and I became clearer in our vision for our future and how we can work together to achieve our dreams. Our patience paid off...Jack joined our family now 8 1/2 years ago and is about to turn 10. Now my patience is tested daily, sometimes hourly by a very busy young man and I would not trade my journey for anything no matter how long it took. I can easily put myself back in the position you are currently in and feel the challenges that lie ahead. Remember to reach out to others and that the journey you are on will have a wonderful end, even if it is not exactly when you want it. Good luck.

Lizzie said...

Thank you for sharing. So sweet!

Anonymous said...

So I just have to tell you I LOVE YOU! Your blog(s) make my heart smile as a teacher, a mama, and someone who likes the randomness of little boys running around in their underwear chasing dogs with laser guns! Keep writing lady, you're the best and that special little person is out there waiting for your family, how magical it will be when you're united! Hugs!

Anthony & Jessie said...

I have followed your blog off and in for years ... I wanted to share my link. We have a similar story... I write mine in 3 parts. We now have a son we officially adopted this summer. Sometimes knowing others have similar stories makes you able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!;postID=5436869668516203358

Michelle said...

Does your dog have tiger stripes???