My to-do list keeps getting longer and longer as I continue to add to it the things that need to be done by 5pm tomorrow. Did I mention that I'm in a wedding this weekend and the last day of school is this coming Tuesday? Oh, yeah. That too. In addition to preparing for our VFH. Wait, then there's report cards that are also due on Tuesday. I think there's more. [Katie, quit reading at this point, I don't want to stress you out on my behalf.] But, I have yet to make 20 ADPi awareness pins that all present Pi girls will wear at the wedding to let others know that we're still the First and the Finest. Can I get a hoddy toddy please? (Not the alcoholic kind, but the fist-pumping, loud and obnoxious kind.) Not that we like to draw attention to ourselves or anything...
Baby B is recovering. Still running a fever occasionally, and looking less spotty every day. He turned 11 months old yesterday, but that's a whole 'nother post.
Oh, and through the haze of Endust I almost forget to tell you that it's mine and B's THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Crazy. Insane. A dog, new car, house, and baby...oh and that stupid air conditioning unit - all in three blissful years :) The pic above is from our Bahamian honeymoon. I love you, B.
Don't know if I'll have time to post later, so this may be it until Tuesday. Bear with me. And say a little prayer that the VFH have an enjoyable stay...
Hope you guys have a wonderful, wonderful day!!
Congratulations darling! You two make an adorable couple =)
Happy Happy Anniversary!!! Good luck with you VFH guests and enjoy you weekend!
Hoddy Toddy, sister!!! And Happy Anniversary too. I'm glad to hear Baby Becks is feeling better. And I know that your VFH will have a wonderful time at y'all's digs.
How fast 3 years have gone!!! But it is nothing less than perfect! Happy Anniversary and we will see you very soon! Paisley is pumped about seeing baby B:-)
and now, you and husband happy with beckham :-)
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