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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dollar Tree Deal for Teachers!

Stop what you're doing right now, get out your favorite colored Flair pen, and add "Go to Dollar Tree" on your to-do list tomorrow because you're just going to die over these little Dollar Tree darlings...

Stop the world.  Aren't they precious?!  I'm sure tons of your have "Word Munchers" in your rooms, but I didn't have one and when I saw these little guys I just had to snatch them up!  They're actually gift bags. Maybe this isn't a novel idea, but I am just smitten with this trio! 

I put them on my window ledge by my whole group meeting spot, and think they're going to work perfectly for sorting long /o/ words tomorrow and other words in the future.  Obviously, you could use them for many other sorting purposes, and they fold which is a major bonus for storing purposes or if you're limited on space.  And, THEY'RE ONLY A BUCK a piece!  Love. It.

{I attached the rimes with sticky tack so I could easily remove them.}

I made this printable to go with it.  There are blank spaces on the worksheet where you can fill in your own word family, rime, blend, diagraph, ending, whatever!  Click on the picture below to download.

Have a great day, y'all! 


* Jessica * said...

LOVE IT!! I guess I know where I'm going after work tomorrow! :)

Anonymous said...

I love those!! They are just too cute!!

Jenn Bates said...

Those are adorable and so is your recording sheet! Thanks so much for sharing!

Tami said...

Thanks for sharing! I love those! I am heading to Dollar Tree tomorrow after school! I hope they have them! Thanks for the printable sheet to go with!

Deedee Wills said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! Thank you for sharing!

Katie Smith said...

These are super adorable! i am soooo glad you share!

Gladys said...

Super cute! I think I'll be paying Dollar Tree a visit tomorrow! :)

According to Ashley said...

I LOVE YOU!!! :)

Mrs. Colleen Ford said...

What program do you use to create such cute worksheets? Love it!

Carolina City Girl said...

my friend According to Ashley up there recommended your blog to me, and i LOVE it :) just started following tonight and can't wait to read more!

Gia said...

such a cute idea... DG always has the best lil finds!

Rachel said...

Ummm...adorable!! I am sitting here trying to think of a cute way to apply them to 5th grade.

Also, I have the same question as Colleen do you make your worksheets? Just word? They're always great!

Elisabeth said...

TOO CUTE!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Mrs. Wagner said...

O-M-GOODNESS!!! These are soooo cute! I love them! Guess I will be hitting up the dollar tree after school! I just love that place!!

Have a great day!!

Erica said...

Ah...wish I had a Dollar Tree, those are adorable!

Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or said...

These are precious! Would work great for place value as well or like you said sorting purposes!!

What program do you use to make your ADORABLE worksheets/activities??

Chloe the Corgi said...

ADORABLE!! Thanks for sharing :) I always end up spending so much money at the dollar store-too many great deals!!

Lyryn said...

YOu are so creative! And find the best things. I wish I had a teacher like you!!!

Amy said...

Thanks SO much for sharing! I went to the dollar store on my lunch break today! Doing that awesome lesson tomorrow with my first graders! I have the same question as some of the other girls...what program do you use to make your worksheets? Thanks again! You are a great teacher! :D

Anonymous said...

These are great! I bought them myself and actually cut out the mouths so it looks like the monsters are munching the cards. My kiddos call it "feed the monster" and they loooove it!!

Rachelle said...

Is it bad if I want to stop what I'm doing right now AND GO TO THE DOLLAR STORE! I just spend 30 big ones there last week....WE'LL GOTTA GO! Heading to Dollar Tree! hahahaha


Sarah Cooley said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! I JUST LOVE THEM! {yes I am computer screaming!} Ha!

Pat said...

This is incredible! I bought 2 of these bags today because I thought they were just too cute and I knew I'd end up using them as a tutor at some point. I'm going back tomorrow to get some more! Thanks so much for the monster sheet.

Sass Class said...

My Dollar Tree doesn't have them. . .soooooo sad!!!

Mrs. Wagner said...

We have three dollar trees in my town...none of them had these cute bags! Sooo sad :(

Anonymous said...

After going to my third Dollar Tree, I found them!!! Thanks Abby :)

AmberJean519 said...

I picked those bags up JUST YESTERDAY! I just about jumped out of my shoes when I saw them! I'm going to have my kids do an adjective sort with them. I'm going to write all sorts of different adjectives on note cards, and then have the kids sort the adjectives according to the monster. For the most part, there will be no wrong answers ("silly" can go in any bag) but I just want to get them reading and understanding how to describe things! LOVE these bags, and I LOVE your idea for them!!!!!!!

Denise said...

I just couldn't wait until I got to the dollar tree (The closest one is 30 miles). These bags are so cute! I just bought 1 of each but reading all the creative ideas I think I need more!!!

Evil Step-Mother said...

Mine Dollar Tree doesn't have them either :( or the fake snow!! So stinking cute!!

Jennifer Jones said...

So bummed that our Dollar Tree didn't have them. I even went online to see if their website had luck :(

Mrs. Cave said...

I had some great finds at dollar tree yesterday so I wanted to return the favor and share!


Hilary Lewis said...

I know I'm about a year late...but you gotta love Pinterest! I wonder if the Dollar Tree has these bags still! I'm sure gonna check!

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Rockin' Teacher Materials

Desiree said...

OMG this is such a cute idea... I so need to make a trip to the dollar tree. It is so great when a fellow teacher can turn something that I wanted to buy but couldn't come up with anything into a really fun idea my kids would actually enjoy.:) I was thinking sticking a velcro dot on the bag and making it interchangeable that way. I've never worked with sticky tack before. Thanks!
Kinders on the Block