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Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Luv Chocolate Cake :)

So pumped for the weekend.  Almost as pumped as I am about this deliciousness that my sweet husband brought me home tonight. 

 I mean, I thought it was enough to bring me 2 12-packs of Diet Coke home without being asked.  And now this?  I love that man.

It really not all that fun to be oven-less.  I have been talking about chocolate cake for 2 weeks now, so a warm chocolate fudge cake from Frisch's is pretty much heaven tonight.

In other news, Becks and I went to Target last night. {Who? Me?  Go to Target?  Stop the world.} 

There was an unannounced snowstorm and we had to brave the blizzard to get to the car.  You would think someone who watches the weather like I watch the latest Jersey Shore episode would be aware of an impending snow storm, but I did not.  So, I was super surprised {and grateful} for an hour delay this morning.  Naturally, they called to inform me about 3 minutes into my shower.  Figures.

My weekend is yet to be determined.  I like it like that.  Happy Thursday, y'all.  I'm off to watch the latest drama at the shores.  It's tee shirt tiiiiiiiiime!!!!!

And don't forget to check out my new teacher blog at The Inspired Apple!


Elisabeth said...

I am sooooo watching it right now!! (well that and blog stalking!) I can't get enough of it! I actually fist pump when I talk about how excited I am to be watching a new episode! haha

AbbyS. said...

I AM ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW THE WEATHER! I really wish the ran school closings and delays on the bottom of the screen on MTV! :)

Mrs. Wheeler said...

I am equally jacked for some J.S. Tonight! Sam is a LUNATIC!

Anonymous said...

Cabs here!!!

Jamie said...

I'm SO ready for the weekend too! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!

Michelle said...

I am a red cart with white bullseye addict. My hubby wants me to try to go one week without going. ONE WEEK! Is he delusional? I think so!

Colby said...

Im ovenless too! I went grocery shopping yesterday completely forgetting my about my ovenless kitchen- who does that? Anyways I feel your pain!

Katie said...

Oh my word that chocolate cake looks DIVINE!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie of a hubby!! Have a wonderful weekend :)

cassandra said...

You are killing me with that chocolate cake! It looks so good! My mom and I are doing a 30 day challenge; no dairy, grains, SUGAR or fake sugar! That means no chocolate cake :(

Anonymous said...

That chocolate cake should be illegal. Looks so yummy but def NOT in my lose 10 more pounds of baby weight diet.

--Me said...

I like LOVE your blog, very cool! Seriously, who does not love Target?! I'm right with you.

Ashley said...

I don't even like chocolate- and that looks good! :)

Anonymous said...

That Hot Fudge Cake from Frisch's is making me miss home. I haven't seen one of those in years, let alone hear it called Frisch's. It's Big Boy where I live now!