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Monday, January 24, 2011

R to the andom

1.  Is there anyone else who could watch Househunters all day long?  Really, we usually fall asleep on the couch watching it every. single. night. 

2.  I get really disappointed when the forecast includes snow at only a 20% chance.  I either want a 0% chance or a 100% chance.  Flurries are just annoying.  Unless its Christmas.  Then, they're enchanting.

3.  I have totally had it with my semi-not-blonde-but-not-brunette-either hair.  OVER. IT.  I'm going back to blonde. 

4.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm really 80-years-old in a 28-year-old body.  Mainly because I sit with a heating pad behind my back and wrapped up in fleece blankets every night just to keep warm while I blogstalk.

5.  Totally loving The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes.  I'm probably the last one to jump on this book club favorite, but I seriously read a non-school-related book like twice a year.  It's something I need to work on.

6.  There is a lot of nudity in our home lately.  Beck would be clothesless all day, every day if we would let him. 

7.  Did you know that one of the top ten phrases that turns up my blog when Googled is "J Woww hair?"  That is a little disconcerting.  {I hope "nudity in our home" doesn't start sending people here, too...}

8.  I have the baby bug something awful.  I am doodling baby names again...

9.  The environment hates me right now.  We have gone through a ridiculous amount of plastic, styrofoam, and paper plates, cups, and bowls since we are sinkless and dishwasherless.  Not to mention the sweet 360 piece set of plastic forks, spoons, and knives my mom picked up for me at Sam's. 

10.  I've fallen off The Bachelor bandwagon.  Brad just wasn't doing anything for me.  And they had a VAMPIRE on there.  I mean, I like Twilight just as much as the next girl, but not in real life.  Really, ABC?  REALLY?!


AbbyS. said...

Agreed on the baby bug. I am jotting down names ALL THE TIME.

I have never read that book, sounds like something I need to look into for my Nook.

Did you have school today? We did not. SNOW DAY #11.

Erin Hoke said...

I totally feel ya on #4. I get yelled at because I hit the up button on the thermostat every time I walk by. I'm convinced my husband thinks I am crazy! It's a good thing he loves me. :)

Jamie said...

I could definitely watch House Hunters ALL day...but just the regular one. I'm not a big fan of the international one!

I'm always jotting down baby names at my desk at school when I have a free minute :)

Sara said...

I must be 80 too, because I'm sitting on the couch, reading blogs, under a fleece blanket with a heating pad on my back. :-)

Jen said...

TOTALLY agree with you about the Bachelor. One too many crazies this time!

Kristen said...

I'm with you on Number 1! I love that show! I can almost always guess the house they choose in the end. Actually, I could sit and watch HGTV in general for hours on end...I can't get enough of looking at houses! Good luck with your renovations :)


According to Ashley said...

Come onnnn -- Don't give up on The Bachelor yet!! I'm watching Brad make out with crazy Michelle (not a vampire, but still crazypants) at this very moment! He just gave her a rose on a one-on-one date and said "This is an easy one" while girls all across America are rolling their eyes! You're missing out on some good stuff!

Ali said...

Seriously....the bachelor is just not making it this time for me...I keep "dvr-ing" it, but never find the time to watch it!

I too have the baby bug too! I do not have any children husband and I have been married just over a year and I am sooo ready! A lot of my friends are due within the next 6 months!

Melissa said...

Totally agree about house hunters, but what's up with newlywed 24 year olds having $400,000 budgets? They are obviously not teachers!

Cristy Wagner said...

That is a great book! I also recommend Firefly Lane, The Help, and Plantation are all wonderful. As for Househunters, I am right there with you. I love your random blogs. It makes me realize the thoughts I have are shared by others.

Jillian said...

ummmm baby wagon, well jump on it:) And my daughter pretty much LOVES to be naked too!! She runs around going, "nakey, nakey"!!

Mommy Webb said...

Baby! Baby! Baby! Can u hear my cheers from Shelbyville?:)

Abbey Zmoos said...

Ok I blog stalk in a blanket every night while watching HGTV... I think that proves pretty pathetic. I am still watching the Bachelor, even though Brad drives me crazy most days. You are darling!

Michele said...

I love House Hunter! Do you like the US version or House Hunters International? Or both? I'm loving the International version right now. #7 made me laugh and then kind of feel creepy, too. #8 made me think AWWW! I know when I got the baby fever with my second it hit me hard. Fun randomness! Happy Monday!

Shubs said...

Ha! I'm laughing at all the cheers you're getting to hop on the baby train. But seriously-you should really hop on. We need all the crazy-I-have-two-kids Moms to join our club that we can possibly get! And come on Abs-Becks would be a SUPERB big brother...just sayin'.

Jodi said...

LOVE Househunters. Seriously watch it practically every night! :)


Ashley said...

1 and 2 are so so so me! You should give the bachelor another chance-- the crazies are cracking me up!

MrsKinne said...

I love, love, love the fleece-blanket-and-heating-pad combination.

Also, babies.

Ariane said...

I just visited my three year old nephew, and there is a lot of nudity in that house also. There are also a lot of cute phrases like, "I wanna be a nakey boy!"

Tami said...

House Hunters is one of my favorite shows of all time!

The Denoves said...

We are so similar in so many that you blog about it:) Cannot wait to see the kitchen all done!

KateB said...

I am always disappointed in the Bachelor! But for some reason I keep watching..why?! I agree with the above comments- Becks would be an AWESOME big brother- give him a chance ;)

Unknown said...

House Hunters is worse than crack. My husband finds it entertaining because I get worked up and start blessing people out on the television (I mean, it's paint, people...get over it!).

We have a lil' guy who would rather be in his underwear all day...he's 7. I should probably break that habit of his.

Cee Cee Wilkes is awesome. I couldn't put it down.

Patricia said...

"I have totally had it with my semi-not-blonde-but-not-brunette-either hair. OVER. IT. I'm going back to blonde."

I've been feeling this way for a longggggg time! Every time I've gone to redo my highlights, I've had the intention to skip the lowlights, but then decide maybe I need them for "dimension". Time to skip the dimension and "go to the light". Next time for sure~no lowlights!

Claire Kiefer said...

I am normally very loyal to the Bachelor, but I boycotted this time around since I was so flabbergasted that they let the SAME GUY BE THE BACHELOR AGAIN!!! wtf?!

However, I did see the vampire girl interviewed and thought it was a ridiculously cheesy ploy for attention.

Anonymous said...

A REAL vampire??? This has just literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. I guess you can tell I'm not a bachelor fan either. To be honest, I've never been. It seems after the first or second season, it started getting out of hand.