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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Tuesday. And it's random.

1.  I woke up to a sheet of ice blanketing my car this morning.  I was for sure there was going to be a delay.  I stalked the internet for updates to closings/delays, watched the scrolling bar at the bottom of my TV screen for my county, and continuously checked my phone to make sure I didn't miss the call.  Nope.  Nada.  Nothing.  We had school all day today and my kids were cah-razy. 

2.  On that note, I really need Punxsutawney Phil to not see his shadow tomorrow.  I know about 24 firsties in desperate need of the warm weather to return so we can have outdoor recess again.  Better yet, I know countless teachers who could use it more.

3.  Becks is such a cutie.  I know he's mine and I'm completely biased, but this smile just melts my hearts like a s'more.  He's just as sweet, too :)

4.  My 10-year highschool reunion is this summer, so I'm totally okay to not focus on baby number two until after, say, August.  That will also get me through one more bathing suit season...

5.  The sweetest thing my husband did this week?  Picked up two 12-packs of Diet Coke.  Without being asked. 

6.  The kitchen remodel is...ridiculously...s-l-o-w.  {Note to my husband: I am not complaining.  Just acknowledging that DIY isn't a fast process.  And, I love you ;) }  On the upside, we've had outlets moved and added, and B is painting the ceiling.  On the downside, everything in the house is covered in a fine layer of drywall dust.  Achoo!

7.  So pumped for Teen Mom 2 tonight.  I'll just go ahead and say that Leah and Corey are by far my fav couple.  I'm really rooting for them.  And their twins are precious. 

8.  Is there anyone else who is floored that January is over?  I mean, really, 31 days of 2011 are gone.  Just like that!

9.  I'm pretty sure there are days at a time where all I drink is Diet Coke and/or coffee.  So. Not. Healthy.  It doesn't help that any water I want to drink at home right now has to come from the bathroom faucet which is barely big enough to fit a Dixie cup under.  Just making excuses...

10.  I just want to say a big old THANK YOU to those of you who have purchased something from me from my TpT store.  I am truly, truly, truly grateful.  In a gobzillion ways. 

The work week will be half-way over by tomorrow!  Wahoo!


Anonymous said...

My 1st graders are always crazy on should-be-snow-days!

I LOVE Leah and Corey! How worried are you for their one baby? :(

Megan said...

Water doesn't enter my body either. Only carbonated crack. Boo!

Stephanie said...

I also had school today. We don't have anymore snow just wind and rain. Anyway. . . I had my students make a prediction and only three students thought he would see this shadow. I hope they are right I am so ready for warm weather!!!

Jamie said...

I so hope Phil sees his shadow tomorrow! I'm over this winter weather!

Becks IS such a cutie :) He looks a lot like his daddy!

According to Ashley said...

Leah is my favey fave too! She seems so mature and responsible. I'm watching right now (but I think it's an old from that I missed last week)!

Anonymous said...

Leah and Cory are adorable. Kailyn drives me batty and I usually fast forward over her part. Jenelle is a crazy loon and Chelsea seems cool. Can't wait for the new episode tonight.

Christa @ Little Us said...

I'm pretty much obsessed with Teen Mom 2 as well and Corey and Ali are by far my favorite couple as well! Every season there's one couple/Mom who really has it together and this season I think it's them!

Jenelle on the other hand!? God I want to slap her in the face!

Anonymous said...

I think every elementary class is full of CRAZY children right now! All the teachers at my school were drained today. Something about the weather...

Sneaker Teacher said...

so post is a random list just like yours!


Ariane said...

I remember being a little girl & being SO disappointed on Groundhog's Day!

Erica said...

Sorry you didn't get a snow day today! Hopefully tomorrow?!

Rachelle said...

On top of inside recess day for cold in Utah (in the Salt Lake Valley) we have what we like to call "inversion". Basically its SMOG! So, there is another reason the kiddos stay in from recess. UGGG.
:) They need recess, but we need it more. It's crazy what I can get done in 10 minutes.

Unknown said...

Girl, I'm ready for some sunshine!!!!!!!!! I've already added a tropical backdrop to my computer to make it feel more summery. My kiddos were nuts today at school!!! I'm with you on the whole -not believing that January is gone- thing. Oh well. Bring on the sun and outdoor recess!

Janae said...

Oh my heavens, we had two inside recess days this week and my children are wild! It was -18 this morning and I was very upset we had to go to school. I'm doing a snow dance in hopes of getting the day off tomorrow. :) I say it needs to be cold enough to stay home or warm enough for recess. I may not survive one more day stuck inside...

ps my word verification is "resses". ha. too funny. :)

Cara Carroll said...

GIRL.FRIEND. Becks might be the cutest thing EVER. For real. Love that face! And honestly...January?!?! Where'd it go?!? But I've always said that January & February are the most boring months of the school year. NOTHING to look forward to except snow days :) And if it makes you feel better, I go days without drinking water. Coke, iced tea, and vanilla lattes sorta run through my veins :) Yum.