So, the weather is finally spring-like, and I find myself referencing the days as sunny or gorgeous instead of plain old Tuesday or Wednesday. Life just takes on a different light in the spring, and we've spent hours outside taking it all in. It's so much fun to watch Beck explore.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thinking outside the box.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Just a regular old Monday
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thank Goodness It's Thursday
2. I am happy that we have relaxing plans for the weekend, that may or may not involve someone else fixing the coffee. And, y'all know how much I love that.
3. I am happy that 4 out of the 8 girls that were in my wedding found true love and are getting married this year. *FOUR!* I am in three of the weddings, and I'm happy that they all chose pretty bridesmaids dresses, that don't resemble anything that Madonna would have worn in the Like a Virgin video.
4. I am happy that UK plays Cornell tonight. Goooooooo CATS! But I am NOT happy the game doesn't even start until 10pm and that the local stations are showing Xavier instead, and we don't have cable so we can't watch it on ESPN. But this is a post all about happiness, so pretend I didn't even write that.
5. I am happy that my students are absolutely smitten with Junie B. Jones and will listen attentively for 10 minutes at the end of each day so I can enthusiastically read about her and her kindergarten antics. It really pleases my soul when they ask for just one more chapter! I can hardly wait to introduce them to Ramona, The Boxcar Children, and The Littles.

6. I am happy that no one is grinding concrete in front of my house today.
7. I am happy that the SBDM meeting for today was cancelled.
8. I am happy that Easter is only two weeks away and that my son is going to wear the most precious seer sucker suit you ever did see. And that I bought it BRAND NEW for $17. {It is Baby Gap - tags attached - regularly $70! Score!}
9. I am happy that Crystal Bowersox and Aaron Kelly didn't get voted off of AI last night because I LOVE THEM. I predict they'll be top two this year with Crystal winning.
10. I am happy that it is Rainbows season. And that I got new black ones as a gift! Yay!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Fo' Real?!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
...and playing outside
...and bringing our outdoor toys out where they belong
...and that Tuesday has been much better than Monday. Thanks for your encouragement :) The peanut butter didn't suffer nearly as much as the cream cheese.
Monday, March 22, 2010
How many more hours until Tuesday?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just peachy.
Starting off with a cute picture completely unrelated to this post.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Perfumed Product Phenomenon
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Weekend to Remember
B and I had a great weekend. We were actually "away" on a mini-vacation that involved an overnight stay in a hotel, an expensive dinner, and lots of much-needed marital maintenance. Need I mention it was kid-free? We attended a marriage getaway put on by Family Life called Weekend to Remember from Friday night until Sunday morning.
There were about 700 other couples there, and it was a wonderful time to reconnect and open up the lines of communication between us. Because, as one might assume (and you would be assuming correctly), I am a talker. And, since opposites attract, B is not. So obviously we don't communicate the same way and this conference helped us better understand each other's communication style. Plus, we all know that most men don't like to talk nearly as much as us womenfolk anyway. So it's not just me. Or him. It's how we're wired biologically.
We also talked about fighting fair, becoming better husbands and wives, and, of course, S-E-X. Not gonna lie, I really think that particular session was the highlight of the conference for everyone. There's nothing like listening to a Christian couple who are older than my parents talk about the deed. It helped that they were hilarious and after "the talk" we were encouraged to have a night-long date night ;)
We started at out eating a McCormick and Schmicks seafood restaraunt in downtown Cinci where we spent waaaaay to much money on sushi, cocktails, dinner, and apple pie. Of course, B had to take the obligatory goofball picture.
Ha ha. I made him take this pic!
Run Away with Me
So, yesterday we ran. Er, I ran and Beck turned around frequently to see what all the huffing and puffing was about. Not that I was having any difficulty catching my breath or anything. I just felt like my lungs were going to explode out of my chest or suddenly come out my mouth at any moment during the seven tenths of a mile that I actually jogged. Others may deem this pathetic, I deem it blog worthy. Because, you know, when I wasn't narrating our trip, discussing the yellow school bus or the big tractor, I was writing this post in my head. Guilty as charged.
* * * * *
And, though I wasn't paid to endorse this product, I do think it's necessary to note how much I love this stroller. It's an InSTEP Safari Jogging Stroller. I heart it. I have used many jogging strollers throughout the years as a nanny, and I can honestly say this is the best running stroller I have ever used. I usually find them difficult to navigate around corners, but this one steers so easily and I can actually run along side it (holding on, of course!) with ease. And, since I'm tall (5'10") the fact that it has an adjustable handle is key to making my run/walk enjoyable and I don't feel like I'm bending over while exercising.
Plus, it has loads of storage (even a Velcro pocket) that's ideal for ensuring that my cell phone, water bottle, a spare paci all stay put during our run. It's roomy and too cute to boot, too (ours is brown and blue with orange piping). It also has a swivel front wheel that can be locked when you're running to ensure stability. Thus, it's perfect for taking to the zoo or park or even the grocery store. Also, it's under $130 and comes with an adapter so that you can put an infant seat on it (BONUS!). I just can't say enough good things about it. If you're in the market, you should check it out :)
* * * * *
Well, unless I want to wear a pair of Spanx with my bathing suit this summer, I need to get ready for Day 2 of running away from my winter weight! Ha :) Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Making the Most of It....
Becks made the most of the remaining snow.
But we'll be certainly glad to exchange it for warmer temps! How many more days until spring?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Boys Guys of Summer
And can now travel with us in the beachbag...
So that Becks can love on them, even while sunnin' by the pool :)
And does that hardwood not look AMAZING?!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Too Tired.
That being said, I have ZERO energy left. Barely even enough to hold up the remote to flash between the UK game and American Idol. Fortunately, with 9 minutes left in the 2nd half, the Cats are ahead by 17 points, so I'm probably safe to stay on Fox for awhile.
Nothing coherent is coming together for me right now. I just erased four lines of nonsense.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Until Next Time...
I can't say that I felt disappointment last night after Jakiepoo proposed to Vienna. That was what I felt a month ago when I read Reality Steve and he forewarned us that she would be The Chosen One. I spoiled the fun myself by reading it, though I probably would have figured it out through reading tweets and blogs alike. It seems to be what everyone is talking about!
Though I don't foresee their relationship lasting long enough for them to tie the knot, he obviously ended the show in love with one hotly contested weenie. I just never got Vienna or her appeal, and I usually left every final rose ceremony thinking Really? REALLY? VIENNA? She had a bad rap from the minute she began gloating over her alone time with Jake and the gnashing teeth of her fellow contestants could be heard through the screen. And I completely agree with Duet Diva that there is probably (hopefully) a lot more to Vienna than the 8 weeks of airtime they gave her. They wanted to display her a certain way and they were successful. Vienna the Villain.
I actually thought Vienna looked great on the After the Final Rose show. Her roots were freshly colored (thank goodness), and they looked like the happy couple you would imagine this show would create. Something was also noteably different about her face, no? Nose job, weight loss, makeup? I don't know, but something was different. Good different.
I might boycott Jason and Molly's wedding. I love Melissa and thought the public dumping was over the top. I just don't have the connection with them that I've had with this season.
However, if Vi and Jake ever walk down the aisle on TV, you better believe I'll tune in. Mainly to see if they serve Little Smokies as an appetizer or if she opts for blonde or brass highlights. Hardy har har.
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