And, because I have no other picture to tag with this post, here is a random one from THREE years ago (March 2006) of me, my sisters and my cousins from one of my bridal showers. Whoa, blonde hair!
Baby B will be Nine Months Old as of tomorrow at 5:30pm. I am going to deny that he is going to be a year old in three months, that I will not have a toddler by the end of summer, and that a year from now he will be less into clapping and crib jumping and more into Sesame Street and kicking a soccer ball with his daddy.
First, there is Nat. She blogs over at It's a Charmed Life, and I love catching up on her almost-married-I-have-a-super-cute-house life. I knew Nat and I would be good blog buddies when I read about her love of clothes and wine. If she didn't live up east, we'd totally hang out. Anyway, she recently bequeathed me the Kreativ Blog Award, which I have been meaning to write about since, oh, two weeks ago? Anyway, I'm supposed to write about seven things that I love and then pass the award onto seven other people who do the same thing.
Seven Things I Heart…
Thanks, Nat, for the award! I now pass it on to…
Carrie @ The Ossege Family
Heather @ The White House
Rachel @ Babywebbsite
Lindsey @ The Alexander Family Blog
Joy @ Mommy's Joy (A super funny read!)
Nat @ The Pettijohn's (P.S. This SUPER-CUTE momma-to-be is also a new BFF! Go check out her link, she is darling and she also gave me an award that I will post about soon!)
Amy @ From This Day Forward (Another new BFF! I love me some new friends!)
Have a happy, happy day y'all!
And, because every day needs some sweet precious in it, here is the boy child. Check out those toofers.
My final KTIP meeting was on Friday, so I spent the majority of my week slaving over my Intern Performance Record, otherwise known as hell in the written word. It's practically identical to the one I spent all of my undergrad composing, and is mostly just an excuse to waste a lot of ink and clear, plastic sleeves. It will now sit on the shelf in my classroom as a legally binding document that signifies how many hoops I had to jump through to earn my certification. But, the good news is that they (my review board) loved it and said I'm super organized. Snicker, snicker. Good thing my passing doesn't rely on a home visit because I would FAIL with flying colors. What, you don't make your bed? How could you ever educate the youth of America with all these piles of dirty laundry cluttering your workspace?!
Alas, I did pass and, drumroll please…I WAS OFFERED MY POSITION AGAIN FOR NEXT YEAR! Yay! This is such good news, and I knew God would take care of it. I feel so fortunate that I will get to spend my mornings wrangling 5-year-olds and my afternoons chasing after my sweet precious. It will also be nice to have my classroom prepared over the summer instead of pulling together a room in 72 hours. I will be moving rooms, but that is small potatoes to starting from scratch as a first-year.
Moving on…
We spent the weekend at The Lakehouse with my family and it was a much needed escape from the real world. Having someone else make our weekend coffee is reason enough to get away for me. The boys spent much of the day in the yard and fixing something called a ballast. (Can I just tell you how much I LOATHE the word ballast? And if I heard one more person so much as mention the word ballast over the weekend I was going to ballast them to the moon. BALLAST, BALLAST, BALLAST! AH!) I visited a cute, thrifty kid boutique called Sweet Peas and bought Baby B a little jumper for Easter that I'm going to embroider his monogram on. I really want to go the totally cutsie route, and pair the jumper with knee socks and saddle shoes. I mean, next year he's probably going to wear Elmo sneakers that light up or something totally tacky that I will make me gag. So, this year, cutsie it is. (I'm sorry if you love Elmo and all things cartoon. I, personally, cannot stand character clothing. I have nothing against other children wearing it, just not my own. My sister used to tease me she was going to throw me Loony Toon themed baby shower, and I threatened to disown her if she did. ) So, while I was away, B thought that it would be appropriate to build a fort for him and Baby B to nap in. What a dad :) He's so fun!Helping Nana Swiffer.
They're probably thumbs-upping because the ballast is hung.
Baby B, btw, is getting too big for his britches, and super loved the porch swing and having Soph pull him in the wagon. It will be fun when the two of them can chase each other around the porch, playing hide-and-go-seek or flashlight tag. For now, though, I am content to watch Baby B scooch along, inching his way toward anything that might assist him in standing. Such a stinker.
I hope this post finds you all well, and I look forward to catching up this week and next. Spring Break starts on Friday and I can hardly wait! TTFN J
This is Madame Sillygoose of the Lakehouse.
I don't know how many times my child can define the word cute, but this clearly tops the list.
It also illustrates that Baby B is not a bitty baby anymore. I'm not sure what nickname he will get when he exceeds babydom. Toddler B? I'm thinking no.
This happened tonight after his persistent wailing led B upstairs to check on him, only to find Baby B seated in the upright position grinning an elfish little grin. I walked up to check on the both of them, and Baby B amazed us by pulling himself up on the crib rail and then maneuvering around it. Then he started blowing raspberries on the rail, and B and I could barely stand up we were laughing so hard. His talent never ceases to amaze us. If Baby B defines cute, then B and I define doting parents. It's ridiculous. I'm sure all you first time parents completey understand the complete and udder fascination with your firstborn.
*My mother just drew my attention to the fact that I wrote "udder fascination." No, Baby B does not have the chest of a cow, nor would I be fascinated with that. I meant "utter." Oops!
What are your middle names? My middle name is actually Abigail, obviously Abby is derived from that. B's middle name is Michael.
How long have you been together? Married for almost three, and we've known each other since 1998. Ay, ay, ay.
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Um, not long. Four months maybe?
Who asked who out? B totally asked me out on my 16th birthday. Not a day sooner. Since I couldn't officially "date" until this magical age, he orchestrated this whole ordeal (involving lots of my high school girlfriends) when December 23rd rolled around. It involved presenting me with the N*SYNC CD, instructing me to listen to God Must've Spent a Little More Time on You. B's ears are probably burning right now. He he he. Ah, young love…
How old were each of you when you met? I was an awkward 15-year-old high school sophomore, he was the older (16!) varsity soccer player. Wooed me right out of my socks. Sigh.
How old are each of you now? I'm 26 and he's 27.
How tall are each of you? I am 5'9" and B is right at 6'0".
Whose siblings do you see the most? We see my middle sister, Chelsea, and her family most often because she's the only one in town. My other sister is doing an internship in FL and B's brothers are both in school out of town.
Do you have any children together? Content with one for now – our sweet precious, Baby B.
What about pets? Leland. She's a piece.
Did you go to the same school? We attended high school together.
Are you from the same hometown? Yes.
Who is the smartest? We're smart in different ways. B's a solver and has the determination to figure things out. He's also far more street smart than I am. I'm book-smart, I'd guess you'd say.
Who is the most sensitive? ME, hands down.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We love the Bonefish Grill. The martinis there are TOO DIE FOR. Mmmmmm.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? The Bahamas
Who does the cooking? That would be me. But I couldn't light the grill if my life depended on it, so B takes over that duty in the warm months.
Who is more social? Me. I could make friends with a brick wall. B's more reserved, and more guarded than I am. That's not to say he's not friendly, he just has to get to know you before he wants to be your friend.
Who is the neat-freak? Please see picture two posts down. NEITHER OF US! I don't know what the deal is. I'm neat and orderly on paper, but totally not in my home. It's a major flaw.
Who hogs the bed? We're not really bed hoggers. I stay on my side, and he stays on his. We meet in the middle occasionally, but that's probably because the bed slopes to the center. We both have a tendency to steal sheets though.
Who wakes up earlier? Me. I shower and then I wake B up to do so. Actually, I call him on his cell phone to wake him up because I don't want to track back upstairs and risk waking Baby B as I pass through his room to ours.
Who has the bigger family? Um, I think I win by one nephew. My sister just had a baby, which sets the K side one up on the M side. B and I are each the oldest of three – him all boys, me all girls.
How do you spend the holidays? We rotate. If we spend Thanksgiving with one family, the other side gets us for Christmas. Our parents are within miles of us, so it hasn't posed a problem.
Do you have little pet names for each other? Um, I call him B in real life. He calls me Abigail on occasion. No smoochie or poopsie or anything.
How long did it take to get serious? Not very long. Young love is naïve like that though.
Who eats more? ME! Omigosh, I eat like a teenage boy. It's out of control.
Who sings better? I think I do??? B's not much of a singer.
Who's older? Didn't I answer this question above? B is older.
Who does the dishes? Depends on who's feeling less lazy.
Who snores? He does and it drives me bananas. If I'm sleeping and he wakes me up, I usually hit love tap him until he quits. Or I just say – very loudly – QUIT SNORING.
Who's better with the computer? It's a toss up. B works on computer programs every day at work. But I'm more savvy at blogging and Word documents and such.
Who drives when you are together? B.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? What, me be wrong?! Well, I never… B is pretty good at admitting when he's wrong, and I eventually come around.
Who kissed who first? It was a terribly awkward first kiss and I hate to even think about it!!!! It makes my skin crawl!!! We were 16.
Who eats more sweets? B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omigosh, he has a crazy wild animal of a sweet tooth. He could eat lemonheads, sweettarts, and lollypops for every meal. And don't let him tell you otherwise!