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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Tuesday. And it's random.

1.  Somewhere in my house right now there is a lump of playdoh just waiting to be squashed into the carpet, smudged into a piece of furniture, or stomped beneath someone's feet.  I just have no idea where it is. 

2.  I am off today for election primaries.  Becks went to school and B is working.  This means I had FOUR glorious, guilt-free, kid-free, husband-free hours today TO MYSELF.  It was sublime. 

3.  I found an amazing round mirror at TJMaxx made from rolled magazine pages, clearanced for ten bucks.  Totally bought it.

4. A lesson in thrifting: Pick up a few old volumes of Reader's Digest novels.  You will not be disappointed. Because the vintage patterns on these little friends are to die for.  I have no idea what to do with them, besides stack them or prop them underneath something, but when I figure it out I'll let you know.  {Also note my absolutely *favorite* novel on the bottom of the stack.  My sister admitted to selling off my original paperback, so I just had to buy this one for $1.  If you've never read Summer Sisters by Judy Blume, I totally and completely recommend it for the beach this summer.  I bet I've read it a half dozen times. Loves it.}

For the record, the bananas in the background of this pic did finally make their way to the garbage. 

5.  A lesson in Target: They're selling Calypso St. Barth goodies right now, and this little silver hurricane is so totally worth $7.99.  When you put a tea light inside, it's like magic with little rays of light peeking out of all those tiny holes. 

6.  A lesson in bedhead: Just throw a damp washcloth on it, let sit, take picture, comb and voila! no more bedhead! 

7.  A lesson in plumbing: do not flush baby wipes down the toilet.  A bad, expensive, disgusting, embarrassing idea.  Also, that snake pulled out three random golfballs. 

8.  I'm out of lessons. 

9.  It's rainy and gloomy for the 276th day straight. 

10.  I haven't painted or hung my thrifted mirror yet, so Becks has taken to using it for entertainment. 

Happy, happy Tuesday blog world!


Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday!!!

Ashley said...

Happy tuesday to you too! I love that mirror.


simply shea said...

i love old books & that magazine mirror is awesome! it looks like something urban outfitters or anthropologie would sell for far more than $10! and i have a mirror that needs painting too... i just haven't decided exactly what color. are you going to use spray paint or are you going brush it by hand?

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the blog post! I totally needed a smile and the bananas did it for me. I am so tired of rain, yuck, and paperwork!!!!

Lara D. said...

I love those Reader's Digest books, too! I got a bunch, cut the covers off, and handbound them into journals. But I really like it under the vase like you have above!

Ashley said...

LOVE the silver hurricane! :)

Mommy Webb said...

I love your random posts. That mirror is a real gem. I think you need to be renamed the mirror mama b/c you know how to find some rocking ones at great prices.

Kristen said...

I read Summer Sisters every summer. The first time I read the adult books by Judy Blume, I think I blushed. Danielle Steel is tame compared to her! If you haven't read the others, they are must reads!

Amanda K. said...

Becks is the cutest thing!

Third Grade Experience

AbbyS. said...

Baby wipes and golf balls- ugh!
LOVE that cute boy.
This post made me smile. THANKS.

Jamie said...

I've seen lots of different things at TJ made out of the rolled neat!

Katie said...

Love that mirror!

Jenn Bates said...

LOVE that mirror! Our toilet advertised that it could flush golf balls, are you thinking Becks tested this theory? Sooo jealous of your day off!

Ms.M said...

I have used #6 and your right, works like a charm!

Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan

Lauren said...

Haha! I bought a stack of those Reader's Digest books at a Salvation Army months ago! Love them!

Brandi said...

You and I have the same book ideas. I bought some readers digest novels a few months ago for the pretty pattern, and I have read Summer Sister about 12 times. I'm also a fan of Wifey and It Isn't The End of the World. Best Wishes!

Gina said...

Love Summer Sisters and love that mirror!

Caroline said...

Summer Sisters is my FAV book ever! I've read it like 15 times! :)