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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fun for 50 Cents

He spent his Sunday morning completely enthralled in his newest toy...

A set of cheapo Tinker Toys...

Purchased for two quarters...

Whilst yardsaling on Saturday...

He really wanted a deflated UK basketball.  Which I bought (also for 50 cents). 

But, since Mama knows best, and I insisted we buy these too, I would say that it was a win-win for all involved :)


Gladys said...

Isn't it fabulous when they are entertained for longer than five minutes? And educational to boot!! Definitely a win win situation!

Busy Bees said...

Oh, this brings back memories for me. My son, who is 21, loved Tinker Toys. I think they are a great educational tool, too.

Clutter-Free Classroom said...

If he liked these then Santa should look into bringing a set of Crazy Forts. They've been a favorite in our house since my little man was 3.5.

❤Jodi from...
★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
Helping Teachers Get Organized

Ellen said...

He is so stinkin' cute!

Jillian said...

What a great deal!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! My daughter is the same age as Beckam. They are just getting to the age when they can really play alone for a period of time. So sweet!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a born architect! Love the deal you got!

Crystal @ Ordinary Days said...

What a cutie! :)

Miss Chelsea said...

I used to play with tinker toys & lincoln logs all the time!!

Ashley said...

looks like a little engineer in the making!

Amanda K. said...

I was just at a Math in Focus training, and our speaker said these were great for teaching number bonds. (Whole branched off into part/part. Just thought I'd share.

Third Grade Meanderings

Melissa Taylor said...

I loved Tinker Toys - glad to know these are back!