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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blind, bold faith.

While folding laundry the other day, I believe - for the first time that I can notably remember - I felt like God was directly speaking to me: She's coming.  Out of no where.  I don't know who she is or in what context she'll be arriving, but I feel strongly that He sent me that short message as a sense of reassurance.  

Only the day before, I learned from our adoption worker that our profile was shown to an expectant mother who chose another family.  One without kids.  Ouch.  Strangely, that sting was short-lived and after crying to my mom for a quick minute, I just felt at peace.  That baby was meant for another family, and our baby is still our baby - whoever he or she may be.  

In a fit of crazy, perhaps, I washed a load of girl clothes that I've collected over years of thrifting.  They're not even infant clothes!  She,  of course, might not be a baby girl.  Might not even be an expectant mother.  But, in any event, I got to spend a few minutes folding cute baby clothes :)

The bigger picture, though, is how He used that message to draw me closer to Him and His word.  I paged through my Bible with nothing specific to read, but let him guide me to what He needed me to hear.  

I flipped until I came to Luke 11 - Jesus teaching on prayer.  Verses 9 and 10 stood out...

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks will find; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Wow.  Just wow.

Notice, however, that he doesn't say "tomorrow" or "soon."  He just reassures you that He will provide.  And, so, as I seek this morning, I pray for the she who is coming and how I can meet whatever need she may have.  I pray that I might serve her and glorify Him through it all.

Happy Sunday :)


Stacy said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. It is reassuring to know that God does always listen to us and our prayers will be answered.
✰ Stacy

Simpson Superstars

Amy B said...

Sorry to hear that Abby! This whole process must be hard! I hope you hear some news soon! Love following your story!
Amy Burton

Unknown said...

You are one amazing lady! I love how you find the positive in everything! I have faith a little boy or girl will be joining you in your new house, soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and prayers.
At church this morning we heard the words, "Be still and know that i am God." He has control and has His arms of love wrapped around you.

Rebecca said...

What a great witness and testament. We want everything in our time, but its all in His time. Praying for you and the momma and baby whose lives will be changed forever.

MrsKinne said...

I am sending lots of love to you and your future little one, who I hope you get to snuggle soon.

vicky1970 said...

Abby - that brought tears to my eyes. I had a similar experience. I was told I couldn't have kids right before I got engaged. I have had endometriosis my whole life. After years of trying the Lord sent me a message as clear as day - 'rest' - the desires of your heart will be yours. I leaned on that during the hard days. And do you know... I have a 13 year old sweet little girl and an 11 year old precious son. Wow - God is so good!!! Praying for you friend. (HUGS)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

Lauren said...

I know waiting isn't fun.. I'm there in a different aspect but in both of our situations, I know that God has a beautiful plan!

LaNesha Tabb said...

totally cool when you can hear the still voice of God, huh. praying for you guys- "she" will be one seriously blessed little girl! and i lovvvvvve your new house!

Unknown said...

What a great post! He does promise to take care of us! It will happen in His time :) I'd love it if you would link this post up on my Inspiration Monday post tomorrow. The link is below.
Have a great week!

Annie Moffatt said...

Thank you so much for sharing your sweet heart! Our God is so good and when your precious baby comes home to be with your family...we will all rejoice with you!

Gina said...

Our pastor said the other day that things take longer than you hope but not as long as you fear. I love that and it made me think of you.

Cara said...

I just know that the "she" you are referring to will be here soon! Keep your chin up to him!

luckeyfrog said...

I am so excited for the day your sweet child arrives- I can't imagine how hard it is for you to wait, but how wonderful for God to give you this comfort that someone IS coming. Thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

Look up Project Cuddle on Facebook, I just heard about them recently!

Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

Praying for you all! My mom had filled tubs of clothes before Baby Junot arrived. She bought boy and girl things ~ still have the girl stuff (can't bring myself to get rid of it quite yet)!

Unknown said...

I love your blog so much that I have added you to my "inspirational blogs" list. Come by and check it out.

easy peasy education

Unknown said...

Awesome post! Thanks for sharing. Continued prayers for y'all and the adoption process!

Anonymous said...

Today at One Kings Lane there is an "event" all about decorating bookcases. Pretty cute stuff!

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

Thank you....just thank you.
I don't know the words I'm looking for right now, other than as God put that verse in front of you...I feel like maybe he put this particular blog entry in front of me.

Nikki said...

Hi Abby!
I've followed your blog for years and have wanted to comment about your adoption more than I have. We are currently in the process of adding our third miracle to our family through adoption and I wanted to tell you about an adoption consultant that is!
Check out Adoption Advisors on FB...they are amazing. It was started by a woman who made an adoption plan for her son over 20 years ago and has since adopted children herself. Her husband was adopted from foster care when he was young and together they help match adoptive parents with birth parents. They do amazing work and if you are open to other races (even if you aren't) they can match people pretty fast and ETHICAL!
We were matched the same day we were signed up and my best friend was matched the day after! My best friend has already brought her daughter home and our son should be born in the next few weeks. Both of these precious little ones are african american and they simply have a tough time finding families that are open to african american children.
Anyway, if you want to chat or if you are interested in more information, please feel free to contact me!!!
Nikki Paulzine
former first grade stay at home mom!

whitneylee said...

Abby! Just read this post from so long ago and am completely blown away by God's provision!!!! SHE was coming and you heard Him loud an clear! What a wonderful testimony to His faithfulness. Thank you for sharing your journey. It is such an encouragement.