Trick-or-treating with a sixteen month is the equivalent of chasing a ping pong ball. He. Was. Everywhere. Even stopping once to jump into a pile of leaves while en route to another house. We made it a dozen or so homes before we decided the night would be better spent in the confines of his grandparents' house noshing on sweets.
Oh, by the way, I totally made the costumes. Both of them for $12.77. I thought they turned out cute, and for something they were only going to wear once it wasn't a bad deal.
And, in case you wondered who we trick-or-treated with, that would be Princess Jasmine and her tiger, Raja.

Also, in other completely random news, the boy child has found love in a purple dinosaur whose name begins witha Bar and ends with a ney. The picture below emphasizes the joy that watching that show brings to him, so I guess I'll let him continue to snack while PBSing. Especially since it buys me 5 minutes to do something other than watch my little ping pong ball bounce all over the house.

Love the costume, adorable! You did a great job!!
I loved Barney when I was little and Me and Brody watched it today!
What a good sport B was! I tried my darnedest to get Daddy Perks into a banana costume to go with our little monkey-but to no avail. Becks is for sure the cutest tomato I've ever seen.
Your little mater is so cute... I just want to take a big juicy bite! Awww... glad you all had a great time Trick or Treating! Omg my 6 month old also LOVES Barney! We have like 6 videos that Grammy bought us and it drives us crazy. But it's worth putting up with because you get to see that precious face... just like the one on your sweet boy! =) (I also must admit that I do all the dances for her...and so does Dave.. you should see us rock out "Oh Mr. Golden Sun!"
aww I love Veggie Tales. Such a cute idea! Yay for your hubby for dressing up with his little man
Oh, they are so cute! I love the costumes. My littlest kept stopping to play with cats and trying to steal Halloween decorations.
You are so talented! Baby B looks adorable in his little costume! I love the Veggie Tales..have you seen the one "Oh Where Is My Hairbrush?"
Walker is super jealous b/c Veggie Tales is his FAVORITE cartoon ever. I think it's just too fun that B joined in on the action. What a cool daddy:).
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