Becks and I had a lunch date today at
Chick-fil-A, which is probably, no
unequivocally, the best fast food restaurant that exists. If you do not have this fine establishment in your vicinity, I suggest you move immediately to the closest shopping locale that for sure houses one or four of these. {Actually, our scummy mall redid its food court over a year ago and
Chick-fil-A failed to renew its space, and we've been without one for awhile. And our mall is scummy because it is filled with scary people every time I'm there and I feel the need to sanitize and resanitize my hands, shoes, and stroller every time we visit. But that's where
The Gap is, so it's sometimes necessary.}
Anyway, I love having a little buddy to dine-in with now. Even if our conversation centers around not throwing waffle fries on the floor and the cow covered Mylar
bwoos (balloons), he's still pleasant company. He takes after his momma and enjoys people-watching tremendously. Seriously, I could sit and
stare casually eye the interesting patrons all day. Like the woman who was there with three little boys, at least one being school age. Before she shifted sides of her booth seat so that we could conversate face-to-face and become fast food BFFs, I had already pegged her as a home schoolin' mama. Turns out I was on the money. Then it just got awkward because while she contined to talk, Becks and I were ready to run off to Target and I didn't know how to properly discontinue our conversation without being rude. Or her asking for my phone number so that we could our same-age boys together for a play date. Eventually, I gathered our things, said
Nice meeting you! and maybe even
See you soon! because I wasn't sure there was a more appropriate way to skidaddle. {Has this ever happened to you? What did you do?}
Target was busy. As expected. We were picking out gifts for our
Angel Tree child, and my heart genuinely goes out to these kids. An
Angel Tree child has one or more parents that are incarcerated, and the presents we buy are gifted to the child on behalf of their parent(s). So sad. I literally cannot imagine not seeing my child grow up.
Prison Fellowship reaches out to these inmates and their families though, and I think that is such a worthy cause. If you're interested in this ministry, check out the links.
Our mission of the weekend is to locate Santa Claus so that I can get a pic of my sweet boy and the jolly old elf. However, heeding the warning of
Mama Perks, I'm not sure that my budget is going to allow for these pictures... Apparently I'm out of the loop on the expense of a coveted Santa picture because I had NO IDEA that there was even a charge for this service. $19 for four wallets, for real?!
Happy weekend, people!!!
Santa photos are outrageous. I've already found two free ones this year! Score!!
I had a lady ask me for my phone number in a thrift store the other day so that we could go shopping together sometime. I don't know how I got out of there without giving it to her! I think I just changed the subject! Glad I'm not the only person this happens to!
We used to go to Kenwood Mall because their Santa looked so genuine. I hated the one in Florence because he wore his pajamas...so weird and not appropriate!
Yes, they can be pricey! Aren't Mr. & Mrs. Claus coming to school in the evening one night? Just get his pic taken there.
P.S. We LOVE Chick-fil-a too! Yum!
ah, chick-fil-a and target all in one day? lucky!!!
Do you have a Bass Pro Shop near you? Ours does free pictures with Santa. He might not be the perfect Santa, but it's FREE!
Chick Fil A is my absolute favorite! I think I could eat it every day. And, GIRL...you have got to find a ROSS near you. You would love it! Kinda like TJ Maxx or HomeGoods, but cheaper!
Goodness gracious! I needed the tips of all of you girls BEFORE we got schooled into spending big bucks for santa fun. Abs-looks like you might get lucky with free santa perks after the helpful hints from your Babbling Faithfuls! Either way, I can't wait to see Becks' reaction to sitting on the big guy's lap :)
I had Chik-fil-A yesterday! Hands down best fast food restaurant ever.
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