So, I'm home today. With a feverish baby. And no furniture which to snuggle upon.
Fortunately, the tylenol/motrin combo is doing its job and Becks is feeling better for the moment, though that fever hasn't broken yet. He managed to slurp some oatmeal and play with the sander. We've already cancelled our girlfriend's dinner tonight, and I wonder if the impending snowstorm of doom will delay our hardwood plans too. B's determined, so we'll see.
Thanks for your well wishes for my boy!
Feel better Becks and Mommy- I can't imagine how hard having a sick baby must be :(
And feel free to re-post my blizzard survival guide, hahaha! Apparently they're calling for 2 feet here, we're going to go stir crazy!
BOO for sick babies!!! I hate it when they can't tell where they are hurting or what's wrong. I hope he's feeling better really soon! :(
Feel better Becks! I love your little Red Wings bib!! Makes me homesick :-(
I hope that Becks starts feeling better very soon!
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