My word, I am a blog slacker. I have been so stinkin' busy lately though.
Here's the gist of the past few days...
Friday: We find out B's car is not totalled, much to my dismay. $3800 worth of damage. Oy. It should be ready for pick-up in a couple of weeks. Until then, he is driving a new Chevy HHR, which is the modern day equivalent of a Bonnie-n-Clyde mobile and looks a lot like a PT Cruiser. If you drive one personally, you are a rockstar, but seeing my husband in one is rather hilarious. I just tell him to imagine that he's Michael (from The Office).
Also, filled out two different FAFSA forms for grad school. Which starts in 14 days. Gulp.
Saturday: I had been secretly planning a surprise engagement party for my BFF, Allison, who got engaged right before Christmas. I am the Matron of Honor in her wedding in October. Since she reads this blog, I obviously couldn't talk about it nor give away any details of our weekend leading up to Saturday night. We all met at a restaraunt in Lex (she thought she was going out to eat with her fiance's boss), and seriously surprised the heck out of her. It. Was. Awesome.
Probably one of the best surprised reactions I have ever seen. Of course, we both were crying. It was wonderful time for all. {And for those interested, I wore the skinny jeans.} I would love to post a picture of me with my wonderfully funny husband, but he is doing something inappropriate in every picture I took with him (unbeknownst to me at the time). So typical.
Sunday: Breakfast with the fam bright and early, church, lesson planning, and an extremely disappointing Red Wings game. Cross your fingers and toes for a win tonight.
Monday: School, state-testing meeting after school, dinner with my boys, and new carseat shopping. {FYI: If you're in a car accident and there is a carseat in the car, your insurance company will likely want you to replace it. Even if a child wasn't in seat (he wasn't), and it appears to be damage-free. Internet research tells me there can be hairline fractures/cracks in the carseat base which could compromise its safety.} We, again, purchased a Britax Roundabout (that they now make in Cowmooflage - yay!), but this one will go up until Beck is 50 lbs to accommodate a recent change in laws governing carseats. I forgot how much fun it is to adjust carseat straps and install a seat into the car with the latch/tether system. Like 45 minutes worth of knuckle-bleeding fun.
I also registered for classes, and will be taking NINE hours this summer and another SIX this fall. I will be halfway done with this program (and another $7000 in debt - yippee!) by December. I will eventually have an Masters of Education with a concentration in school leadership. My lofty goal be a principal someday. Someday = 20 years.
Today: School, picked up Beck from his Nana's and presented him with a hand-me-down kitchen from someone I work with. He LOVES it. So much that I couldn't get him to eat lunch. Little does he know there is a whole box of food that goes with the kitchen that I'm waiting to give him when he wakes up!

Also called university to talk student loans. Always a fun conversation.
Also called university to talk student loans. Always a fun conversation.
There are a mere 27 days left in this school year and it is going to take every ounce of my being to get through them. Did I mention that I'm getting a sub for FOUR DAYS next week so that I can assist with testing? Oh, yeah, that too. Writing lesson plans never ranks high on my list, so writing lesson plans for a sub is pretty much torture.
Lastly, I am so excited about The Hills and The City tonight I can hardly wait for tomorrow so that I can watch them online! I need a little Speidi in my life.
And we get to start #ATFT again next month too - and Ali will be The Bachelorette!
Happy Tuesday!
Do my comments annoy you yet? :)
I have my Master's in Ed Leadership I got mine through EKU. It is over, now paid for and I am glad!! Good Luck with it, it will be over soon!C has a kitchen and LOVES it!! You should check out the Melissa & Doug food. The cutting food it so fun. It velcros together. It is adroable!!
Lastly, I too am state testing. BLAH! Love to hear you are counting down!! ME TOO!!
I am so freakin' excited for The Hills and The City too! YAY!
From all the photos on the wall it looks like you had dinner at the yummy Sal's! DELISH! I admire you for taking 9 hours this summer. WOW! I'll be finished with my Master's next week and I'm SO looking forward to it. It has been a long 3 years!!!
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