Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bye Bye Bunny...
Stop. The. World. You are not even going to believe it. Today is a monumental day in the Babbling Household. Today, my friends, I will watch The Hills and The City in realtime. Today, my husband will plug into Animal Planet. Today, we will retire the bunny years.
My cousin and her family also were in this weekend and stayed with us. Becks and Paisley got along great and we can't wait to see them at the cabin in a few weeks!
Grad Class numero uno ends on Friday, so I'll have a little less on my plate for a week before my summer courses kick in. School's out in seven days! Yippee!!!!!
That's it for now!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Love it.
This room hasn't made the blog before unless you recognize it as Beck's former nursery when our bedroom was still upstairs. It was quite cute and served it's purpose for over a year (it's right off the upstairs bedroom), and has mostly been filled with junk since September. So, I cleaned it out, set up our curbside treasure desk, and am now waiting for time and motivation to make it a full-functioning office. The verdict is out when I will take this project on, but I'm guessing summertime.
6. I love the color yellow. Currently. I want to paint everything yellow and gray. I will not win this battle (ahem, husband), but I will add pops of yellow where I can. I might even paint the wall that the window is on in the future office a pale yellow. With gray stripes. Maybe. That sounds kind of risky. But it's a small wall, right. I digress. I just love yellow.
7. I love children named Beckham that walk around in blue plastic aprons. He hasn't been able to play outside much lately, so I brought out the kitchen, added water, and voila! instant entertainment. Also, quite wet. We went through 6 towels or something like that.
Beckham is awake, so this will be quick:
8. I love freshly pedicured tootsies.
9. I love shiny kitchen/bathroom sink fixtures. (Thanks, mom.) That's not to say that our's are always shiny, but I'm happier when they are :)
10. I love that there are only 11 days of this school year left! Wahoo!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Becks: No!
Argh. The rest of breakfast went on like that until his tray was crowded with three sippy cups, a variety of fruit, and soggy Coco Crisps. By the time he got around to requesting yogurt, I'd had my fill of his tangent and asked him if he got up on the wrong side of the bed. Yeaaaah, he politely admitted. At least he's honest.
Anyway, I am on Day 4 of a 4-day-weekend that I desperately needed not only for my personal sanity, but for the ominous piles of unfolded clothes and bare cabinets that were complaining to be restocked. Or was that my husband complaining? I've lost track {and probably brain cells} over the past week, since my nose has been in a book or my eyes straining to read through education text over the internet. I actually think I burst a blood vessel in my eye. Not even kidding.
My stress level has been through the roof as I've tried to balance it all - wife, mother, student, housekeeper, shopper, temper-tantrum manager, etc. How many hats can I wear? Obviously, the blogger one fell off because I simply couldn't devote any more time to the computer than I already was. PowerPoint 2007 and I have gotten very close.
I hope all of you are well! I'm sorry I haven't commented, but I've still been visiting my fav BFFs!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
B to the izzy
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Little Guy that Makes Me a Momma
He loves to be read to. His current favorites are: Say Daddy, Click Clack Moo, K is for Kick, all of the Gertie and Gossie collection, and Knuffle Bunny. In fact, the other night, he opted to cozy up in the nook of my arm instead of sit on my lap. It made me sad to think that this little peanut used to fit snuggly comfy on my chest and now barely fits in my lap. And then, to top it off, he wanted me to read him The Giving Tree and I couldn't even get through it without sniffling back tears because of the irony of the whole situation. (If you haven't read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, go read it. A great story.)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
48 more hours until my weekend begins!
So, before I go further, let me say a quick couple of things about my guilty pleasures...
Just three things from The Hills today: Hs for Heidi, crystals, and "surgery hug." I really want to discuss how crazy H is for Heidi's husband is, but I'll refrain myself. I wouldn't want to send any negativity his way that those crystals couldn't ward off, you know?
And a couple more things from The City:
- Olivia kind of thinks she's a big deal (could she be any more self-important?)
- I looooooved the meeting where Erin gets to bat her lashes at Olivia, smiling sweetly over how pleased Joe Zee is with Whitney's collection - ha!!!!
- And I still love Kelly Cutrone and pretty much want to be BFFs with Whitney. True story.
I feel like I've been super lazy lately during Becks' naps, so I'm off to complete some chores around the house and try not to obsessively check my eBay listings or see if my financial aid has been posted to my account yet. Not that you would catch me refreshing either webpage on the half-hour to check for changes though...
Maybe more later!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Dear May, Rain is soooooo last month...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Too late to be making a list, but...
- Does anyone else get a little sad when it's 10:56pm on Saturday night and most of your favorite blogs haven't been updated since Thursday and there's nothing new to read? Oh, that's just me? Hmm. I will neither confirm or deny that I frequently blogstalk on Saturday nights...
- B's actually in bed already because he's fighting off a terrible man cold. I certainly have ample empathy for him, knowing that it's probably the worst cold in the history of all colds and I have probably never experienced the type of pain he is feeling as a result of battling this nasty bug. Ahem.
- My horse, Super Saver, won the Derby tonight. We drew names at my parents' house and I won the $4.87 pot. Too bad I didn't have an extra $100,000 to bid on him. Also, how stinkin' cute is Calvin Borel?
- Does anyone else hate changing their shower curtain liner? It has to be one of my least favorite chores, and needs to be done here soon. {That was completely random, I know.}
- I didn't get to garage sale this morning as it was torrentially raining. I was bummed. I even mapped out all of our stops last night. Crossing fingers for next week.
- I did go thrifting today with Chels to some Goodwills and consignment stores. Trip was ruined when bright white lights confirmed that I am pasty white and pudgy. Tanned fat always looks so much better than pale fat.
- Grad school starts in t-minus 9 days.
- I am still convinved that mice are patrolling our house unnoticed. We haven't caught anymore since The Great Mouse Hunt a couple weeks ago, but that doesn't prevent me from jumping everytime a sock falls out of the dryer or a feather from our bed floats to the floor. Or from having B rearrange an entire wall of boxes in the basement at 10pm after I've fully convinced him that mice are hiding in all of Becks old baby clothes (an unprecedented notion, as none were located).
- Dear Mother Nature, It is now May. April Showers are a thing of the past. From this point forward, please save the rain for the weekdays and make our weekends beautiful. Thanks.
- Saturday Night Live is on now. Starting out with an Obama impersonation.
I should really go to bed. G'night!