I haven't written a post in a long time specifically dedicated to my ever-growing son, and his many accomplishments in his almost two years. Yes, please note, I can officially say that I will have a two-year-old next month. I cannot even believe how fast two years has gone by.
Becks is getting big (size 24mo-3t depending) and rather independent. While mostly compliant, his verbal defense is often a very beligerent No! No! No! Timeouts are few and far between, but there are certainly days where I warn him that I'm sending him to the moon.
He is obsessed with tractors. Obsessed. He loves watching them out our front window and willingly went into the arms of a construction worker the other day so that he could sit with him in the driver's seat of an excavator. (No worries, while we don't know them by name, Becks has essentially grown up with them the past year and they're pretty good guys. I think they would have taken him for a spin around the block, but I had to put my foot down somewhere.) After hours, I often find my boys doing something like this:
On that note, he also adores anything his daddy does - whether it be working in the yard, playing the guitar, or sipping coffee on the weekends (milk - just in a coffee mug that B pretends to pour real coffee in). When B's home, Becks is his pint-sized shadow. 
He also loves makin' sumpin' with me, and we bake together weekly, as I'm sure you're fully aware. 
He still has a pacifier, his G, and all The Guys that he insists on naming and sleeping with every night. Potty training is on the horizon, but something he is totally not interested in right now. We'll give it a go this summer, but fortunately his preschool doesn't have this as a requirement to attend.
(The collection of Guys has grown to include a polar bear from IKEA, a stuffed puppy, and the crew from Sesame Street - Snuffy, Bert, Ernie, Elmo, Grover, and Big Bird. He likes them around his head and usually won't move after I've arranged them that way!)
He's a big fan of the park and loves everything there is to do there - particularly the big boys kicking around soccer balls. It must be in the name ;) It's kind of heartbreaking to tell him he's too little to play with them.

He loves to be read to. His current favorites are: Say Daddy, Click Clack Moo, K is for Kick, all of the Gertie and Gossie collection, and Knuffle Bunny. In fact, the other night, he opted to cozy up in the nook of my arm instead of sit on my lap. It made me sad to think that this little peanut used to fit snuggly comfy on my chest and now barely fits in my lap. And then, to top it off, he wanted me to read him The Giving Tree and I couldn't even get through it without sniffling back tears because of the irony of the whole situation. (If you haven't read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, go read it. A great story.)
He loves to be read to. His current favorites are: Say Daddy, Click Clack Moo, K is for Kick, all of the Gertie and Gossie collection, and Knuffle Bunny. In fact, the other night, he opted to cozy up in the nook of my arm instead of sit on my lap. It made me sad to think that this little peanut used to fit snuggly comfy on my chest and now barely fits in my lap. And then, to top it off, he wanted me to read him The Giving Tree and I couldn't even get through it without sniffling back tears because of the irony of the whole situation. (If you haven't read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, go read it. A great story.)
{I should also add that this was the same night that Becks inaugurated me into the puked-on-mom club - an honor I'd been avoiding since baby spit up. Let's just say he followed up his pizza and fruit cup dinner with several gulps of bathwater that ultimately ended in vomit down my shirt, in my bra, in 3/4 of my hair and the demise of the rug in the bathroom. Blech.}
All in all, he's a cool little kid who brings infinite joy to our lives. And he's silly too.
I'm glad that this little boy gives me something to celebrate this weekend :)
Sweet boy! Hudson loves Gossie & Gertie! I have The Giving Tree but can't make it through yet without crying and upsetting him!It must still be those post-preg hormones. =) Also send me some tips on how you get Beckham to sleep like that. He looks so comfy and cozy! I don't know if Hhud will ever sleep like that in his bed!
I absolutely love that he has to sleep wtih all of his "guys" and that he doesn't move once you place them, that melts my heart:)
Hope you have a great mothers day!!
Great post - I agree with Lea Liz, the stuffed animals around the head are classic. Becks is such a sweet boy with a very loving mommy & daddy.
I ADORE The Giving Tree. Always has. Lo has no desire to sleep with "guys." I'm constantly offering stuffed animals but he's not interested. Kinda bums me out for some unknown weird reason.
Cute post. Becks is a doll.
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