Thursday, July 31, 2008
I should be in bed...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
For the love of the softie...
No Good Title Comes to Mind
This quote pretty much sums up this past weekend at the M household. In fact, I think we've been to Home Depot, um, 5 days in a row. And, we're totally going back tonight. We just can't get enough. Actually, we decided to do some much needed updates to the outside of our home. We re-landscaped, and are replacing our storm door, shutters, and mailbox. I'll have to post some before and after photos eventually.
I spent Saturday and Sunday planting and mulching. This is the second time we've mulched this year. The first batch of mulch petered out to a very dull, unmulchy color about a week after we laid it. Annoying. B spent Saturday and Sunday digging a moat, I mean edging. Here he is looking super proud of his impressive moat-digging skills:
Are you going to put crocodiles in there???
Yesterday was a great day. Why? Because Starbucks was giving away FREE Vivanno Smoothies if you showed your gym membership! I love me some free, so I called my momma, Chels, and Soph and we all met up for these deliciously FREE treats. And, guess what? They're going to be FREE every Tuesday! Can't beat that.
Soph, totally thinking she's taking a picture of me. Cutiepie.
I also bought some new decorating accessories from Kirkland's for jazzing up the living room. They have great sales there. Might do some thrifting today to see if I can find some other goodies for bee-yoo-tifying the home on a budget.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
- Doodling. Oh, how I love a good Sharpie and a blank piece of paper. Pure. Bliss.
- Blog stalking. I could read about other people's lives for hours upon end. I'm nosy, what can I say?
- Walking. (or waddling...still. I don't think my hip joints are ever going to recover.)
- Reading. Love me some good summer novels. Jane Green. Sophie Kinsella. Judy Blume. Megan McCafferty. Ann Brashares.
- Window shopping. Any store, any time, any place. I just enjoy looking. Okay, I buy things. Sometimes.
- Napping with Baby B.
- Two words: Celebrity. Gossip.
- Bake sweet things that are soooo not good for my get-back-to-pre-baby-body diet.
- Visit with my momma and/or my sisters.
- House hunting. No, we're not looking to move any time soon, but how fun is it to browse through all the current listings and dream? This habit combines my love of window shopping with my nosiness. He he he.
And, per request, here is the original pic of Baby B before he was Warholized. Isn't he darling?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
One Month Onesie
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Chuck, The Protector of the Pack-n-Play
Well, despite my skepticism, adopting Chuck was a wise choice. He currently resides in the Pack-n-Play where Baby B takes his daily naps, and it appears that he actually enjoys Chuck's company.
Baby B + Chuck = BFF.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hilarity in Parenting
Being that I am a Google freak, I Googled grunting baby and found an enlightening article about Grunting Baby Syndrome. And then I proceeded to laugh my face off. Apparently, GBS - as it's commonly referred to - occurs when a baby will "push, squeeze, grunt, change color and carry on only to produce a soft bowel movement." This is not what had me laughing, as I figured this was most likely the cause of our little grunter's issues anyway. What cracks me up is the supposed cure for GBS that involves inducing a bowel movement using a cotton swab. This results in...brace anal wink. HA! Analwinkanalwinkanalwink. He he he. I am still giggling.
I guess we'll take a little grunter over an anal winker any day.
Big B & Lil B doing what they do best
My little peanut (shirt courtesy of Nana K)
Ummmm, I don't think it gets any cuter than this...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
- Time out : Baby B is telling me he's ready to wake up. I swear he knows when I'm busy doing something. Wait, it might be a false alarm... Nope, not a false alarm. Guess we're going to test my blogging while breastfeeding skills. -
So, anyway, I was getting around to explaining that I'm going to start posting a Top Ten on Tuesday after being re-inspired by this blog. Fun, huh?
Here's my first Top Ten:
10 Things I'm Not Good At...
- Emptying the dryer in a timely manner. I can't stand to sacrifice more electricity to re-run the dryer again, so I usually just fold/hang a bunch of wrinkly clothes. Fortunately by the time we're ready to wear something, the article of clothing is mostly de-wrinkled. If not, then I'll throw it in the dryer with a damp washcloth for five minutes. Guess I'm not as green as I thought I was.
- Gift-wrapping. I'm awful at it! I just don't have to coordination or patience to cut in a straight line, and then line up the paper with the pattern, and then tape it all together before it unwraps itself. I'm more of a gift-bagger. You can't really mess up tissue paper.
- Mailing thank-you notes. I'm a great thank-you note writer, it's just the whole putting postage on them and actually getting them mailed that I'm bad at. Mostly because I rarely have more than 2 or 3 stamps since I pay most of our bills and do most correspondence online. My intentions are good, the note might just be a month or so delayed.
- Sharing responsibility with others (i.e. group work). I'd rather just do it myself since, in my opinion, I'd probably do it better anyway. I think this is called micro-managing. I admit, it's a fault.
- Returning books to the library on time. I just got a notice in the mail today that I have 3 books overdue. Oops! Well, in my own defense, they were 14-day check-outs, and I did have a baby in the time I was supposed to be reading them. So, they're un-read, and now they're late too. Guess I'll be funding yet another wing of the library...
- Acting like I like a gift that I actually hate. I can't help it. I come by it honestly - inherited from my momma. I do attempt to act like I like it, but my fake cheerleader smile will only get me so far.
- Taking unsolicited advice. For instance, during our staycation visit to Cracker Barrel, Ms. Cashier Lady decided to enlighten us with this piece of advice in regard to Baby B, "For future reference, you really should put socks on him. I know they always say to dress a baby as you'd dress yourself, but if you don't put socks on him he's probably going to get colicky." Uh, thanks. I'm sure that the extensive research you've done regarding colic totally allows you to bestow this gem of wisdom upon me. It didn't help that she was missing teeth too.
- Balancing my checkbook. Omigosh, I am horrible at this! I will usually get on a kick and do a great job at it for, say, three weeks. Then, by week four, I've used my debit card forty-seven times, forgot to save my receipts, and bought something I'd rather not have a written record of (ha ha, j/k) and temporarily give up until I get the checkbook balancing bug again. But, alas, the cycle will inevitably repeat itself. (Who keeps a paper copy when you can just look it up online, anyway?!)
- Checking my voicemails.
- Remembering to bring my re-usable bags to the grocery. I bought them before Baby B came into the world. Guess how many times I've remembered to bring them to the store? Ummmm, zero times. My attempts at being green are such a failure.
Monday, July 21, 2008
To make matters worse, Chels and Matt's video camera was stolen. This is the camera where they recorded vaca events specifically for me and B to see. And, they caught the culprit red-handed carrying Chels and Soph's bags from their hotel room and they hadn't even checked out (they were at IHOP with the rest of the fam). Of course, after searching the housekeeper's car they couldn't find it and poor Chels was left in tears.
Aubs said the whole ordeal turning into a regular old made-for-TV-movie at this point. Sounds like it to me...
Guess we've had a pretty tame staycation in comparison. Which, might I add, is over now. B went back to work this morning, much to mine and Baby B's displeasure. I keep begging him to change careers and become a teacher with me so we both can have summers off, but I don't think that's going to happen. I think Baby B and our nieces are are the only children he can tolerate for an extended time period.
Well, pending the weather, the highlight of my day is supposed to be meeting the fam at the airport today along with my trusty sidekick (Baby B). The sky is already clouding up though, so we'll see if they depart as scheduled. Say a prayer!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Life, Liberty, Beaches, & Pie OR Why My Husband is Awesome!
B and Baby B testing out a rocker at Cracker Barrel
B also surprised me with a gift for Baby B - a Redwings layette! This included a Wings outfit, booties, hat, and NHL bear. What's with the Michigan-themed gifts, you ask? B said, and I quote, "If we couldn't go to Michigan, I wanted to bring Michigan to you..."
All together now: "awwwwwwwwww...."
Isn't he great?! (He actually tried to get me a bag from Haystacks and a picture from Mary Frey too, but couldn't get them to email him back.)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A New Generation
Missing Michigan
Staycation Day 5
Since Baby B's umbilical cord finally made it's grand exit (amen), we were finally able to bathe him in the big blue tubby. No more sponge baths for you Baby Boy! As the pictures attest, he HATED bathtime. Can't say that I blame him considering he was probably a bit chilly since he wasn't fully submerged.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Random Musings...
In other news, Staycation Day Four was relatively bland. We visited Papa M at work and showed Baby B off to B's fellow employees.
B had his hair cut and then we went to Meijer for diapers and Barnes and Nobles in pursuit of a book that of course wasn't in stock. However, the smoothies we bought from the Starbucks within B&N made it worth the trip. We topped the day off with takeout from Applebees courtesy of a giftcard from Auntie Allison. Thanks, Al! (I'm determined not to cook this week since we are on staycation!)
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's a Zoo Out There!
Anyway, keeping in mind the three-hour-crunch, B and I have become pretty suave at conducting our lives within this span of time. For instance, yesterday - Staycation Day Three - we planned a most entertaining trip to the zoo. We accomplished seeing most of the sites within the two hours we alotted for the trip, and were home by dinner time - or at least dinner time according to Baby B. Baby B was probably the most well behaved child at the zoo (i.e. he slept the entire time, waking only for the photo-ops that his parents insisted upon).
Upon entering the zoo, we were instantly greeted by one of those comments that you cannot help but raise your eyebrows to and stifle a snicker. A man and his family were headed into the photo shop where you pick up the picture they snap of you as soon as you cross the threshhold between the parking lot and zoo territory. The rotund man, with an equally as rotund, bald head, looked to his wife and said, "Huh. Ya know, I didn't even think about that. I betcha my head is sunburnt." (Feel free to insert his unmistakable southern drawl here*.)
Now, how on earth could you forget that you're bald and maybe you should slather on some SPF 45 before spending the day beneath the scorching sun? Wouldn't that burning sensation radiating from your naked dome be indicative of this? B and I didn't even get to the zoo until almost four, and this man had obviously been there since probably 9am, so you do the math.
Here's. Your. Sign. Duh.
Anyway, the zoo was great and we ended the evening visiting with Nana and Papa M while we enjoyed an M family favorite - Dixie Chili. I'm more of a Skyline girl myself, but it was delicious nevertheless.
Stay-cation Days 1 & 2
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Bon Voyage!
It was a little bittersweet dropping the entire fam off at the airport this morning. Everyone was excited - even at 5am! Soph seemed a little overwhelmed, belted snuggly into her stroller, clad with paci and Puppy for comfort. Chels and Matt have promised to video during the trip so we can see all of the goings-on and memories we would otherwise miss out on. B and I have been promised souvenirs from the islands - a dress for me and a bottle of Tanqueray Ten for him.
**Update - the crew just landed safely in San Juan (1:30pm).**
In the mean time, B and I will enjoy our "stay-cation" with Baby B. B took off this week to stay at home with us, so we're looking forward to swimming at the M's pool, visiting with Nana and Papa M, dining out, and enjoying our time as a new little family.
So, Bon Voyage K Crew - we will miss you and are already anxiously anticipating your return!
And here is a pic of Baby B after bathtime today. He he he!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Two Weeks Already?
Sweet Baby B is two weeks old today, and is the most precious child ever (sigh).
Here's what I can tell you about him:
He is B's mini-me. From his adorable dimples, to his dark, spiky hair, to the same facial expressions, he is all B. Good thing I have a good-lookin' husband, huh?
He loves to snuggle up against your chest like a little bug. And will stay there, contentedly, for hours.
He has a great set of lungs and a big mouth (he certainly may have inherited that from his mommy...).
He's a great napper - another trait from his daddy ;)
His favorite story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. (Though I will soon introduce him to my favorite Kevin Henkes characters, along with Doreen Cronin's crew.)
His favorite music group is the Dave Matthews Band. Obviously.
He can pee upwards out of his diaper. This certainly must be a talent. The diaper doesn't even get wet. Amazing.
He's totally a boob man. Not that he really has a choice since breastmilk is the entree du jour day after day.
He loves the Baby Bjorn (a.k.a. "man-pouch") and the sling I just received in the mail courtesy of my Gramma K.
He is terribly photogenic, as evidenced by the myriad of pictures suddenly taking up space on my hard drive.
Quit growing up so quick, Baby B!