Sweet Precious Boy
Being that I am a Google freak, I Googled grunting baby and found an enlightening article about Grunting Baby Syndrome. And then I proceeded to laugh my face off. Apparently, GBS - as it's commonly referred to - occurs when a baby will "push, squeeze, grunt, change color and carry on only to produce a soft bowel movement." This is not what had me laughing, as I figured this was most likely the cause of our little grunter's issues anyway. What cracks me up is the supposed cure for GBS that involves inducing a bowel movement using a cotton swab. This results in...brace yourself...an anal wink. HA! Analwinkanalwinkanalwink. He he he. I am still giggling.
I guess we'll take a little grunter over an anal winker any day.
Big B & Lil B doing what they do best
My little peanut (shirt courtesy of Nana K)
Ummmm, I don't think it gets any cuter than this...
He looks just like his daddy!
Abby, he is getting so big! I just showed this to my mom. She loves his hair. Such a cutie!!
TOOOO Cute! And who did you say the MOTHER was??? (analwink analwink!) ;)
Aunt Debbie P.
You are so creative and so full of life!! Beck is so lucky!! Love all the stories and getting to see him since I haven't been there to see him in person...I will be in touch to set up a time I could visit!He is so cute!...and I do have to say he does look like your good looking husband!!! But I am sure there is lots of you in him too!!! Sharon
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