My goal for the afternoon is to lesson plan, but I often find that Mondays are great days for catching up. Doing a little laundry, tidying up a bit, checking in on some of my favorite blogs, and kind of getting things resorted from the weekend. Lesson planning might be taking a backseat to slow living today...
I don't know about you, but I think the messiest day of the week is Sunday. It has to stem from the chaos that is getting ready for church, which probably shouldn't be chaotic, but it always is. There are always clothes that need ironing, coupons that need clipping, and - truth be told - it takes my husband years longer than the rest of us to get ready. So, while I'm applying a little lip gloss, baby on hip, ready to head out the door, he's sauntering out of the shower lazily admiring his stubble in the mirror and wondering if he should shave.
Many a Sunday morning argument have centered around leaving the house at 10:45am and not a second later, only to find Beck and I buckled into the car for 5 minutes before our driver decides he's ready to go. Then, we're scrambling to get Beck into the nursery while worship is beginning and I'm shooting daggers through the holy air at my husband. It's a good thing we live less than a mile from church.
I pretty much remember Sunday mornings at home when I was younger to follow similar suit. Trying to coordinate five showers (at one point, three teenagers who had to shower) was difficult, as was not being the last person ready to go after having searched entirely too long for a missing Esprit purse (tell me you weren't all over Esprit purses in middle school). Going even further back, to the days when my mom had three heads of hair to brush, braid, and bow was even more of a challenge. There may have been more Sunday morning arguments then than there are now. Oh, to be the mother of three girls under the age of six. Oy!
So, anyway, Sunday mornings are a bit of a disaster. And Sunday afternoons are now football and lesson planning, which is why it is my goal to have my plan done way before then. So I can actually enjoy the latter half of my weekend, and maybe take a nap or do something else besides pour over picture books for three hours.

PS. Did I really just say Christmas card? Where has 2009 gone?????
I say you use it and show him.
You totally brought back getting-ready-for-church-chaos memories. And oh, the Esprit purses. Nice.
Girl, I hear ya. Mondays are catch up days for me too. Which is why I just spent a lot of time unpacking some long overdue boxes in the office. And you look too cute in that pic, as does Mr. Becks.
Cute family pick. There's always one dork in the bunch isn't there? Our best family pick was where my dad reached out and pretended to choke my mom while my sisters were giving me moose ears. Gotta love em'!
I agree with you about Sundays. Since Caleb arrived we always seem to arrive at church late. Only we have 20 minutes to drive since we go to a church in Burlington.
I totally agree with you about Sunadys being the messiest day of the week!! It seems like getting ready and getting to church is such a task and then my house looks like a tornado has gone through it!
I loev the family pic.. too funny!
Ahhh I can remember my Dad sitting in the car in the garage honking the horn at 7:30am (our poor neighbors) while my sister and I check our outfits for the 100th time before church.
I love the family Christmas card- you all look great!! Isn't it crazy how fast this year flew by??
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