Hi guys!
I don't even know where to begin, we've been so busy! Becks is still sick. Dr. Google is thinking it is totally roseola since his fever has been so darn persistent and then yesterday he broke out in a spotty rash. It's fun being one, picking up every germ that crosses your path, no?
Also, my sister, Chelsea, and I had Girls Night on the Town last Thursday night. I had to chuckle when we called my other sister, Aubrea, to let her know we were missing her and she asked, "Oh, are you going out for dinner and drinks?" Ha! Silly girl. No, we're going shopping child-free! However, we did make the most of our time together and not only hit up some sweet winter-clearance sales, but also had fun snapping pictures in the trashiest outfits we could find. Meet our alter-egos: Jerilee and Bonnie-Sue. When they're not trying on denim tights, you can find them posted up at your local truckstop eating moonpies and flirtin' with the locals. Yee haw! (And, yes, if you're in the market for denim-looking tights, they're totally at NY&Co - on clearance, shockingly.)

This is what happens when you've been snowed-in for two weeks straight.
This is what happens when you've been snowed-in for two weeks straight.
Jerilee. The superblond hair, no makeup, pasty skin really adds to the overall look.
Bonnie-Sue. No one pulls off the the faux silk, attached-pearl necklace look quite like you, sister.
And, then we tried on Derby hats. And tried desperately to look sophisticated. I failed. Chels looks rather darling.
But we didn't stop there. We would have got makeovers at the Chanel counter, but it was nearing 8pm and we turn into pumpkins shortly thereafter, so we opted to try on prom dresses instead. And, oh yes, we runway walked down the fitting room.
Wait? Do you smell that? YES, IT'S POLYURATHANE! We're hoooooooome!
Two weeks, two snow storms, and four coats of shellack later and we finally can sleep in our own bed and cook dinner in our tiny, outdated kitchen again! Yippeeee! We enjoyed our time with my inlaws immensely, but I was ready to come back to my own space. We still haven't found the perfect furniture yet, so our bedroom is currently serving as our living room too, but that's okay! I will post better pictures once everything is redecorated, but the new floors are a HUGE improvement over the old floors (which were 1950s originals, full of spots, stains, and scratches). FYI: Any spots you see are from the camera.
If you just looked at the pictures and need a cliff's notes synopsis, here's the gist of the post:
Becks has roseola.
Abby and Chelsea are complete dorks. But fun ones.
Snowdays make you crazy.
The floors are finally finished!
Can't wait to tweet with y'all tonight!!!!! I've been looking forward to it all day!
See you for #ATFT!
Am I weird if I actually LIKE that black prom dress you're rockin?!? See you for ATFT in a few hours!!!
PS...floors look AMAZING!
The floors look awesome and you do too in that black dress! Now I totally want to try on prom wear!
I don't see anything wrong with being at the truck stop eating moonpies as long as you have an RC Cola to wash it down!! Floors look great!!
Oh I hope B is feeling much better soon!!!!!!!!
Love the pictures, too funny!!
Girl your floor looks amazing!
The floors look fabulous - great job B!!! And way to have patience, Mommy and Becks. I had so much fun with you tonight. I am going to spiral into a deep depression once the Bachelor is over. Ha.
HA HA was the Jerilee shout out in rememberance of Mama Lee from the Pi House. She was glorious and her love of Doiley's inspired me.
I love the new floors! I'm sure it will soon look as if it fell off a designer magazine page:-) Looks like you and chels had too much fun! Aren't sisters great!!
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