Becks and I just returned from grocery shopping. I don't know about you, but I do not get prettied up to hit up Kroger on a Saturday morning. I do brush my teeth, but I totally rock my bedhead ponytail and yoga pants PJs. If I really want to gussy up, I might throw in some faux pearl studs - ya know, just in case I run into that hot guy from high school that I used to date.
Oh, wait. I'm married to that hot guy ;)
Anyway, Becks has been my date this weekend, accompanying me everywhere from Goodwill {yup, I'm thrifting again!}, to Baskin Robbins {bribery}, to the grocery story {we're out of milk. again.}. I love taking him along and getting to spend some one-on-one time with him.
This is the extent of Becks' character clothing. You know how I feel about it. Of course, it's like his favorite shirt. |
While Goodwilling produced some ah-mazing finds last night, I do have to tell you the absolutely unbelievable conversation I had with some 20-year-old chick. Let's just say my Momma Bear claws about came out. And I rarely feel the need to bar those.
Anyway, Becks and I were both wearing our Ugg boots. Fairly typical since we can't escape the snow around these parts. This girl immediately came over and started gushing over how cute he was wearing "those" boots. Then, she went over and told her co-worker she'd never seen a little boy wearing "girl" boots. Whatever. I continued to shop and blew her off.
I think these are not girly look at all. If you think so, don't tell me! |
She happened to be the one checking me out and continued to go on about the boots and how she can't believe he's wearing them. Then, and I am not exaggerating, this is what she says to me:
"You do know those are G-I-R-L boots, don't you?" {Yup, she even spelled out the word!}
Um, no, they are not GIRL boots. THE NERVE. They're grey, he's two, and they're snow boots. I told her they were totally unisex and she seriously frowned and shook her head and whispered, "No, they're not..." My blood was a-boilin', y'all. Girl's lucky I'm very non-confrontational, paid for my purchases, and then went on to call every member in my family to relay the story so I didn't wring her little neck. Shooooo, buddy.
So, on to the great find of the night...
A pair of Genetic Denim Cigarette Skinny Jeans in Silver that retail for - stop the world - $188!!!!
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I only wish my butt looked that good in them! |
And the best part? Besides the fact that they're like brand new, it was 50% off clothes last night, so they were regularly $6.99 and I got them for $3.50! Ah! Loooooove and loooooooove. {PS. I live in the suburb of a biggish city, which is why I have pretty good luck finding designer duds.} And what are the odds they were my size in the waist and length? Had to be fate :)
Have you found anything good thrifting lately?
Happy Saturday, y'all!
Great find!
I'm always amazed when people are THAT rude!
ughhhh that is AWESOME! what a great find! i haven't been thrifting lately... but wait til i post about the amount of clothing i'm taking to the thrift store. it's borderline embarrassing because i'm a borderline hoarder.
I love your posts on thrift shopping. It's my favorite thing to do! :)
You are a much better woman than I. I don't have ANY kids so I can't say for sure how I would have responded, but I know if that were any of the kids in my life whom I adore...I'd have probably gone over the counter at that girl. What an idiot!! Who says that to their CUSTOMER?! The bigger person part of me wants to say "let's pray for her" but the part of me that is mad...wants to say lets go show her about some girl boots...and how they feel stuck up the crack of her hiney! ha!
PEOPLE AND THEIR BIG MOUTHS! Who would even say that? Seriously.
By the way....I found the best piece of furniture while thrifting. I was just looking for a side table for my living room and I found this ok looking table that needed to be sanded down and painted. When I tried to pick it up I realized it was HEAVY. I looked under it and there was a teal sewing machine with red writing! BINGO. It was vintage and so cute as a decoration!
My family owns some shoe stores in Memphis and we sell UGGS... you are right, they are unisex! Many people don't know that, but they are. And I can't believe the gall that girl had. I hate when people are rude. Especially about something that has to do with your child. I can totally relate the mama bear instinct!
"So are you wondering why you are working in a thrift store and not in a fancy store? I'm not."
I was angry FOR you! At least you got a good deal on the jeans. A town near me has a Goodwill, Salvation Army Family Store AND an AMvets store within 2 miles of each other so my crafty girlfriends and I are planning a no-kids-Mommies-only outing very soon!
THE NERVE!!!!! I can't even believe she went on and on and on!! WHO CARES. They are boots NOT high heels!!! And again WHO CARES. As Stephanie from Full House would say "How Rude!" hahah. AHHHmazing soon as I start racking in my "big buck" sub paychecks I can't wait to go thrifting!! xoxo
Ummm, obviously she has never seen the hottie qb for the new england patriots, tom brady, rockin' out the uggs?!? I have girl,boy twins, just turned 5 and they BOTH had a pair of ugg boots when they were two!
L.O.V.E. your blog!
The nerve of that girl!!!!! I think he looks adorable in his UGGS.
Oh that girl is lucky you were so nice!! They make boots for boys and girls, does she not get that!? And he's rocking them!!
Amazing find with the jeans!! They are too cute!!
Love your blog Abby! I crack up everytime I read your posts. Also, I am NOT a lover of character clothes either. DISLIKE! My poor deprived children because that's of course what they ask for when they are shopping with me.
One of my firsties, Andy (who I L-O-V-E), received a pair of brown, UGG styled boots for Christmas and has not changed out of them since December 25. We live in south Florida. No real need for the boots, but he loves them. He has worn them out! I think I am beginning to see his big toe peeking out of the left shoe. Now, Andy, is the manliest first grade boy ever! His father is in Afghanistan and has taught his son absolutely everything about the military. AND he works dem UGG boots!
love your blog but have to honest, never seen a boy/guy in Uggs. Still rude of her to say somethnig though.
I bought my son a pair of Uggs and got lots of girl comments. It ticked me off, but the upside is that I now have my daughter wearing them without feeling bad that she's wearing "boy boots." I vote unisex! :) Jodi
Little boy Ugg boots are adorable! I LOVE them and so does everyone else in the world. I can't wait to get my little man a pair...I will probably wait until he can walk...or sooner.
What nerve she had. That is so rude and tehy are cute on him! Anyway,you have inspired me to goodwill shop more and I have been about 3x a month and spend at least $50 to $75 each time. Finding tons of bargains though! Love it!
I love to read about your Goodwill finds! PLEASE blog about how you get that wretched thrift store smell out of your clothes! :)
My almost 3 year old nephew has Uggs and he looks adorable in them. I cannot believe that lady would say something to you. Who does she think she is, the fashion police?
That is amazing. I wish I'd had that much luck . . . but I just usually don't have the patience for thrifting. I know it's totally worth the time investment, but I don't think I have the luck that a lot of the expert thrifters I see in this bloggy world have. Maybe I need some tips. I do live in San Francisco; it's not like there's any lack of thrift stores!
(p.s. one of the 2 year old boys I babysit for totally has those same gray Uggs).
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