It's Friday night. B is snoring sleeping on the couch. I'm listening to the most recent BooMama & BigMama podcast, while totally cracking up at their hilarious banter and sweet southern accents (because those accents totally add to the funny) and blogging at the same time.
It's an exciting night at the Babbling Household. Yesiree.
We did spice things up and eat Hot Pockets that I got on sale at Kroger for seventy-seven cents earlier. You're jealous, I know it.
I think it's officially summer, well, except for the fact that the calendar says it doesn't start until June 21st. Doesn't it seem like summer will be halfway over by June 21st or at least a third of the way? Summer should be open for business on Memorial Day. Same as the pools. And schools should be closed until Labor Day. But, that's mostly the teacher in me talking.
We're starting out our summer with stomatitis. That's a fancy name for a throat infection or something. Whatever you do, don't wikepedia it because you will see a baby who, bless his heart, looks like he's contracted a terrible, awful disease around his mouth. And that is not what Baby B looks like. He has that fancy infection on his tonsils, and it's manifesting itself through an overall cranky disposition and a 102 degree fever. It's another one of those tylenol-motrin-tylenol-motrin kind of days.
Chels and I went garage sale-ing today, complete with THREE carseats in the backseat of my car. $2.25 was spent on an apothocary jar (for a quarter!) and a crystal goblet (maybe it's a candy dish, but goblet sounds so much fancier). We're going out again in the morning sans our darling entourage because I'm sure you can imagine how much fun it is to repeatedly extricate a 23 lb boy child from the middle carseat over either of his cousins and then reposition him in yet another child-restraining device while I peruse stranger's junk. Especially when he's all stomatitisish.
Garage sale-ing seems to rank right up there with couponing: cheap thrills. The same rush I get when I purchase a pack of Oscar Mayer's for free (like I did today) is the same rush I get when I find an apothocary jar for a quarter. Loves it. I still need to post a pic of the totally awesome 1970s one piece capri outfit that got from the thrift store the other day. I think I mentioned it. Just telling you about it wouldn't be the same as me actually showing it to you, though. Let me help you visualize: I resemble a banana with an accentuated mom-pouch. And I use the term mom-pouch lovingly, since I am a mom and all. If I can convince my husband to take a picture of me in it, I will post it. Hold on...

And there you have it. He obliged, after a little protesting that I would post this totally fabulous find on my blog and actually be wearing it. I haven't even washed it yet. It cost $2.59. Since I'm on a yellow kick I thought it was a score - either it would be a cute, summer unitard OR I would snip the seams at the legs to make a flowy dress OR I would chop it to pieces and make some accents for our Yellow Submarine Living Room. The verdict is out on the unitard, though, and I'm probably going to nix that. Can't quite decide yet on the latter two. I do love it's vintage greatness. Especially those bonus pockets. Didn't even know it had those until I tried it on.
Off to bed, sweet BFFs. Happy Weekend :)
Abs...(can I call you that even though we've not met in person?) Two things...1.)You can totally rock the unitard. Although I'm sure that it'd be DARLING as a dress. 2.) I'm in serious need of coupon/mama-savings inspiration before Henry gets here. Like I need you to show me the ways so I too can be purchasing free hot dogs. How do me make this happen?
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehe!!! It's adorable! I hope Baby B feels better super duper soon!
Wow...that unitard is somethin' special I tell ya.
Sorry Baby B is so sick. Poor guy. I do not look forward to the days when Blake catches everything from every kiddo he plays with.
Right now I feel like I have him contained in a nice lil bubble.
Have fun yard sale-ing today!
Sorry to hear about Beck being sick, hope he feels better!
Ran into Kim from NKU at the library today, she is having the same problems finding a job.
Nix the unitard, make some cute pillows with it. In my opinion, not too many good clothes came out of the 70's.
Thanks for the love BFF!!
I LOVE the unitard... you seriously look like an adorable 70s teenager! I hope Baby B gets better soon :(
Could very well be the best thrifty find I've ever seen in all my days :)
Thumbs WAY up sister!
Haha love the unitard! But I think you can also call it a jumper and it doesn't sound like you are wearing spandex! Love your awesome finds!
I actually think you can pull it off;). We need to schedule our zoo trip soon...Pi love.
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