I'm having a hard time calling him Baby B these days.
When he does big boy things like place very important phone calls. Probably to China, running up my minutes without me even knowing it. And look at him. I mean, he's not a baby anymore. Despite what his mama says.

I read many blogs where parents call their kiddo by his/her real name. And, if you looked hard enough through archives, or took the many hints I've given that lend themselves to discovering what we call him in real life, then you probably already know that he's at least named after a famous soccer player.
And, no, it's not Ronaldo. Or Pele. Though, there is a certain ring to Ronaldino. Maybe if we ever have another son...
So, anyway, I'm stalling. And I don't know why. Like it's a big reveal or something. I mean, I blog. I can't be too private, right?
His name is Beckham. Named after, no lie, the delightfully charming and delicious David Beckham. B and I picked out that name my junior year of college. I remember the phone call specifically. It was snowing. I was holed up in the ADPi house with one of my two roommates, and I think we were both on the phone with our significant other since we couldn't see them in person due to the treacherous conditions. We somehow got on the subject of children, and both agreed that Beckham was a fantastic name for the son we might have together someday. And then, four years later, we signed a birth certificate and gave that name a real meaning and permanency in our lives.
So, there you have it. And just like that old Beanie Baby you have from 1995, Baby B is now retired. He will, from this point forward, be referred to lovingly as Becks. Since, that is what we call him on a daily basis when he's being cute or getting into trouble or snuggling in our laps. And I no longer have to backspace every time I write his real name in a blog post.
And let me just throw it out how weird it is for me to even see his real name on the screen. It's like I've suddenly changed the main character in a novel.
Am I over dramatizing this a smidge?
So, without further ado, our life in pictures as of late. Or, Becks' life in pictures, at least.

I can't even believe how grown up BECKS looks in the latest pictures...the one of him in the jeans and button down-TOO CUTE.
Becks is out of the closet. Love to you and your BIG boy. Tear:(
he will always be your sweet tiny :)
...and i have very similar box-sitting pics of myself. good box times!
I always thought it was a great idea how you sort of protected his identity... even though I did know his real name just from reading your blog! Sometimes I wonder if we are all a little to "open" on our blogs and forget what a crazy world we live in! It's kind of nice to be so nieve (is that spelt right?) to the crazy world! Sometimes people like to give me nice little reminders to watch what I'm saying to the wonderful blog world!
Becks is a very cute big boy :)
I struggle with this as well. Baby Faith doesn't seem right. But I don't want to call him by his real name either (Caden). Oh decisions, decisions.
I LOVE the name! I kept L's name a secret forever and then let him reveal it. I thought it was a pretty darn big deal, too! :)
Becks is such a big boy now- I can't believe it! The name thing is hard, any idea how many times I have to back space to K b/c I write his whole name!
I left you an award on my blog.
Love the name :)
He's so gorgeous! That's a great name! He sounds a lot like mine, into everything. My son is 2 and I still call him baby sometimes. It's a hard habit to break.
Adorable. I have a 15mo old boy too and he's always getting into all sorts of craziness. We call him Mr. Baby but I think that willl have to change soon.
Stopping by from MamaBzz.
I know I commented on this already... but I wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award. I'm pretty sure the person who nominated me also nominated you, but I had to include you! I know you seemed in a funk over the blog world the other day, but I wanted you to know your one of my favorite blogs to read! Keep it up... and head on over to my page to get the info if you'd like :)
I love that you revealed his name, and what a cute one it is!! I've never kept Austin's name a secret, I understand the desire for privacy, but my blog is all about him so it just makes it so much more personal to call him by his name.
I love that first picture of your little Beckham with the cell phone, he looks like such a little man!
Becks is just getting cuter by the minute. Does it make you a little sad he's not "Baby" B anymore? Your blog makes my day! See you here very soon :-)
ADORABLE NAME!!!!!!! I hadn't snooped enough in the archives to search out his name, but oh my goodness, it's ADORABLE!!!!
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