So, we're approaching a pivotal point in Baby B's life: the first haircut.
He's sporting a small, very small, barely even noticeable kindermullet. I do not want to cut it. Not only because it signifies a small part of babydom that I'm hanging onto, but also because I just think he still looks super cute - even with the business in the front, party in the back he's got going on.
B says cut it. And, I believe he would have already taken him to the barbershop had I given him the go-ahead.
So, what are your thoughts? To cut or not to cut? That is the question...
Here's the latest photo of the grandkiddos: Sutton, Baby B, & SophDogg

This is Baby B's first ride on Papa K's ATV. He was a little nervous. So was mommy.

Papa, on the other hand, thought it was great fun.

Lastly, here's my SophDogg making herself byoo-fee-al (read: beautiful). She is such a spicy little character.

I tell you the truth...Baby Faith has had to have 3 haircuts thus far, and he is only 15 months old!
Oh my gosh I love Baby B's hair the way it is! I'm just like you though--always wanting to hold on. But seriously, tell B to keep the snippers away.
I will be calling/emailing you soon when I find out the exact dates that I will be up in the NKy! Cannot WAIT! Mwah!
I like his hair. Mullet or not. I'm a big fan of shaggy hair on little boys though. Caleb will definitely have shaggy hair for a while when he is a toddler. Baby B is cute as a button though and will be no matter what hair cut his has.
Chars will have long hair so I hate to say cut it....but if you want B's hair short then do it now....hold your breath and cut away.
Logan got his first haircut at 5 months. But now I am growing out his hair for a shaggy skater 'do. I vote not to cut it. Those curls might not come back.
Don't cute it yet- baby mullet or not, it's just too cute!
Quite an adorable group of grandkids!
Hudson came out needing a haircut :) but he may be 5 before he ever gets one! I'm not even the sentimental type but as H grows more and more out of his wrinkly newborn stage it makes me want to cry!!
Don't cut the baby mullet if you don't want to!!! I think B makes the mullet look good :)
When boys are little its the only time they can get away with not getting hair cuts and having cute curls without being accused of being too girly. I say let him keep the curls till he starts getting confused as a girl. OK, maybe not that long because he's got such a gentlemanly little face he could never get mixed up as a princess but I'd say you'd be safe letting it go for a while. They grow up so fast, enjoying something like for a little while longer is not a bad thing.
Oh my word!!! These pictures are so cute, I love the last one the most! ;)
I can feel your pain SO MUCH, sister. I am facing the same dilemna. Everyone in our families is giving us grief to cut it, but Lee and I don't really want to. The same lady (Peg) who cuts Lee and his dad's hair said that she can cut it and still keep it looking babyish, so I might trust her and get a little trim. You need to just follow your heart, sister:). I think he looks awesome with that long mane.
i have to say i love his sweet baby hair, i vote no cut just yet
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