Our summer kicks into full gear at 11:41am this Friday when I bid my kinderergarteners adieu. But I will see them all again. I will be their first grade teacher! I accepted a position last week to teach first grade and I'm looping. And for you non-education folk, that means that I am taking my current group of students to the next grade. Which is very exciting for me because I love my class and watching them grow over two years is going to be pretty neat. We'll see how I feel this time next year ;) I am lucky to have TWO in-house first grade teachers to learn from and steal borrow ideas from (hi Aunt Deb & Aunt Cindy!), so I feel like it's already in my blood. If you teach first grade, feel free to email me with ideas. I'd love to hear them!
Between now and mid-July our weekends are packed full. Weddings, vacations, holidays, grad school, moving classrooms, and spending lots of time at the pool will keep us plenty busy. Plus, since I'm working fulltime in the fall, I want to devote as much time as possible to Becks. So, blogging has to take a back burner. It's hard to devote creative energy to blogging when I'm already spread thin doing a zillion other things. I'll try to check in often and still blogstalk daily, but I can't guarantee to post regularly. I hope you'll continue to read and comment. I really do enjoy connecting with you all!
Happy Wednesday :)
I feel the same way! Grad school is draining all my creative energy, but I am so glad I am working on my Masters. I'll be finshed next July!!
Enjoy your last few days of school and HAPPY SUMMER!!!
Hi Abz--Happy summer, and congrats again on the job! I am going to miss your consistent updates on life with Mr. Becks, but I 100% understand how difficult it is to "do it all!" You'll always have a faithful reader here, regardless if you post once a day, or once a week (or once a month, like someone I know :-) ) Love ya!
I had a feeling you'd be looping! That's an honor! Enjoy your summer.
I looped once with my kiddos and it was the BEST! Congrats on the new job! I know the feeling about time flying. My little guy will be 2 in t minus 10 days! 10!! omy!
Enjoy the summer with your boys!
I teach 1st grade and I love it!! I started out teaching 2nd grade, then moved to K and then to 1st. First is my favorite. You will see so much growth in your students....it is a very rewarding grade! My only advice would be to have fun teaching them how to fine tune those reading skills that you started in K. Don't get discouraged and think that you aren't doing a good job. Just when you are about to pull your hair out because little Suzy just doesn't get it, she will. Have fun!
Wow! Your kindergarteners are SO lucky to have you for another whole year! Congrats Abs! Happy Summer!
Yay for first grade! Thats what I taught. Happy summer and enjoy that sweet boy of yours!
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