He went to bed a toddler tonight...
...and, tomorrow, he will wake up a preschooler.
Already having a personal day booked for Friday, I just couldn't possibly take another day off to take him. I mean, it's been a short week anyway due to Labor Day. Two days worth of sub plans? Ick. Getting my first graders out of routine for TWO DAYS STRAIGHT? Double ick.
But I agonized over not being able to go. I cried tears over not being able to go. I was sick to my stomach over not being able to go. I was cursing the whole working-mother bit over not being able to go. But, alas, I resigned to my school responsibilities and prepared B to take him solo. I recruited my mother-in-law to accompany him - so she could remember to tell me everything that B would inevitably forget. What are his teachers like? Did he play? Did he make friends? Where does he hang his backpack? Did he miss me?
Then I did some thinking... Someday, would I regret taking two days off in a row? Or would I regret not being there to hold my son's hand as he entered his classroom for the first time or give my him a big hug when I picked him up? Yup, I would most definitely regret that. A lot.
Because, well, you only get one first first day.
You absolutely made the right decision! While our students are very important, family comes first and like you said, there will only be 1 first day of school. you have to be there for it!
Awww...glad you are going to be there. He reminds me so much of Aidan especially in the pictures of him cheesin really big! lol Aidan does that all the time.
I'm really loving his bag too! So cute! His little outfit is adorable for his first day. Don't cry too much! =)
Great Decision Momma!!! Sometimes you just have to set your priorities straight.... and the first day of school is VERY important!!! I hope the big boy bed and preschool go great :)
For some reason I am tearing up right now. I hope he has a great day! And that you do okay too little Mama!
He is just the sweetest little boy :) I'm so glad you'll be there to walk him in on his first day! I'm sure you'll be taking lots of pictures to show us :)
Yay, good for you!!
such a precious post! that little boy is lucky to have such a loving mom :) and although i'm not one myself, i'd say you've got a great mommy head on your shoulders. :)
GOOD choice. Enjoy your day!
Good for you. That is definately one of those times you will always remember. Beckham is too cute btw! Love the backpack!
Yikes! I had my husband take my daughter to her 1st day of preschool because it was also my 1st day of school with my 1st graders. I just knew that I needed to be there to greet my parents who were entrusting me with their children and have the faith that my daughter was good with her daddy in preschool. Your post ALMOST made me feel guilty, but I have no regrets. I picked her up and she was NOT ready to come home... she didn't cry and didn't even miss me. LOL! Now I get to take her everyday! : ) Good luck tomorrow!
Good for you! It's hard not to put our students ahead of our own needs, but you will definitely not regret being able to take your son to his first day and it will be just another day of school in your classroom. Hope it's a great day!
I think you definitely made the right choice! :) Be sure to take tissue with you...not for your son, for you! My son didn't even bat an eye when I left him at school for the first time, it was me that was sniffling! Hope he has a GREAT first day!
Look at that toothbrush... I've taught him well!
You are so right to take the day off. Hope he has a great first day.
So precious! What a good mama :) Definitely the right choice- good for you!
Aww Abs-I was getting teared up on this one. Our boys are ENTIRELY too big. SO glad you decided to be there for this big milestone. You work hard and deserve to be apart of that. Can't wait to hear how day one goes!
You made the bes decision!! Who cares if you had a sub 2 days in a row, that little man is so worth it:)
Hope he had a great first day and thst you did well too!!
Love his little outfit and backpack!
He is too cute!!!!!
Enjoy your day, you definitely made the right choice!
Awww I'm so glad you decided to go! What a big day! I bet you can't wait for the recap. And I'm sure he looked adorable in his lil outfit, he is just ridiculously cute!
Good for you for making the right decision for yourself! You'll look back and remember that special day of his first first day of school. P.S. I'm a new follower, love your blog!
Great decision! I'm very happy you have this blessing and opportunity and that you seized it. I always try to use that long-term perspective view in regards to family/work.
YAY!! You made a great choice! And PS - I despise writing sub plans. I'm really particular about things and very detailed, so my sub plans always end up being pages and pages and it's more trouble than it's worth to get a sub sometimes :)
So glad you decided to take the day off, I think you'll be very happy you did! : )
I hope he has a great first day!
I hope Beck's first day of school is one for the record books! Family first..always :) Good Luck!
good girl!! as a teacher and a mom of three (who are all almost TEENagers!!), i can tell you that you DEFINITELY made the right choice. and you know what? your students' parents would agree! be a mom, it doesn't last long enough...
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