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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Flower Headwarmer Headband Giveaway!

Before I even received all the sweet comments from y'all on my flower headband headwarmer pictured in a recent post {thank you, btw!}, I had a little something special in the works for my bloggy friends.  As silly as it sounds, I truly do feel like I know many of you and I enjoy every sweet comment that you make!  Not only did I want to show my appreciation for your readership, but I also wanted to include you in my birthday celebration - which usually gets lost in the Christmas hubbub.  I was always that kid that had to bring cupcakes to school before or after the winter vacation (darnit, mom and dad...but then, I can't really talk since Becks' birthday is in June!). 


I am giving away THREE darling headwarmer headbands!  Yay!  I have three colors to give away - purple, cream, and black, and they look absolutely fantastic on.  They're wonderful for this winter weather and because they're made to be worn loose-ish, they don't give you hat head and remove effortlessly.  I, for one, am obsessed!

Here's how you can win...
{You Must...}

Be a follower of Babbling Abby.  Join on the lefthand side of the page, and leave me a comment telling/reminding me that you follow!

{Additional Entries...}

Blog about this giveaway and leave me a comment with the link back to your post. 

Follow me on twitter @babblingabby and tweet about this giveaway to your followers.


Up to 3 entries allowed per person.
You may only win once.
Sorry, but you can't choose the color!  I'll pick at random who wins which color once winners are chosen.
This giveaway ends on December 23rd (my birthday!) at 12AM EST. 
Winner will be announced by January 1st. 
If the winner doesn't contact me with their address within 48 hours, a new winner will be selected. 

Thanks so much!  Good luck!

{ETA:  I ordered these from a sweet girl at church!  She doesn't have a website, but you can certainly find a ton of reasonably priced vendors on Etsy!}


Anonymous said...

I am a longtime follower:)

I was SO going to ask you where you got this when I saw it in your post. So cute! I'm basic (see: boring) so I would totally love the black one, not that I'm being picky :)

Anonymous said...

And I follow you on twitter (but, where have you been??) and tweeted about this!


Gina said...

Liz can have the black one. I'll take the cream one! )

labride said...

Ok I so so so want to win one! BTW I just saw you email from forever ago...I need a phone that pinches me when I get an email. Things are getting much better at school, thanks for the support. ;)

labride said...

Following you on twitter, and I tweeted!

Susannah said...

I'm a follower and fellow teacher! ;)

Susannah said...

Also following you on twitter and tweeted about this! @edwardsedition

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and a first grade teacher! I also have a December birthday, so I know how you feel! My bday was actually this past Monday!!! I looooooove the headbands!!! :-)


The Ossege Family said...

I follow your blog...just a reminder :)

But since I probably won't win and you had to get them close by, PLEASE e-mail me were you got them. I would love a black & cream one to match my 2 new coats.

Hope your x-mas break is FABULOUS!!!

Unknown said...

I adore your blog!! I am a fellow teacher and I, as well as my students, love your cute activities. Thank you for sharing your awesome ideas!!! :)

Amanda said...

AH! LOVE! I am a relatively new follower (and blogger), but I am totally enamored by this headband! I am not on Twitter, but I will most definitely post about your giveaway as well! :) I know I already told you this, but I love your blog! (Pick me! Pick me! Haha!)

Stephanie said...

I look forward to your posts each day!! You are the main reason I joined blogger. I just added you on Twitter. :)

Miss Chelsea said...

These are super cute! I'm already a follower, duh!

Michelle said...

I look sooooo forward to your blogs and what you wear on Wednesday! You are so adorable and I love your headband!!! I'm a Cincy girl and as you know, we're gearing up for the snow, so hopefully I'll win!!

Allie said...

I am a follower! I would love to wear one of these! I love all 3 colors!

Ashley said...

Ooooh I so want the purple one.

and the cream one....

and the black one. :)

I'm a follower too.

Ariane said...

These are adorable!

I follow {obvs}.

Anonymous said...

I follow and LOVE your blog! I was a teacher myself and reading your blog makes me miss it so bad!

Michelle said...

I posted! Check it out!

Megan said...

I'm a follower, fellow teacher, blogger momma, and lovin' the headbands!

Erin said...

I'm pretty much in love with all of these and am a follower. =)

Amanda said...

I posted! Check! :)

Joshua and Rachel said...

I looooove these!!! hope I win:)

Erin said...

Too cute! I'm a follower!

Jenny said...

I am a follower since teacher week! Thanks for the chance to win. Oh, and I totally know how you feel having a Christmas birthday (mine is the day after Christmas.)

Anonymous said...

In case we don't win, would you share your secret of where you got the precious headband. I desperately want one!

School Day Love said...

I'm a follower! I just gave one of these to my friends for Christmas...but really was tempted to keep it for myself! :)

Jen @ Canadian Rhapsody said...

Now following!
And enjoying browsing around the blog.

Jen @ Canadian Rhapsody said...


I'm loving the black and purple ones! I think the cream one could make me look (even more) washed out during this snowy season!

According to Ashley said...

Hooray! These things are so adorable. I'm already a follower....and I just blogged about the giveaway! Here's the link

Kathleen said...

I'm a follower! This would be so great for recess with the kiddos. Happy early b-day!

MrsKinne said...

Adorable-- and I am a follower. :)

G. said...

yay! I follow you here. :)

The Newlyweds said...

I'm a follower! Love these! They are so cute!!
If we don't win, can you tell us where they're from???

Jenna said...

following! love the headband!

abxmomof3 said...

hese are so cute!!! I am a follower of your blog!!

Vickie Heydenreich

Gladys said...

I'm a follower...and I absolutely looove those cute headbands! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica said...

I'm a faithful follower! ;) Those headbands are adorable! I love then...and your blog!

Shannon said...

I follow! I don't comment often, but I love reading your blog. It's one of my favorites!

Taren said...

Just started following AND when I saw that picture of you in this I that is super cute! :)
Thanks for the give-away!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower of your blog! (Although it's been in my Google Reader for some time already). Would love the headband!


Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I am for sure loving this giveaway! This would be perfect for me while I am skiing over spring break!

I am already a follower of your wonderful blog!

Kelly said...

I'm a follower! And I love them all!!!

Kelly said...

I also just tweeted it and sent you a follow request. {at}thewebbfamily

Heather said...

I'm a follower! I love reading your blogs, especially about teaching. I teach 4th grade and never thought I'd want to teach lower than that, but seeing all your fun units makes me want to! I am also on a huge flower headband kick and these are ADORABLE! I never win anything on blog giveaways, but I thought I'd at least try! So cute!

Ally said...

Hi Abby! I'm a new follower/new your blog!! And guess what...MY birthday is on December 23rd too AND I will also be 28!! 1982 in the house! :P

Ashlee said...

I'm a follower and I tweeted too :)

Paige said...

I am a follower! You should let us know who made these so if we are not able to win we can possibly purchase one! lol. Have a great week!

Traci said...

I love reading your makes me smile every time you post something new. the headbands! :)

Traci said...

I love reading your makes me smile every time you post something new. the headbands! :)

Andrea said...

Follower! Love your blog. So Cute.

Lizzie said...

Adorable headband! I just became a follower of yours! Love your blog!! :)

Mandy Fischer said...

Those headbands are so cute! I would love to win one! I have been a follower of yours for a while! :)

Amber said...

Oh my gosh! Those are the cutest thing ever! I would love to win. My mom's birthday is December 22nd, so I can relate to how you feel. We always try to make her birthday distinct from anything else going on. :)

Mama Perks said...

Ummmmmmmm, hello cuteness! A+ for combining stylish & functional :)

I came, I follow, I tweeted & I'll blog :)


Missy said...

I am a follower! I adore your blog :)

Amy said...

I'm a new follower and fellow first grade teacher (in VA!). :)You are precious! Happy early birthday!

Lauren said...

I'm a follower! These are just adorable!!

Traci said...

I am a new follower :)

I love these headbands! Where did you find them?!?

The Dixon Spot said...

What a great give-a-way!!! I'm a new follower, just requested to follow you on twitter, and posted to my blog about your give-a-way! Happy Early Birthday as well!
- Nickie

The Beck's said...

I'm a new follower! I think your blog is so FUN to read. I enjoy reading it! Thanks for the read!! By the way LOVE LOVE LOVE the headbands. Adorable!

A New Chapter said...

I'm a follower! I love ECU and my sorority colors from when I was in college were Purple and White so I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be sporting one of those :)

Christina said...

I've been a follower for a while now and these are absolutely adorable and don't think I can go one more minute without one, lol!

The Dixon Spot said...

Here is the link to your giveaway post!

I also sent you a request to follow our blog! Enjoy!

lovetwoteach said...

I just googled to try and find where I could get the ear warmer. I loved it! I am a follower and love all of your ideas. I am also posting on my blog!

Kristen Walsky

Anonymous said...

I a follower! I love the headbands giveaway! I'm in love!!!

Hailey said...

Adorable!! I'm a follower, and I put this on my blog too!

Ms. J said...

I'm follower!! These are so adorable- I need one!!

Mrs. Wheeler said...

#1 am obsessed with your blog

#2 generally freeze my booty off at recess duty

#3 have an obsession with anything with a flower/gem/sequin on it

#4 NEED one of these darlings!

#5 am a follower and fan of your blog!!


Mrs. Wheeler said...

Oh, and P.S. I posted about your blog!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through a friend's blog and I fell IN LOVE with your flower head band!!!! SOOOO CUTE. I am now officially a follower and am hoping to win one of those fabulous headbands!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I just added myself as a follower but also posted about your giveaway on my blog! :) I'm really hoping to be a winner, winner! Here is the link to my blog.

I'm looking foward to reading more about you as well! :)


cassandra said...

YAY! I love them! Even if i don't win...maybe you could help me buy one from your friend! I'm sad though because i can only enter once because I don't have a blog or twitter!

Kinderpond said...

Happy Birthday to both of us! Today is my birthday! Never got to celebrate the fun on my birthday because it was finals! lol

I am also a teacher :) I can't wait for your teaching blog to begin.

I am folloing you. Good thing I am harmless! lol

Kinderpond said...

I am trying to follow you on Twitter! I will explain to my students that all of the Tweets I get during school are from teachers lol

Annette said...

OOHH I luvvie duvvie these headbands!!

Annette said...

Ooops!! I am now a follower!! Love the headbands and this is my first visit to your blog and it's too cute!!

ayersfamily said...

I follow you. Love them!

Allison said...


Maryland Magnolia said...

I'm a follower :) These headbands are too cute (and look warm)!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty awesome giveaway Babbling Abby. :) Would totally rock the purple one! And of course, you know I am a follower.

Sallie said...

OMG. I love to follow your blog and I was going to ask where you got that headband- totally a must for the mom on the go!

LittleBGCG said...

I've been following for a while now :)

http://littlebgcg dot blogspot dot com

Sallie said...

You know I blogged about it too- I am dying for one of those bad boys! Ha! Hope you are enjoying the snow days- Lexington sort of missed the ice, but we have a sloshy mess here!

Jillian said...

I'm already a follower:)

Lea Liz said...

Oh my goodness, I love these! I need one:)

Im a follower!!

regina said...

I follow!

reginaseger at yahoo dot com

Jillian said...

I tweeted!!

Jillian said...

I blogged about it:)

Lauren said...

Love it!

You know I'm a follower :)

Kristen said...

ooh, I would *LOVE* one of those pretty headbands! So adorable!

I follow your blog & always enjoy your posts. Beckham is darling! (BTW, my best friend's son's name is Beckham, too!)

Krystal said...

I've been a follower for a few months now (I think)...ha! Love reading your blog!! Cutest headbands ever!! Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday!!

Jenna said...

I follow you! Those headbands are absolutely gorgeous!

Amanda said...

Hello Abby I am a new follower and a new blogger and I am a teacher as well! I also love theses headbands and would LOVE to win one!

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

I just became a your blog. I'm a teacher too, only in China. Let me know if you would like to do penpals, I could ask our 1st grade teachers.

Cute headbands, I would love one for the cold weather here!


terep711 said...

Love the blog! Love the headbands! I love your positive energy and generosity! Happy birthday!

The Lambert's said...

I am a follower :)

Jen said...

I'm a new follower and would love to win one, they are so cute!

Looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know you.


PinkLouLou said...

Sweet mother 98 people have entered this?! you remember who knew you back in the day ;) haha I follow you HERE and on twitter ANNNND I shall now post about you. But I don't want to because that means other people will want this cute flower head band. Hmph. I am torn. I think i will stick with my two entries.

Rosan Wachi said...

I'm a fairly new follower. Love reading your blogs and that's too cute of a head band.

Jennifer Ezell said...

I follow your blog!

Cindy said...

I've been following for a little while now :)

Entry #1

Cindy said...

I requested to follow you on twitter!

Entry #2

Cindy said...

I tweeted about the giveaway! (mentioned you in the tweet!)

Entry #3

Anonymous said...

I'm officially a follower...though I've been reading your blog for a while now. Love, love, love your ideas!

Shannon said...

i've been a follower for quite sometime! and i looooooove that headband (that was exactly what i thought when i saw the cute little headband in your earlier post)! what a fab giveaway!!!

the cunningham family said...

I just signed up to follow! I'm a fellow first grade teacher and love reading your blog! Thanks so much for the neat ideas! Love the headband too!

Jenny said...

I'm a longtime follower that would love a cute headband to wear at car duty every morning! :)
And I wrote about your giveaway!

Jenny said...

And I tweeted :)

Becky said...

I am a new follower! I am a kindergarten teacher from Buffalo, NY. I have become obbssessed with reading teacher blogs. I love getting new ideas from teachers all over teh country!

Stacy said...

oh my goodness that is just darling, I would love a headband-any color!

Cassandra said...

I am already a follower! LOVE your babbling! :)

Cassandra said...

I just blogged about your amazing giveaway!

"The Mrs." said...

I just became a follower!

"The Mrs." said...

I blogged about this giveaway!

Cara Carroll said...

LOVE, love, love!!! I'm crossing my fingers!!
Oh yeah...I'm a follower :)

Sara L. said...

I am a new follower :)
These are adorable, perfect for the blast of cold weather I am getting here in wilmington!!

Sara L. said...

I mentioned your great giveaway in my blog :)

Anonymous said...

HI! I always read your blog, but was not a follower...NOW I AM!!! :)
I am a fellow first grade teacher! I enjoy your ideas...thanks!! I also understand your pain this year. I took last year off when I had my 2nd daughter...and was hard to go back. THanks so much for having this give-a-way. L.O.V.E. the headband!!

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!

Jenny Rose said...

Oh, cute! I have actually been looking for some of these! I loathe the cold and never feel cute in all the layers to keep warm so these are perfect!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!! Super cute headbands!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win one of these!

amanda said...

I'm a follower! These are adorable!

I love your blog :)

Gladys said...

I'm a follower! And I love your blog! ♥

AbbyS. said...

The TOP 5 reasons I need one of these.
2. You are the reason I am all caught up in this whole bloggy world. (thanks!)
3. Recess duty would be soooo much more fun with a) less noise (muffeled by ear warmer) b) warm ears. c) Cute ears!
4. I would totally blog about it and give you mad props!
5. I love the wildcats, two year old train lovers, Diet Coke, teaching, and CUTE EAR WARMERS!

Of course I follow! If I tweeted I would tweet! <3

Jenn said...

Hi Abby! I have been "following" you since you posted the name map, but I just became "official" today! I also teach first grade and would LOVE a headband. My school is just outside of Buffalo, in New York--and outside recess is COLD up here! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! :)

Laurie Keyes said...

I have a ton of things to do, but came across this while browsing. Now I HAVE =) to spend time looking all around this blog because there are so many interesting things. The headbands caught my eye but all of your previous posts are incredible!! Thanks!! Send the headband here...its cold!!!

Mrs. Berard said...

I am a follower already! And I love the headbands!

simply shea said...

i've been a follower for a while :)

simply shea said...

following you AND tweeted at you!

Miss Kindergarten said...

I am a follower! I LOVE your blog! It is so fun to read! and those headband headwarmers are adorable! Thanks for the reminder post ;)


simply shea said...

and here's my blog post!

Peters said...

I just blogged about your giveaway on my blog. Here is the link:
Thanks again. I wold love to win one of these for my girls and I.

Anna & Kirby said...

I've been reading your blog for about a month now, but finally became a follower today! I am a first grade teacher in South Carolina... and it's getting cold here and I could really use a headwarmer headband!

Loving Life said...

I am a follower!

Loving Life said...

I posted on my blog.

The Pettijohn's said...

shoooooooooo. You know I follow, sister :)

Jessica said...

I have been reading your blog for a bit and these headbands are TOO CUTE! And I always wanted one of these :)


Robin (Hubard) Schilling said...

Love the headband! Great for a Florida winter!! :) Thanks for blogging!

jowens said...

so cute!!! now a follower :)

Unknown said...

I am a new follower of yours. I officially joined today. I am a kindergarten teacher in Ohio and I love your classroom ideas and follow many of the same amazing blogs as you do. I found many new favorites from your site. Your headwarmers are adorable and would be the talk of our playground! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Happy Birthday!

Kaelin said...

I am a follower and I would love a cute headband!

mags said...

I am now a follower - really enjoy your blog. And the headbands are too cute!

The Asby Family said...
I have put an entry on my page about your blog and the headband giveaway, I would loveeee the people one to wear tailgating for ecu games :) merry christmas!!

The Asby Family said...

I would love love love the people headband it would be so cute to sport out to our ecu games!! I am a brand new follower!! TEXT

Anonymous said...

Was just wondering if you ever announced a winner? Never saw a post on January 1st?