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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some things.

1.  Nothing makes you feel old like hearing the local radio DJ proclaim And now it's time for some old school!  And then he plays Justin Timberlake's Cry Me A River.  I was a sophomore in college when that song was popular.  Totally.  Not.  Old School.  Thankyouverymuch.

2.  Not all tissue papers are created equally.  I know this because I have fluffed no less than 297 tissue paper pom poms tonight.

3.  Ask me if said poms will be suspended from the dining room fan by Cleanburst Reach Floss, and I will kindly respond Oh, yes they are.  So if anyone gets corn stuck in their teeth during the birthday festivities this weekend, you'll know where to go.

4.  While we're discussing dental issues, are you familiar with David after the Dentist?  If not, go watch THIS, laugh, and return to see the below picture which bares resemblence to David when he rises from his seat in a dinosaur-likre roar.  Becks informed me that he was being a dinosaur.  An axshophone dinosaur to be specific.  Roar.

5.  Beckham proclaimed {loudly} in Target today that he was going to Hit me in the p*nis.  It was all I could do to jump across the aisle and slap my hand over his mouth, and another one over my own.  Because it was also kind of funny.

6.  Did you know the Canadian post is on strike?  I'm ordering something through Etsy, and there's been a delay due to shipping issues resulting from the strike.  Just an interesting little fact for you. {Also, if you are in fact Canadian, I am sorry about the strike.  I'm sure that's frustrating on both ends.}

7.  Becks has developed the talent? adaptation? super power? to sleep through a variety of power tools.  I kid you not, he can go to bed and sleep soundly while the drum sander is turning right above our room - which we are currently sharing with him during the Big Boy Bedroom reno.  This is likely due to the fact that our home has been under some form of construction during the entire three years he's been alive.

8.   One of the goals on my Sunspiration list is to read at least 2 novels.  I finished Firefly Lane last week and *loved* it.  If you are madly in love with Summer Sisters by Judy Blume {as I am}, then you must read it.  I randomly came across it at a library book sale I was working and am twelve kinds of glad I did.  What are you reading this summer?

9.  B is working tomorrow, which means if I want to run by myself while it's still less than 80 degrees out, I have to run super early. Although I love the commentary my little buddy in the running stroller provides as we jog together, it's really so much easier if I just run solo.  He usually wants to talk or request I pick up a rock or a pinecone.  I'm just focusing on panting breathing.  However, when that alarm goes off at 6am, I'm thinking a little companionship isn't so bad.

10.  Who else could watch True Life marathons all day?  What would I do without trashy TV?


Whitney @ EHFAR said...

i worked, but i was able to catch a couple episodes of true life. definitely interesting.

Jamie said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the pom poms and birthday party!

Number 5 made me laugh out loud!

Rachel said...

It is 92 by 7am here in AZ...that's why I don't run?

Also, I saw tissue paper centerpieces on tv where you take 2 different colored sheets, turn the corners sideways, and pull them up around a roll of toilet paper. Tie it off with ribbon and use as centerpieces or weights for balloons etc.

Have fun!

Jessica said...

I about spit out my water...#5 is priceless!

Have a great birthday party! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Lauren said...

Well.. #5 made me laugh! :)
It's crazy what the littles will say!

Anna & Kirby said...

Haha... True Life marathon! I woke up to it and went to sleep on the couch to it. horrible, isn't it? But I love it.

Cindy Hutter and Tanya Wildman said...

I read "Firefly Lane". It was awesome!! If you are looking for another great novel, I highly recommend "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. It is an amazing book that will make you think, laugh, and cry. It has been made into a movie and the movie will come out in August. There is already "Oscar Buzz" about it, too.

Mrs. McHaffie said...

Ok...I read Firefly Lane last summer and fell in love. I also sent a copy to my best friend because OH. MY. Word. if it's not perfect for besties to read together!

Also...I partook on the TrueLife marathon yesterday as well. One of the wonderful perks of summer...trashy TV! Love it!

Beg, Borrow, Steal

Cassandra said...

I totally laughed out loud with number 5! :)

And I cant wait to see these pom poms you worked so hard on! You will have to do a how to DIY post about them!

Amy said...

If you haven't read it already, you should check out The Help - one of the best books I have read in the past few years. You will not be able to put it down!

Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

I literally LOL'd at my desk at work when I read #5. I'm sure my surrounding co-workers think I'm crazy now! ;) I love the things they can come up with.

Suzanne said...

1. We could be twins seperated at birth.
2. JT Cry Me a River is SO NOT OLD SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I amy or may not bust a move to this song while cleaning the kitchen)
3. We are having my sons b-day party this weekend and I am covered in spray paint- I want to see your POMS!!
4. I hope you didn't get hit in the you know what at Target, that made me laugh out loud
5. I watched TRUE LIFE all day yesterday while I should have been doing party stuff. I learned a lot about mental illness and bi sexual people. Very educational I might say.

Tickled Pink Mandy said...

5 is hilar. Gotta love little boys!

And super excited to see pics of the party!!

The Kinder Garden said...

I've been reading the Outlander series, and the books are SO dang good! I'm all excited that there are like 7-8 books so far in the series so that I don't have to stop reading them! :)


Doodle Bugs said...

the Help is awesome but this summer I have read a few other great ones too..

The Pioneer Woman's book- High Heels to Tractor Wheels

Night Road- another one from Kristen Hannah who wrote Firefly Lane)

Heaven is for Real (quick read but so good!)

A Summer Affair (by Elin-Hilderbrand.. she is good!)

Anonymous said...

Haha!! Oh I just love reading your blog!! Makes me laugh out loud!! Thanks!

Alessia Albanese said...

Thanks, Abby, for sympathizing with us (I am Canadian). The postal strike is terrible and a such a hassle! Hope it's over soon!

Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

Emily Hensley said...

I saw the pictures from the birthday party, everything looked great! Just wondering how you made the pom pons? My sons second birthday is Saturday and I thought this is would such a cute idea! You can email me at if you have time. Thanks :)

Mrs. G said...

Loved the party pics! My daughter Emma was born on June 28, 2008. :) Enjoy your 3 year old like I am enjoying mine. :)