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Monday, June 27, 2011

They say it's your birthday!

Omiword, it feels like yesterday he was born.  And, now he's this crazy, three-year-old little boy! He cracks me up daily, and while his antics are sometimes trying, his sweet nature and gap-tooth smile get me every time.  Happy Birthday, Becks!  I love you so, so, so, so, so, so BIG!

* * * * *
So, apparently, I kinda like playing party hostess.  I had an absolute blast planning Becks' party, and though it was only family, it was oh-so-much-fun.  And, to be honest, this has really been the first occassion in the four years that we've lived in our house that I felt really comfortable hosting a {modest} crowd.  Now that we have a deck (best investment ever) and a much much much more efficient kitchen (um, maybe the kitchen was the best investment ever!), I feel confident that I'd like to host get-togethers all the time!  Now, if I could just find the time... 

So, the theme was more or less color and since he's currently a huge Handy Manny fan, his Nana M. made a fantastic Handy Manny cake - complete with fondant-made tools!  I'm not the best photographer or editor, so the pics aren't the best.  I'm working on it!   

And now for a gobzillion par-tay pics!

Now for the actual party, wherein my momma managed to be the only one to escape my lens.  I'll get you next time, my pretty...

I mean, can you really host a preschool party these days without one of these things?  Fortunately, we borrowed this one from my parents' neighbors because I would so not pay for a party jumpy thing.  However, the kididdles totally *loved* it!

This little one-two picture succession is one of my favs.  He's sitting in my lap waiting for his daddy to bring out his gift from us.  

This next pic is when he sees his gift being rolled out the back door.  It brings a tear to my eye knowing that his excitment won't always be this genuine, this palpable. 

He crashed hard that night.  But not before he went to bed wearing new PJs and convinced us to let him take new toys to bed.  Stinker. {Sidenote: The upstairs is coming along.  Sanding always takes longer than we imagined, so he's still sleeping in the pack-n-play in our room.}

So, that's it.  Third birthday extravaganza.  Where are the years going?!?!


Michelle said...

Um- girlfriend. We so need to get together because party planning is also so my thing! Love the pictures and the fab cake and decor! Tell your big boy happy birthday!
Fabulous in First

Cara Carroll said...

look at you, miss 'hostess with the mostest'!! LOVE this sweet party!!!! you didn't miss a detail! everything is darling! happy birthday to becks!!! hope this next year is as fun & memorable as the last 3 :)

AbbyS. said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Becks!! Looks like a wonderful party. Great job momma! He is so handsome. It looks like he had so much fun. Goodness they grow fast.

katherinebee said...

Happy birthday Mr. Becks! That's the cutest cake I've ever seen in my life!

Rachel said...

What an amazing party! Beckham is so lucky to have you guys! 1) How did you make those tissue paper balls? 2) I totally used the di cut at school to make a birthday banner for my 1 year old nephew's birthday (which this post reminds me that I never posted about!) Thanks for sharing!

Jamie said...

Happy birthday Becks!

The party looks like it was perfect :) You did a great job and I'm loving all the color!

Amanda said...

SO presh! :) I love how expressive Beck's face always is in every.single.picture.


Anonymous said...

cute party! You did an awesome job!

Happy bday becks!

Blair said...

Precious little Becks is already three? Crazy! Looks like the party was a success and he enjoyed it. You did great, Abz!

P!nky said...

OH me oh my Becks is 3! Wow, that is so wonderful! You planned a beautiful lookin party, I LOVE the pops of color everywhere. And I agree, the picture sequence with you and Beckham waiting for his present is TOTALLY PRECIOUS!

Happy Birthday Becks!

Jodi said...

What a fabulous party! You're pictures of the decorations look like they came right from a magazine! Time definitely flies. My oldest just turned 4 and it's killing me :(


Ms. J said...

Awesome job!! Looks like fun! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVED all your decor! Looks like he had a BIG time. We'll be doing the BIG 2 party on the 9th. Can't wait to host as well. It seems the older they get, the funner the planning gets!

Lea Liz said...

Happy Birthday Beckham!!!
I love the party pics, it was so cute!! You did an awesome job!!!!!!!!!

miss m said...

LOVE your blog, LOVE the theme of COLOR! hApPy BiRtHdAy!

Tanya Solano said...

Happy birthday Becks! Two thumbs up! You did a fantastic job...and looks as though your future hostessing endeavors will be too! What a fantabulous cake!

Again, happy birthday to Becks! Enjoy him all you can, they grow so fast!

Happy day to you!

megandw said...

Everything looks great...I love the theme of "color." So perfect for a teacher:)
Those tissue paper ball hangy things are amazing....where did you find the idea?

Gina said...

Happy Birthday Becks! Jackpot on the best! gift! EVER! Lightning McQueen bike? Good job!

Maryland Magnolia said...

What a fun party :) It looks like he had a great birthday!

And that cake is awesome!!! Beckham's Nana has some mad cake decorating skills :)

Tickled Pink Mandy said...

Happy birthday little guy! Your party looks fantastic. I love throwing my son birthday parties too!! Thank goodness they are only once a year or I would be broke!

Lauren said...

love his sweet birthday party! and... he is soo cute in his little party outfit! :)

The Kinder Garden said...

Super cute party decorations! Nice work. :)

Cory Holder said...

Love the hanging 3s!! So cute!