Another fun bloggy giveaway today at Babbling Abby!
Today I want to introduce to you my latest venture...
Babbling Baby Designs!
I know it - I am an even bigger nerd than you thought! So, here I go again. Trying to be all creative and whatnot.
Actually, the truth is that I had an extra package of size 3-6 month unopened onesies in the closet, plus a 40% coupon to Michaels. Combine the both of these and now I'm designing baby onesies! Ay, ay, ay. They are so super easy to do and totally fill my need to become a graphic designer. Unfortunately, my husband flat out refuses to pay for a third degree. (Why? I beg. I don't think owing the government $30,000 in student loan debt is near enough!) Thus, I copied and pasted my way to these creations, loving the different fonts and breaking out my sharpies to mimic a few of them every now and then (I am obsesessed wtih handwriting. It's sickening.)
Here is Baby B modeling his fab new mom-designed tee:
We only hang him upside down when he's been really, really bad.
And, for your viewing pleasure here's my most recent designs.

Here's what they say if you can't read them: pacifist (with a paci pic), night owl (with an owl pic), fat and sassy, cupcake, and the Babbling Baby logo.
So, today's giveaway is a Babbling Baby Onesie! You can either choose one of the designs above, or I can design you one - it can be a monogram, a pic, your child's name, etc! I'll do anything!
To win, leave me a comment telling me what you would like your onesie to say. That's it. Simple as pie! If you win, you'll be notified with all the other giveaway winners on Saturday, February 28th.
Thanks to all those who have participated so far. I have enjoyed checking out your blogs :)
These are super cute. I wish I was so creative. I have a sewing machine...never been out of the box.
If I won today's giveaway...I think I would like the name of our LO (due in July) with a cute icon next to it like a ladybug or dragonfly.
I'm new to your blog and love it!
Since we are a week out from gender news at our house, I would love to enter the giveaway and until we know boy or girl, Baby P it is :)
One similar to Baby B's, but interchanged with a P! I've posted a giveaway on our blog too! You should enter!
Once again, creative YOU are!! Too cute!
Love these too, Abby!!!!!! My neighbor behind me just had her baby girl TODAY AT 10:30 this morning!!!! I would LOVE to have her one that says "Baby Kate" I love the shades you did for Baby B's so maybe in a contrasting Light Pink/Dark Pink!! Super cute!!!
I would love one that says prince charming or his monogram...
The Babbling Baby onesie is ADORABLE. Love all the giveaways!
Would love a monogrammed onesie!
well you are way more creative than me! LOL!
great job mama!
I'd probably like princess and her nane!
I love the fat and sassy and the cupcake onesies! These are cute!
This would be so cute for my little boy...a monogrammed one would be awesome! He is wearing 12-18 month onsies, so I'm not sure if that is the size you are giving away...but if you are--initials JMG would be perfect! :)
Oh Abby... I just love your onesie designs they are darling. I think we really need to spend some time creating a business and marketing plan for you. What a talent you have.... If I had a grandbaby I would be putting in for lots of orders. Let's hope I have a few years for that event. You are an amazing woman... Love you Aunt Ann
oh my gosh you are so creative and of course we can be BFF's (Blog Friends Forever)!! I don't need a onesies now but one day down the road I may need to use your talents!! Keep up the good work!
those are darn cute! The Fat and Sassy is a cute one.. or see what you could create with my son's name Liam
I love them!! I would love one with Brody Luke on it... or his initals or anything for a little boy!!
How cute and creative! I would have to say that a onesie that says "bloggers love me" would be perfect....bloggers are such suckers for babies! I've really enjoyed sharing my pregnancy with my followers and they certainly let me know they love following the progress of my pregnancy!
I have to know how you did that!!! My cousin's shower is next weekend and what a cute present to give. Does being your bestest friend the whole world, help my odds??? Just Kidding!
You are so creative, Abz!!! I would love one of these. Walker is a tad too big for the 3-6 months, but I have many friends who are having babies. I love the night owl one:).
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