However, it's not working. I feel like blah. And Baby B is just getting over feeling like blah, so things are just very blah around here today.
Well, except my husband and FIL hung new shutters on our house (that've been sitting in our basement for the past year), and Baby B and I did manage to get in a Target trip (which I'll blog about later), and my parents are having us over for breakfast for dinner tonight. So maybe it's not been a blah weekend at all. Feeling blah-like just puts a damper on your attitude, I guess.
Here's sweet precious before his whole 103 degree fever bit - at the park with his Nana K...

Sister, I am sick too. Yuck and I mean YUCK!
That's no fun Abz! I hope you guys feel better soon! At least little B has all your immunities too! I've heard that lasts 6 months after you quit breastfeeding!
Stumbled upon your blog,while reading mommy2conner blog. What a cute, adorable family you have~! And, it's nice to connect with another mommy/teacher~! I am mommy to a two year old boy and also a high school English Teacher, in MA. Love your blog!!
I send you a bloggie bowl of chicken noodle soup :)
Hope you feel better this week!!
It looks like Baby B enjoys the park as much as Paise. I know I had to take a nap after I got home. You know I can be around sick people everyday at the hospital and never get sick. But if I get around one snotty nose little kid I get as sick as a dog. I catch everything that Maleah and Paise have!!!!
It looks like Baby B enjoys the park as much as Paise. I almost fell asleep on the floor when I took her. She was still running around going strong. I can be around all the sick people in the hospital and never get sick but if I get around a sick little kid I will be sick as a dog the next day. If you are like Heather you will have a sore throat all year!!
Ugggh...what a fun way to start the school year. Hope Baby B and B had mercy on you this past weekend and let you get some rest!
I wish I had a running buddy too :-(
I will be coming "home" within the next couple weeks and staying with the parentals while hubby is away on business. We should definitely get together!
BTW--my stroller is a Baby Trend Expedition LX Jogging Stroller. I purchased it at Babies R Us. There are a ton of jogging strollers out there but you have to really inspect them all for safety features. Some of the cheaper strollers I found were truly that--CHEAP. No complaints or problems thus far! Happy searching!
I love the Fall season (well, when it actually becomes Fall) but not the Fall virus fall out. Hope you feel better soon!
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