A couple weeks ago, I came across this super skanktacular picture of my hair at its dark rooted best. I am one who will put off a fresh highlight for months because I can't find a spare 3 hours in my schedule or 120 bucks laying around for the splurge. Thus, the last time I had my hair done was the end of May. Not good.
Things are tighter than tight around here, and the only option that kept coming to mind was a thrifty DIY project. But, the last time I tried to color my own hair, I wound up a lovely shade of blonde, also known as brassy orange. Super sexy.
Still, desperate times call for desperate measures. Since I have two upcoming weddings in the next month, I knew that I couldn't just tell the brides-to-be to just let me wear a hat or something to cover up my skankitude. So, I recruited my new found hairdressers (hi, mom! hi, yelly!) to don some plastic gloves, cut up some squares of Reynolds tin foil, and get to work. Yup, real, live tin foil from a roll. Because I'm sure that's what they use at the salon.
The main problem came to selecting the right box of color. So, mom and I scoured the aisles at Walmart and found what I hoped would be my new box of cheap hair love.
Insert Revlon Frost and Glow. I know frost, right?!

I actually highlighted in stages and the first one occurred at the Lakehouse. I failed to document it because my camera ran out of battery. But, you know I was wanting to photograph it for blog's sake because I totally was.
Since blondes are never as blonde as we think we are (right, blonde girls?!), I had to lighten more and peformed stage 2 with my mom last week at her house. I have to tell you, as I leaned over the kitchen sink scrubbing out color, I really missed the relaxing scalp massage that my stylist usually does while she shampoos my hair {by far my favorite part of getting my hair done}. But for a whopping $14, I'll forgo the massage...

The end product was pretty darn blonde. And my part was able to cover up a couple of too-blonde mistakes, so it will have to do. Hopefully until I get some Christmas cash :)

Do I have in at-home-hair-highlighters in my midst? If you're a blondie, I'd love to know what you use or if you're classy and use tin foil like me!
{PS. A couple of you recently asked how I add text to my photos - I use Picasa (by google) and simple use the add text feature when I edit my photos! It's a free download and my fonts are free from various online sources!}
it doesn't look too blonde at all :) just think of all the $$$ you saved!
it looks just as good as a professional would do! and i bet it felt so darn good to save money :)
I absolutely hate paying that much to get my highlighted too! I was on the $14 plan with my mom last summer until it turned out orange...now it's back to saving my cash and stretching out each appointment. Yours looks like it turned out great though!
So I think it looks great, seriously!! I know what you mean tho... since I have to keep up with my blonde and the last time I did a box it turned orange.. I have done my sisters a few time sand did a pretty good job...but I think yours turned out really good and I love the blonde blonde!! You look great anyway!!
Luckily my soon to be sil is a hairdresser and she hooks me up:)
I'm totally sold on this! i was always weary of doing it at home and I've seen some disasters on friends but your hair looks amazing! I avoid getting highlights for months as well because it really damages my hair, but maybe the blonde in a box won't have the same affect? What do you think??
I think it looks great! Hope you have a great rest of the week :)
oh my gosh, your hair looks great! you can't tell (from the photo anyway) that it isn't a $120 salon job! And may I say that I actually give you "props" for going the frost and glow route? So often I see girls with YELLOW hair that I'm like...she needs a lil frost in her life, hehe :)
You do great work, that looks amazing. Never have the courage to do it myself but no money to have it done. This leaves this blond with my aging, greying, dark hair that I hate!
May have to take the plunge and try the DIY method!!
You're hair looks GREAT! Girl, I started using boxes years ago (Natural Instincts #20) ...and it's saved me thousands I'm sure.
As a former blonde-o-rexic (sp?), I used to use a cap to save money but still be as blonde as could be. My mother, who also suffers from the same condition, would pull my hair through the holes with this little tool. It is super cheap to find the caps and the silver tool thing. The nice thing about it is that it will be really even and its easier to manage the time on your head. I also worked at a hair salon and yes, it was pretty much Reynolds tin foil! Your hair looks great, nice job!!!
I'm with you! I can't stand having to go get my hair done, and unfortunately my hair grows so incredibly fast, it's a PAIN! I think it looks good though. Not too blonde at all!
It seriously looks great! You can't even tell if it's from a box!
I agree...seriously looks amazing! I too stretch my highlights way out, then feel like a new girl when I get my blonde back. But my heart started beating faster when I thought of doing it myself - yikes!! I'm a little too accident prone...and yet - you really pulled it off! Thanks for the product tip! (in case I get brave:)
Too funny! You go girl! I used to do my own highlights, but I found a beauty school that would pamper me for a total of 37 dollars. That made it worth it for me :)
I used Loreal to do my high lights back in the day.
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