Today's post will be another addition to Beck's glorified babybook, so bear with the picture overload....
It was so nice to wake up at 7am this morning, and have an entire hour to prepare myself for the morning. I'd already forgotten how much I miss my summer schedule. Once I was a cup of caffeine deep, B woke up and it wasn't long before Becks was up too. B and I went upstairs together, me with camera in hand (of course) and I snapped this picture the moment I opened the door. I don't know if he was excited to see us or excited about school or what, but this was the expression we were greeted with when the door opened...

He requested oatmeal for breakfast, but kept a stoic expression through his morning nosh.

Then, by the time we were ready to leave, it was meltdown mode. And his new shoes were still a smidge big, so we went back to the oldies but goodies for the day.
I don't wanna go to schoooool! he wailed while I tried to get him to pose for picture.

But, we made it there in one piece and the stoic expression returned as he tried to figure out what was going on.

And a nice passer-by offered to snap a family picture. So, of course, I obliged.

Then, Becks tried to escape to the playground. And that little stink actually opened that gate.

Upon entering the building, we located this his name on a bulletin board...

Found the gym...

And finally made it to his room, where playdoh and toys awaited...

He wore a froggy nametag around his neck...

And when it was time for us parents to leave, I stole one last glance in the door to find this... boy wearing a ladybug hat. Backwards. Just like always :)
B and I went to parent orientation and when we returned an hour later, he was sitting at a table eating animal crackers with his new friends. Come in here, mommy! he said when he saw us standing at the door.
We finally made our way out, and he looked every bit the big boy that I try to deny. Every bit of his babyness is falling by the wayside...

Before we left, he played on the playground...

And then we convinced him that First Watch would be a much better place for lunch than McDonalds. {At least for me and B!}

He, of course, had bacon. And was happy as a clam
Happy First First Day of School, Beckham!
love first watch breakfast. He looked so cute on his first day of school
He is seriously one of the cutest kids I've ever seen! I'm glad he had a great first day of school :)
Glad he (and you guys) had a good first day of school! So cute :) Glad he ended up having fun!
You must be SO GLAD you decided not to miss out! LOVE the picture documentation :) Glad it went so well :) The picture of him crying before you left the house is PRICELESS :) I imagine he'll have that sentiment about the "first day of school" more often when he hits middle school! Happy (almost) weekend!
I am convinced that you have the cutest and most photogenic big boy I have ever seen! The stoic breakfast look was hilarious!
I love how you are documenting his milestones, too, because one day he will get to look back on all of the wonderful memories...and you can also hang onto them to embarrass him silly when he starts to date! :)
So glad that his first day went so well! Here's to many more! :)
Such sweet pictures!
LOVE! Awesome documentation Abby! And cute 1st day of school outfits for both of you!
This post made me cry. Just thought you should know.
I am glad it was a good day and that you got to be there.
This post is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad his first day went well.
This is like the cutest post ever! So glad to hear that the little guy had a good first day! :)
Love that little grin!
Precious memories! Glad you were able to be there for that BIG day! =)
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