Whew. It was a busy weekend at the M household. On Saturday morning, Baby B and I woke up to sNoW! B pulled an all-nighter studying for an exam, so he was awake making coffee when we rolled out of bed. 

Though I didn't get the snow day I've been praying for, the fluffy white stuff did set an excellent ambience for decorating this weekend. It always feels so cozy inside when you look out the window and see snow blowing around outside.

After B returned from his exam, Baby B and I took off for my parents' where we helped decorate the tree. All was lovely and the tradition was complete with a kind word or two exchanged over the handmade ornament creation.

Naturally, Baby B was dressed like the darling little Christmas elf that he is. Precious, precious boy. 

Upon returning from the K's, Baby B went down for a nap and B and I tested our marriage while assembling the artificial Christmas tree. I am not kidding. We both had to take a moment (or six) when we couldn't figure out how to put the doggone base together. Forty-five minutes later (also not kidding), the base was together and B morphed into Obi Wan Christmas-obee.

Baby B woke just in time to help us decorate. He had a great time bouncing around in the man pouch and handling every ornament he could get his fat little hands on. 
This is him after the shopping excursion. A baked sweet potato.

We ended our Saturday, munching on Moe's burritos, picking out Christmas gifts for our nieces, and playing endless games of tennis and bowling on the Wii we borrowed from B's little brother. I CANNOT MOVE MY RIGHT ARM. The Wii is this crazy, addictive game that works arm muscles you never knew existed. I can barely lift Baby B's carseat today. And you seriously do get a workout.
This is my sweet potato before the shopping excursion.

Anyway, it was a lovely little weekend.
Next weekend: Mee-chigan!

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