So much is going on around the Babbling Household it's insane. I just downloaded 127 pictures taken since the weekend if that gives you any idea of the
Like, for instance, we had an impromptu cookout with my sisters on Friday night. Totally spur of the moment and totally wonderful. No pressure, just burgers on the grill, Kraft mac-n-cheese, corn on the cob, and ice cream with sprinkles for dessert. The only probably is that we don't have an ideal spot for such a get-together. We're deck-less, and our backyard is occupied by a rather large breed of mutt who tends to poop everywhere. Even on the driveway (grrrrr). We could've eaten inside, but it was a gorgeous night and the indoors would have really detracted from the summer ambiance we were going for - except, I guess, we really weren't going ambiance as much as we were going for a place where everyone could eat together and not be spread uncomfortably across two rooms. Our house is perfect for us, but not so much for entertaining.
Following dinner, Soph and Baby B took a baby pool bubble bath and it was simply wonderful. Both kiddos enjoyed it and I took about a bazillion pictures of them. Mainly for blackmail purposes when they're about eighteen. Or perhaps for their wedding slide shows ;)

On Saturday morning there was a huge flea market hosted by the local Catholic diocese, so Chels and I spent an hour or so browsing junk. It was great fun, and we both came home with several treasures, spending less than $4 a piece. Can't beat it. Baby B and I then hit up some of my fav thrift stores, where I scored a new-to-us Fisher Price Rock, Ride, and Roll for - drumroll, please - SIX DOLLARS! I was so excited, I about peed my pants right there in the middle of the Goodwill checkout line. Everything in the store was 50% off.
Once Upon a Child is a great used children's clothing store in our area, and I hit them up seasonally to stock Baby B's wardrobe with a variety of baby wardrobe staples. The yellow pants were brand new from Old Navy, and are so stinkin' cute that I just had to take a pic of him in them. I had to roll the waist down because I actually bought them for fall, but couldn't stand to wait to put them on him. Plus, it was a chilly, rainy day here that I thought totally warranted fuzzy jammy pants to be worn all day. He wore them right up until his daddy let him play/splash/fall into a mud puddle while he was grilling our dinner. To further signify him as the world's funnest dad, they spent a moment together in the ginormous Caterpillar parked directly in front of our house. Are they not the cutest?
Since I have another kindergarten in-service tomorrow, I've gotsta be peacin' out yo. (Please see picture below and do not judge my fly-away hair do(n't) or my stellar(en't) outfit. Ahem.)
PS. Best wishes to two fellow blog mommies who are due with Hudson and Caleb any time - as a matter of fact, both could already be born! Good luck Sarah & Natalie!
When I saw that win you got on the Rock, Ride, and Roll I was thinking you are my thrift store hero! But then I kept reading and realized that we have more in common then just cute babies! I also do most of my kiddo shopping at the Once Upon A Child here in Austin. Not because I have to but because it just makes sense. Great stuff, great prices!! I'm really proud of the fact that my daughter doesn't have a single piece of clothing that cost over 8 dollars. So instead I will just say we are both heros with really great taste and the smarts to go with it! Now I just need to keep searching to find something like the Rock and Roll!
Thank you Abby for the mention. Caleb has arrived and he is perfect!!
I feel you on the small house situation. Wait till you see pix from this coming Sunday. Its Chars baby dedication and its gonna be a zoo in our mini-house
I love the picture of Baby B in the pool of bubbles. Too cute. We too have a once upon a child. It's an hour drive for me but I usually make that drive 4 times a year to get clothes for the 5 kiddos. I love that store. I also hit the many thrift stores around it which makes the trip worth it.
Take Care!
Don't worry in when my parents lived in a townhouse for a few years we used to sun bathe on the driveway, out front for all the neighbors to see, haha!
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