While playing outside with Becks today, it occurred to me that I don't get to kiss him now near as much as I did two weeks ago or get to greet his fuzzy little bed head in the morning followed by a lazy snuggle. I miss my boy. An awful lot. It's just not the same getting to see him only {gulp} four hours a day. Typing that hurts. Four precious hours. That's all I get. Tears well up in my eyes just thinking about it, so I try not to think about it too often. But it's constantly in my mind. How can I not think about someone as cute and charming as he?

The picture quality is awful, but I'll take what I can get!
what a sweet little guy! and i am almost positive that those four hours are equally as precious to him, to get to spend time with his wonderful mama :)
Very Cute!
I'm sure you make more of your 4 hours with Becks than a lot of mommys do in their entire day with their children. Remember Abs...it's quality NOT quantity. You're doing a great thing by working so hard to provide for that fuzzy haired ball of adorable-ness :)
He is SO adorable! And kudos to you for not only raising such a wonderful boy, but also giving your time to the school system to educate other people's children! Yay teachers!
Aw, he is so cute. Love his madras and poll outfit :) I'm sure he loves every minute with you.
diggin the shades lil dude
What a funny little prepster he is!
Oh,I so can relate to how you feel!! But remember you are doing a great job! Becks is a happy, well-adjusted, loving child. You and your hubs are doing AWESOME! It's okay to miss Becks...just don't beat yourself up! :)
I'm glad I got to witness this cute lil photo shoot. Becks is so cute!
Ahhh look at his little outfit! He is such a cutie!
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