Baby B did well on the car ride, crying only when hungry. I had to nurse publically TWICE during our trip. Once at Cracker Barrell (as always, what's a trip without Cracker Barrell?) and once in the parking lot of McDonalds. I was going to nurse inside, but B thought there were too many creepy looking men, so I opted for the backseat of the Jetta. Let me tell you right now, I do not recommend nursing in the backseat of a Jetta. Backseat of Jetta + installed carseat = no room. Baby B was practically eating standing up. He kept looking up at me as if to say, "Why are we doing this?" 

Big B did well on the car ride also, driving all the way through. He's snoozling on the couch right now, and he probably won't wake up until bedtime. I should be writing lesson plans, but Baby B is sleeping too and I'm all in to procrastination right now.
It's hard to get anything done when you return from a trip. Especially a weekend trip where you fail to accomplish your normal weekend-ish activities since you're not at home. It's like I want to restart the weekend so I can be lazy around the house for another 24 hours before I have to get anything done. But, alas, tomorrow is Monday. That does mean I am one day closer to Christmas Break though - the break of all breaks for us teachers (besides summer break of course).
Oh, yeah B picked ud1010, you win the coupons! Leave a comment with your email address and I'll email you so I can get your address. If I haven't heard from you in 24 hours, we'll choose another! Thanks!
Abby, I love your blog!! I am a fellow UK alumni & sorority girl. You inspired me to start my own blog, I hope you enjoy mine as much as I enjoy yours. Happy Holidays.
P.S. Your baby is adorable!
I came upon your blog while "Googling" for Enfamil coupons (Ha!). Anyways, now I am hook to your blogs. My email address is urukhai1010@yahoo.com
Abby, I was an AOII, I was president from 2003-2004. Keep up the great blogging:) Nice to meet you.
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