Ugh. Baby B passed his germies my way. My head is stuffed up. My ears are stuffed up. My nose is stuffed up. This is not how one is supposed to spend Spring Break. I blame it all on the weather. Seventy degree weather down to thirty degree weather is an ill-fated combination. Literally.
I'm not sure about my agenda for the week. One of my main goals was to have cleaned the house and catch up on the laundry by Saturday. Which I did. Check.
I now need to deconstruct the playroom in preparation for our guestroom/office that I'm super excited about. Details to come. Clue: it involves IKEA. Get pumped.
I also need to do some lesson plans. Gag. If there was some way that I could avoid this, I so would. Perhaps, telepathically, my ideas will materialize into a Word document and will also check out any necessary trade books without me having to scour websites and wrack my brain for something ingenuitve. But, on the upside, I only have to write lesson plans EIGHT more times. Yup. That's it people. EIGHT MORE WEEKS UNTIL SUMMER VACATION. (Insert some girlish squeeling followed by skipping and twirling around in flip flops and tank tops here.)
I don't really think I was able to take full advantage of summer last year because I was warehousing a child. My temporary swollen state made it difficult to be outside for longer than ten minutes at a time unless I was shaded by a massive umbrella, while B alternately fanned me with fern fronds and spritzed me with water every .2 seconds. Kidding. But seriously, half of summer was spent waiting for Baby B and the second half was spent acquainting myself with his Royal Cuteness. Now that I know him better (i.e. loves wagon rides, sharing popsicles, and eating dirt/leaves/grass), I think summer will be full of our exciting adventures sidewalk chalking the driveway, visiting our local parks, and chasing after the icecream man. I can hardly wait.
In the mean time, I will pray and pray and pray that the weather will return to its more pleasant, warmer self. Enough so that I can open the windows, permanently shut off the furance, and stroll around our neighborhood with Baby B in tow. Sunshine would be nice too. Lots of it.
PS. Aubs is coming home from FL tomorrow and I am soooo excited. Don't you for a second think I am not going to meet her flight at the airport at 11pm tomorrow night, glittery welcome-home sign in hand!

And, because I have no other picture to tag with this post, here is a random one from THREE years ago (March 2006) of me, my sisters and my cousins from one of my bridal showers. Whoa, blonde hair!
aw I hate you got sick!!! Hope you feel better soon!!
So, that spring break thing goes by way to quickly!!! Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon and you can enjoy every minute!! Love the pic- it seems so long ago. My, how our lives have changed. Add a few husbands and babies and wow, how our family grows!!!
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