I was not one of those women who basked in her pregnant glow, walking on burpcloth clouds and pastel colored rainbows. Instead, my body featured an abominable 60 pound weight gain, acne similar to that of teenager, limp and mousy hair, and ankles that swelled to size of summer sausages. Hickory Farms had nothing on those whoppers. It didn't help that June was unusually hot either. We had several days straight that topped out in the 90s. It was all I could do to stretch a bathing suit over my expanding middle and wade off into my inlaws pool to take the weight off of my feet for 15 minutes.
I seriously couldn't wait to be un-pregnant. Now, don't get me wrong, being pregnant yielded the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just didn't enjoy the way I felt or looked during the 9 months of incubation.
I think I had the preconceived notion that because I was tall and thin in real life, I would be a tall, thin pregnant woman (i.e. Heidi Klum) sporting all my baby weight in a compact little bump in the front. This, however, was not the case. Instead, that weight spread generously across my face, arms, legs, and butt. Admittedly, a tear (or a hundred) was shed as the image in the mirror reflected Abby a la Air Hose. I couldn't STAND it.
The good news is that a baby and a new job have done an excellent job of ridding me of excess baby weight. Thank goodness gracious. Oh, and I have this ridiculously cute child that I would totally sacrifice another 60 lbs for if I had to. Totally, 100% worth it.

you were such a CUTE prego!!
I just did my registry on Saturday and after 4+ hours in Babies R Us, my feet were looking much like summer sausages :(
I can only imagine what they'll look like in 4 months...eek.
I feel ya. I didn't like pregnancy at the end either. Our pregnancy's sound very much alike..huge swollen legs and all. I am also tall (5'11") and was hoping to carry well, but that did not happen for me either. I am hoping to continue breastfeeding, but I go back to work on March 30th and don't know when I will find the time to pump at school. Hope I can work it out!
You are beautiful, Abby, and you could not be anything less if you tried. Seriously. You do look fabulous post-baby. I seriously had moments at the end when I felt like I would explode. Puts "fat days" into perspective:). Haha.
Abby, I think you are gorgeous first off, but I know how you felt! I seriously feel like I'm a teenager again with all these zits! I feel like everything on me has spread out. My nose, entire face, definitely the BUTT! I hope that I will look as great as you after Kennedy gets here!
Girlfriend, you are beautiful and totally photogenic! I'm sure you passed that on to your little booger! I'm not one of those floating on cloud 9 pregos either...I am so excited to have this baby but I am also excited to start shedding skin to get back to my pre-pregnancy body. Its going to take a lot of work and exercise...but I know I can get there next year...
I'm just the opposite...I had an amazing pregnancy. Gained 28 pounds. Felt great. Skin was great. My hair grew. It's the post baby body I am struggling with. I still haven't lost the last 10 pounds. Ugh!
You have always been beautiful inside and out! I only wish I looked so good after each of my pregnancies. But I understand the image thing, so many people (i.e. husbands) don't understand the trauma we go through seeing our bodies change from the cute, perfect body we started with to something resembling a beached whale. Remember you still look great!
Abby you looked gorgeous pregnant. I think we are all harder on ourselves than we need to be. I put on a swimsuit and stood in front of my husband, almost in tears. We should be thankful for God's blessing in our bellies! Heidi Klum is sooooo overrated! You are beautiful!
Hey there! I think you and I share a similar story. I wrote about it too.
I gained 70 freakin' pounds!!!!!! I looked like a giant version of me in a big water bubble.
You were a beautiful pregnant lady. I know you didn't feel it at the time but you can help but see that glow!
Last thought. Did you catch all the controversy that came from that Momversation? Apparently that comment that Mindy said about being a girl before you give birth was taken way, way, way out of context by the non-moms. She was burned in effigy on many sites because they felt she was saying that non-moms weren't women because they haven't given birth. She even sent out an apology stating that she was shortening a version of a conversation she had with a 7 year old but they edited out that part of the story. Even after the apology people where still lighting torches! I'm glad you didn't see it like that and saw what the topic was about. I know when I was watching it I was thinking only about cellulite.
Anyhoo, thought you'd be interested in what happened since you chose to write about this topic like I did.
so I had totally missed this post and just saw it...lol but you were beautiful pregnant but I know exactly how you felt!!! I gained 60 lbs too!!! How long did it take for you to lose it?m I have lost about 42lbs so far.....
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