Nothing says too busy for baking than a dinner of one slice of cold pizza, a half-eaten box of take-out Chinese, and a big doughy piece of Hawaiian bread {which was, by the way, the best part of the meal} - and, most of which, I shared with Beckham. I haven't taken your advice and broken out the old crockpot yet, though I do intend to, but I honestly haven't had the time to scroll through your recipes and blogs to locate ones that we would eat and that I have food for in the house. Plus, B just rearranged his schedule tonight to accommodate an evening class, so he's picked me up from school, we went to get Becks from his Nana's, and then he was out the door again for a three hour business class.
Did you catch the part where I said that B picked me up from school? Oh, yeah, that's because his car is D-E-A-D, dead. And that is just what we need right now. I went to start it this morning and I got nothing. Not even a light came on. And we replaced the battery in February of this year. So over that car (see this post #6.) Naturally, the car that is now dead is also the car that we paid off in January. The car that needed to be around for, well, a long time. I'm not sure what we're going to do. Play the lottery, maybe?
And, for posterity’s sake, here’s a pic of Beck taken yesterday, compared with a picture beneath of him taken exactly a year before on the same date. What can I say, he’s a man of many hats…

Sorry to hear about the car! That's no fun :(
But Beck sure does look SO very cute in that first picture!
sweet little baby! hang in there girl. whenever my monday's suck, i just think that the rest of the week will get better! :) hang in there!!
That dinner sounds pretty good actually! :) Sorry about the car and I hope it all works out. It always does!
I'm jealous. My child will not wear hats. Hmmmmppphhh. Love ya.
Looks like you had just told Becks the bad news about the car in that first pick...hehe :) I can't believe how much he's grown in a year! Hang in there Babbling Family...
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your car during this very busy time! Hang in there!
Oh ma, that sucks! Hopefully it's back to normal soon without costing too much or taking too long!
I love this child!
He is too cute in that outfit!
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