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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Answered prayers

Rules of a Snow Day

1) Sleep in. Don't wake up until 9am when you're awaken by your darling baby, formerly sleeping next to you, who is now babbling about how he needs to eat. Now. Before he pulls out all of your hair.

2) Stay in your pajamas and fuzzy socks as long as possible. Don't fix your hair or put on makeup unless you have to. Same applies for darling baby. I wish my pjs had footies.

3) Watch Ellen, eat warm oatmeal, and drink lots and lots of delicious coffee since you have unlimited potty breaks. Unlike when you're at school and have, um, ZERO opportunities to use the restroom.

4) Catch up on the latest Blockbusters that you've rented from Netflix (thanks to your inlaws), while baby is napping. Or take a long shower despite what #2 says. When was the last time you didn't rush through a shower?

5) Try really hard to not do laundry or clean.

6) Void #5 after husband reads this and scolds you for spending your unscheduled day off doing absolutely nothing.

7) Bake something fun that makes you feel accomplished since you're really not doing much else today. I recommend homemade chocolate chip cookies that you can eat with your third, fourth, and fifth cup of coffee sometime after noon.

8) Okay, at least unload the dishwasher. It's either that or wash all current dirty dishes by hand which is completely unnecessary and time-wasting when modern technology is available to you.

9) Catch up on blog stalking since you never have time to read what's happening in complete strangers' lives. Oh wait, you always find time to do this. Scratch that and change it to something boring and necessary like pay bills. Add this to your list of daily accomplishments so you can convince your husband that you had a really productive day.

10) Interview your baby. Oh, and thank God for finally granting your county with a snow day :)


Sharon said...

Love seeing the short movies of Baby B....he is precious!..send more!! You both enjoy your free day! Sharon

Sugar and Spice said...

Snow Day! We live for those! Of course in NC we rarely get any. Hope you enjoyed your "free" day!

GuppyArt2 said...

You know you've had a great day if you've emptied the dishwasher twice.