Previously, at nine months pregnant, I was sunning in a Lilly Pulitzer mu-mu-ish one piece. (Don't be fooled - I bought it for $16 off of eBay.) Not exactly attractive, but enough so that I could tolerate myself in the expectant weeks before my sweet precious made his arrival. I may have resembled an awkwardly clothed walrus, but at least I could be tan at delivery!
Anyway, the Lilly has since been shoved in a box with various maternity clothes that I don't hope to see again for a loooooong time (or maybe it's in a pile on the floor of the basement, whatever). Needless to say, I really don't want to be wearing it this weekend while hottubbin' with my girlfriends at the Lakehouse, nor do I want to don a bikini from the Before Baby era. Yet.
So, either I need to schedule liposuction for tomorrow or I need to accept the fact that nursing may encourage weight loss, but it certainly doesn't tone your abs, and surrender myself to a tasteful tankini in the meantime. With that said, I did buy two suits from T.J. Maxx last night, both which will be returned as soon as Baby B wakes up from his nap. So. Not. Cute.
Maybe I can just towel up, run real quick to the hot tub and get in before anyone sees me???? Lucky for me, I'll be at the Lakehouse with my best girls and they probably care less about what I look like.
Oh, and the Lakehouse trip? Yes, I'm leaving Baby B with B for, like, 36 hours or something. But that, my friends, is a whole 'nother post.
PS. I think that my post-baby body is TOTALLY worth my sweet precious...and a couple hundred extra crunches. 
Baby B always looks so happy! So cute! We are still waiting on a bed at the hospital. They want us to call back at 8:00 tonight! Hopefully Emma will get to come some time tomorrow!
Abby I am soooo excited to hear from you! Baby B is so incredibly handsome and I'm sure you and Brandon are having a wonderful time watching him grow. Thanks for your sweet posts. And--go out and have FUN with your girlfriends! You look fantastic! Love, Suz
You look amazing, Abz. I can completely relate with the whole toning up thing. I feel like my muscles are hiding underneath layers of skin (we'll call it skin for arguments sake:) Your posts always make me laugh. Seriously. Love ya.
Giiiiiiirrrrrrrrrlllll you know we don't care what you look like. I, myself, am not looking as good as I used to either and I have absolutely NO EXCUSE. See you in a few hours :)
He is such a cutie! And YOU are gorgeous!
Abby! You look great. I am planning on a trip one month after Kennedy is born to the beach with my family! AHHH I'm going to look so gross. I know being a mommy to a precious little one will be totally worth it tho! I hope that you and Baby B feel better!
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