Well, I really wanted to title this post
Behold the Wrath of the Prunes, but I opted for the reader friendly
Snow Day #2 instead. The first title, while much catchier, describes how, um, well I'll just leave it up to your imagination. And, yes, it does involve
babyfood of the prune persuasion and multiple diaper changes.
Baby B is sporting an aptly named
onesie today that he got from his Aunt Katie - who,
btw, will be doing her dental residency at Children's Hospital in Cincinnati! This is great news, and I'm so excited I'll have a fellow [almost] married friend in the
tristate area. Speaking of pediatric dentistry, see if you can spot that lone tooth in the pic below. Its buddy is trying to pop up through too.

As the real blog title suggests, I'm off school today for Snow Day
Numero Dos. Which is perfectly fine with me since it gives me bonus time to spend with my sweet precious. Love him. I also watched
Sydney White (a cute, cliched sorority flick), completed loads of laundry (you should be proud), and indulged in some cheap thrills (i.e. coupon clipping). I'd say it's been a productive day.

Also, anytime I blog about impending snow storms
cough, cough they never happen. So I will not say anything about the weather
predictions for the next 48 hours. Not another word.
Stay safe fellow KYers!
Thank you for your sweet comment about being a teacher, and I'm happy to hear you were in the same boat as me! I know I'll be so much happier! I'm looking into a few programs now so hopefully something will work out!
P.S.- Baby B is just way too cute!!
Happy snow day Abby! Sounds like there may be a few additional **cough cough** snow days ahead for you to spend more time with Baby B. I love the picture of Brandon with Baby B. in the snow. Be safe if you go anywhere. Love and miss you!
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