A: Becks still does a lot of babbling, most of which is only understood by those closest to him. He's not great at enunciating yet, though definitely has a word for many things. Only recently has he started stringing a couple words together at a time (i.e. "Daddy car" when he sees B's car or "Brrr Cold" when we walk outside).
The best way, in my experience as a mom and teacher, for kiddos to learn to speak is to talk to them often during your daily activities, even if it's mundane (i.e. "Mommy would really like to go to the potty in privacy. Thanks!"), sing, and read.
We read often, and he enjoys the repetition of his favorite books - currently LuLu, Click Clack Moo, and Goodnight Moon. He also enjoys watching a Sesame Street sing-along and is captivated by many of the songs and characters. We usually watch it once a day!
At his 18-month check-up, the milestone for talking is around 7-8 words I think, so I wouldn't fret about Mister Ryder. It sounds like he is communicative, so that's important! Since I am in NO WAY a speech-language pathologist, you might be better off directing your questions to Gina or Jillian - both bloggin' mamas in this field :D {Hope you don't mind the referral, girls!}
Q: Sarah aks, Team Jacob or Team Edward?
A: 257 pages through Eclipse and I am still all for Team Edward. Real men sparkle, right?!
Q: Duet Diva wants to know, What is your favorite college memory (besides dead week in the Pi house)? AND what is your favorite meal to make for your family?
A: There are several that come to mind, and here are the most prominent: posing reindeer in risque positions on the roof, laying out on the front lawn, attacking everyone's whiteboards with words of wisdom from the *p* bandit, Mamalee's mad decorating skills with lace and doilies, Monday night violets, and playing flying squirrel between Allison's bunkbed and my own. I could go on for ages.
My favorite meal to fix for my boys is Mashed Potato Pizza.
1 Boboli pizza crust
1 batch of homemade mashed potatoes
6-8oz shredded cheddar cheese
Cooked, crumbled bacon (I usually use 8-10 slices)
Cherry tomatoes, sour cream, chivesDirections: Preheat oven according to directions on pizza crust. Prepare mashed potatoes. Slather mashed potatoes to thick atop pizza crust. Top with bacon and shredded cheddar. Bake according to pizza crust directions. Top pizza with chives, sour cream, and sliced cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!
Q: Lea Liz asks, Where are your favorite places to shop for yourself and for lil Beckham!!
A: Beckham's clothes either come from Target, Walmart, Children's Place (sale), or Once Upon a Child (thrift). While I adore cute, little Ralph Lauren button-downs, I absolutely refuse to pay anywhere close to full-price for them. The one Becks wore on Christmas, pictured below, was $5.50 at Once Upon a Child and was in perfect condition. I can't justify spending too much on kids clothes when it's pretty much a race to see whether he will stain or outgrow it first!

Oh how i missed the anamatronic reindeer this year. Nothing like it!
I would like to know what "dead week in the Pi house" is :)
Cindy - dead week is the week before finals when everything on campus is supposed to be "dead." We lived at the Alpha Delta Pi house and had lots of fun studying for finals, pigging out on food bought by Mamalee (our housemom), and doing crazy things til all hours of the morning when we'd studied til our brain's hurt!
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